von BK-Marcus | 21.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Neuheiten, Previews, Dicestarter

Bei Crooked Dice gibt es einige Neuheiten und Previews. Auch an die Pre-order Kampagne für die 7TV-Regelbox wollen wir nochmal erinnern.

CD Crooked Dice Oktober 2017 Time Lost Heroes Etc 1

Time Lost Heroes (einzeln) – 4,00 GBP
Time Lost Heroes (Set) – 15,00 GBP

From across the ages, come these four pulp heroes. This pack contains a Time Traveller, a Flying Ace, a Fortune Hunter and a Jet Pack Hero.

You’ll find 7TV profiles for these models in the upcoming Time Lost Programme guide.

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Block House – 20,00 GBP

This concrete shelter can represent a wide variety of buildings from storage rooms, guard houses or a location for a discerning post-apocalyptic arms dealer.

The door is removable, and the wall pieces are textured on both sides. The building dimensions are: Height: 6.5 cm, Length: 9.7. cm, Width: 9.0 cm

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Alaska Barriers – 10,00 GBP

Need to fortify your camp? Then these four large sized portable, steel-reinforced concrete blast walls will do the job.

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Texas Barriers – 8,00 GBP

Need to fortify your camp? Then these three medium sized portable, steel-reinforced concrete blast walls will do the job.

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Jersey Barriers – 8,00 GBP

Need to block a road or entrance to your camp, then these six concrete barriers will do the job.

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Sandbags – 9,00 GBP

Four sets of differently details sandbags ideal for dressing battlefields from any era.

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Fences – 10,00 GBP

Three fences to help dress modern and post apocalyptic terrain boards.

Each piece is detailed differently and is 115mm long and 45mm high.

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Dome Tent – 5,00 GBP

There’s nothing better than a night out under the stars… just you, your tent, nature, zombies and bloodthirsty locals for company.

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Cooling Vents – 4,00 GBP

If you need to cool down under twin suns or in the heat industrial factory, then you need these cooling vents. The pair stand 50mm high.

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Monolith Set – 12,00 GBP

Need a place for an unholy ritual? Then these three cyclopean pillars and pile of skulls provide a delightful setting for your unnatural rites. Pillars stand approximately 5cm tall.

Nun zu den Previews:

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Coming soon…. Security Cameras to protect your evil lairs, military compounds and secret HQs. Sculpted by Ernst Veingart.

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Here’s some shabby phones pics of the new Death Worm – out next month. I’ll have half a dozen copies at Derby Worlds this weekend, for those who get in quick!

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Here’s a look at next month’s resin releases. More furniture with the lab equipment, examination table, chairs and table and shelves. I’ll have some earlybird stock at the next shows before their 01 November release.

Zur Secret Base aus MDF hatten wir bereits berichtet, wollen euch aber die WiP-Photos des entsprechenden Demotisches von Crooked Dice nicht vorenthalten:

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My Secret Base Demo board is starting to take shape. Coming soon to trade shows near you…

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Secret Base Day 2. All the walls base coated now – and a black coat along the top to help it fit in with the demo tray (although not sure about it). Detailing up next.

Aktuell läuft auch der Dicestarter, wie Crooked Dice die Vorbestell-Aktion für eine Neuauflage der Regeln genannt haben. Ihr findet hier unseren ausführlichen Artikel.

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What’s a Dicestarter?

Simply, it’s a pre-order campaign to help fund the production of a reprint of the 7TV Boxed set.

So if you missed the first print run, or have downloaded the free 7TV PDF and just want to upgrade, then join the Dicestarter and get the second (and final) printing of the 7TV boxed set!8px-square

We’ve updated the rulebooks and profile cards with all the latest miniature photos and errata – so you can enjoy the definitive version.

During the campaign you can purchase the 7TV BOXED SET set for £40 which is 20 per cent off the £50 RRP off.

Link: Crooked Dice auf Facebook

Link: Crooked Dice


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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