von BK-Christian | 05.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dark Age

Dark Age: Neuheiten im Februar

Für Dark Age gibt es diesen Monat gleich mehrere Neuheiten.

DA Dark Age L1ghtbr1nger

C.O.R.E. L1ghtbr1nger (1) – $24.99

In the decade or so since the CORE AI was reawakened, it has been writing its own code to fill in the gaps left by the original programmers. As the CORE forces have encountered various factions across Samaria, they have reacted and the central AI has learned. Intrigued by the tenacity of humanity, the CORE AI has been “interviewing” captured Forsaken soldiers for years. Menial Bots have been scavenging battlefields for parts of the amazing Archangel suits, and the AI has been writing code that has led to a new kind of robot. The L1ghtbr1nger now stands at the forefront of the CORE forces, ready to use the “faith” of humans against them.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature
  • The L1ghtbr1nger would be a feature model in a CORE warband.
  • The L1ghtbr1nger is the dark mirror image of the Forsaken Archangels. This brazenly terrifying robot is designed to shake the faith of humanity. It will be found in the front lines, delivering Panic counters left and right, cutting enemies down with its laser gaze, and generally breaking through defenses. The L1ghtbr1nger will be best supported by models that can capitalize on the discord it sows.
  • The L1ghtbr1nger is the model based on the plans of Aaron Bohm, winner of the 2015 Immortals Tournament.

Blister pack contains: one (1) C.O.R.E. L1ghtbr1nger model, one (1) 40mm base, and one (1) Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Core RaPtr-7s

C.O.R.E. RaPtr-7s (2) – $16.99

The CORE AI, through pict-feeds from its minions, has observed the Salt Flat Nomads in battle, and recognized that the pack-tactics that their herders encourage in the beasts they drive into war are worth experimenting with. The RaPtr-7s have been designed to look like fearsome lizards of Ancient Terra and to mimic the pack approach of the vrocks of Samaria. Time will tell if these robotic beasts will measure up.

  • Highly detailed resin miniatures.
  • The RaPtr-7s are speedy melee troops for a CORE warband.
  • The RaPtr-7s are best used in packs of 2-4 models. Their Program boosts their Movement by 1 and their Superior Gang-up and Immobilize abilities mean the can take down larger, higher point value models with relative ease while operating together.

Blister pack contains: two (2) C.O.R.E. RaPtr-7 models, two (2) 40mm bases, and one (1) Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Core Spartan Menial

C.O.R.E. Spartan Menials (2) – $14.99

Initially, the CORE had very little need for ranged units. The initial directives for the terra-forming robots were to collect, repurpose, and build. As the CORE forces encountered more and more diverse enemies they have realized that there are times when it is more tactically sound to bring down larger opponents through sustained ranged fire. With the Menial chassis the most numerous and easy to repurpose, it was a simple decision to refit a number of them with short-ranged guns.

  • Highly detailed resin miniatures.
  • These models would be considered low-level ranged troopers in a CORE warband.
  • The Spartan Menials are best used as a “swarm” against mid-level opponents by swamping them with Aimed ranged attacks. Support them with a Controller model (a Ghost is perfect) to get the most out of their Program ability.

Blister pack contains: two (2) C.O.R.E. Spartan Menial models, two (2) 30mm bases, and one (1) Dark Age unit card.

DA Drk Age Core Titan Menial

C.O.R.E. Titan Menial (1) – $19.99

The Titan Menial was designed as the “big brother” to the Menial Bots. While their directives are to tear down, collect, and repurpose, the Titan Menial is there to help speed up the tear down section of that process. An enormously deadly wrecking ball is ready to punish enemies of the CORE, and the saw claw is also ready to cut the corpses into manageable chunks.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature.
  • The Titan Menial models would be a mid-level trooper in a CORE warband.
  • The Titan Menial would be best placed alongside a few Menial Bots. Its wrecking ball has Brutal and Knockdown, and when boosted by it’s program, has Arc and Finishing Blow. Once it wades in against a mid-level opponent (or a group of smaller foes) it can cause quite a bit of damage. You can then use the Menial Bots to mop up afterwards.

Blister pack contains: one (1) C.O.R.E. Titan Menial model, one (1) 40mm base, and one (1) Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Shadow Caste Keeper

Shadow Caste Keeper (1) – $16.99

Of the many “military” roles in the Shadow Caste, the role of Keeper is one of the most prestigious. The Keepers are those elite, female Trueborn who both guard and provide for the Huntress. When not on the battlefield, the Keepers spend their time tracking down food and dragging it back to their lair.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature – this brand new model brilliantly represents the speed and lethality the female Shadow Caste exude.
  • This Keeper would be an elite model in a Dragyri Shadow Caste warband, and could also be fielded in a warband from another elemental caste.
  • The Keeper is wonderful for pulling enemy models around the battlefield (using her Psychogenic ability) and bringing them within range of her arcing hook-chain, which can then cause Panic. Running alongside another Trueborn, the Keeper can cause a lot of trouble for mid- and low-level troops in enemy forces.

