von BK-Marcus | 30.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Neuerscheinungen

Crooked Dice haben einiges an Neuheiten im Shop! Außerdem können die Female Minions zur Abholung auf der Salute vorbestellt werden und einige alte Resin-Geländeteile von (ehemals) Pardulon sind nun bei Crooked Dice verfügbar. Weitere hofft man, zur Salute mitbringen zu können.

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Darius, The Man From 2000 (normal) – 4,00 GBP
Darius, The Man From 2000 (Resin Base) – 6,00 GBP

Darius is an enigma, a man truly out of his own time. At times he can recall incidental details from the year 2000, at others he seems to have complete amnesia from his journey through the Time Lift.

A profile for Darius will be available in the upcoming Project Time Lift Programme Guide or use the Tomorrow Person profile from the 7TV second edition rules. Available with or without the resin base. You can also find Darius in an alternate pose in the Men from The Future pack.


Retired Spies (einzeln) – 4,00 GBP
Retired Spies (zusammen) – 7,50 GBP

After a dangerous career serving their country, an agent wants to relax and put their feet up. And that is apparently best done wearing a fetching headwear, cape and brolly. These models can also be used as Temps in the upcoming Project Time Lift programme guide.


Mehr als 20 unterschiedliche Resin-Geländestücke und -Accessoires finden sich auch in der „New Releases“-Sektion des Shops. Von Kisten und Fässern, über Ölkanister bis hin zu altmodischen Computern ist da wirklich einiges dabei! Einige Bilder zeigen wir euch hier, die volle Auswahl findet ihr im Shop.

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Auch die Female Minions kommen bald! Bisher kann man sie zur Salute vorbestellen. Am 1. April kommen sie dann auch regulär in den Shop:

Listed below are our Salute new releases, these will be available on the day and online from 1st April. The store entries listed below are ONLY to be used if you’re wanting to pay in advance and collect from Salute. This is why you have to read the small print!

Note that some of the images are pre-production versions, but the masters have been checked and look fantastic!


Female Minions – SALUTE PRE-ORDER (einzeln) – 3,00 GBP
Female Minions – SALUTE PRE-ORDER (alle) – 22,00 GBP

As any evil genius knows, minions are the expendable labour behind every megalomaniac scheme. Choose one or more of 8 different Minions armed with classic SMGs, Rifles or Pistols. Each minion comes with a separate head on the tab, so you can swap them around, or choose any of our existing heads to customise your goons.

Profiles for Minions are given in the 7TV 2nd edition Boxed Game.

NOTE – Only order this product if you wish to COLLECT AT SALUTE. It will go on general sale from 01 April 2017 and will not ship before then.

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Female Minion Heads (4 verschiedene Varianten) – je 2,00 GBP

The staple of any evil mastermind’s force, the minion is handy for driving mini-mokes and feeding piranha pools.
Female Minions with a practical and iconic hard hat, useful when you’re working in an Evil lair, and handy when the good guys need to know who to shoot at.

NOTE – Only order this product if you wish to COLLECT AT SALUTE. It will go on general sale from 01 April 2017 and will not ship before then.

Und so sehen sie fertig gegossen aus:

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Zu guter Letzt werden auch diese Pardulon-Barrieren neu aufgelegt:

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Scrap Walls! I hope to have some of these four wall sections available for Salute. With any luck they’ll go on general release in May with a few other more classic Pardulon bits.

Link: Crooked Dice

Link: Crooked Dice auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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