Blister pack contains: one (1) Shadow Caste Keeper, one (1) 40mm base, and one Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Shadow Caste Naedrae

Shadow Caste Naedrae (1) – $16.99

The Naedrae are the Shadow Caste’s public assassination squad, Emotionless, unbound by false conceptions of morality and honor, unquestionably loyal to the Arbiter of Chaos, Naedrae are quite possibly the most fearsome assassins beneath Samaria. Eschewing ritualized combat, they go straight for their opponent’s most vulnerable point. Their killings are public and quite messy, and they have rarely failed to carry out an assignment.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature – this brand new model brilliantly represents the speed and lethality the female Shadow Caste exude.
  • This Naedrae would be line troper in a Dragyri Shadow Caste warband, and could also be fielded in a warband from another elemental caste.
  • The Naedrae are best used as a missile. Point them at the model or group that you want to see dead and let them go. Their attacks not only cause Panic, but if you kill an opponent with them, you can place your Naedrae somewhere else within 6”!

Blister pack contains: one (1) Shadow Caste Naedrae, one (1) 40mm base, and one Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Shadow Caste Strega

Shadow Caste Strega (1) – $16.99

Over countless centuries, the Umbra – strange beings of a shadowy essence from the void between galaxies – have been hidden beneath the sands of Samaria, and they continue to grow as they feed. In order to keep these shape-shifting beings in check, the Arbiter of Chaos has created a cadre of Focus-wielders to track down and dispatch those Umbra out in the wilds of Samaria, as well as ensuring the Umbra beneath the sands remain there. The trials involved in becoming a Strega are incredibly arduous, with many aspirants dying before they can take up the mantle. No more than thirteen Strega stalk the world, searching for renegade Umbra.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature – this brand new model brilliantly represents the speed and lethality the female Shadow Caste exude.
  • This Strega would be an elite model in a Dragyri Shadow Caste warband, and could also be fielded in a warband from another elemental caste.
  • The Strega are solid fighters in their own right, but they also bring important abilities like their Smoke Bomb and Psychogenics to the table. The Strega, therefore, are best used to bolster your line troops by disrupting your opponent with Immobilize or Paralyzed counters, and providing cover for your troops against ranged attacks.

Blister pack contains: one (1) Shadow Caste Strega, one (1) 40mm base, and one Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark Age Shadow Caste Raaf

Shadow Caste Raaf (1) – $16.99

The most numerous of Trueborn troops in the service of the Shadow Caste are the Raafs. While the Raafs do not possess the physique of the elite Haviks, they share the desire to cleave skulls in battle. As frontine troops, they often find themselves fighting alongside Death’s Devices, and have developed a remarkable syngery with them. Tensions between Raafs and Haviks, however, continue to grow.

  • Highly detailed resin miniature – this brand new model brilliantly represents the speed and lethality the female Shadow Caste exude.
  • This Raaf would be a line trooper in a Dragyri Shadow Caste warband, and could also be fielded in a warband from another elemental caste.
  • The Raaf is a Trueborn that will work best supporting the efforts of others. Their Rend ability on their Spur Blades means they can deal quite effectively with heavily armored enemies. The Arc on their Deathcleaver attack, combined with their Combat Reflexes means that they can also deal well with groups of low-level enemies.

Blister pack contains: one (1) Shadow Caste Raaf, one (1) 40mm base, and one Dark Age unit card.

DA Dark AGe Shadow Caste Lesser Spiderlings

Shadow Caste Spiderlings, Lesser (3) – $19.99

Given the Shadow Caste’s mistrust of the Alteghran slaves, they looked deeper into the shadows for their servants. The Spiderlings (both Greater and Lesser) are wonderfully mute and very susceptible to telepathic manipulation. It is thus that they are controlled by Shadow Caste Focus wielders, and they really become more of an extension of the Trueborn controlling them, mobbing opponents, scouting out battlefields, and spying on unsuspecting foe.

  • Highly detailed resin miniatures.
  • The Lesser Spiderlings can be fielded as low-level troops in a Shadow Caste warband.
  • The Lesser Spiderlings are best used to support attacks from larger models like the Goliath and (particularly) the Huntress. Once the larger model has caused Blind and Toxic tokens, the Spiderlings can close in and add further Toxic tokens. They can also be used for achieving Secondary Objectives.

Blister pack contains: three (3) Shadow Caste Lesser Spiderlings, three (3) 30mm bases, and one (1) Dark Age unit card.

Quelle: Dark Age


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ausnahmsweise mal kein Jackpot.

    Sonst ist das immer eine Augenweide wenn was neues für das Spiel rauskommt…

    hier sind eigentlich nur die Strega und Raaf wirklich gut. Der Rest eher mittelmäßig.

    Wirkt irgendwie als hätten sie sich mit dem Zeug beeilen müssen 😀

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