von BK-Nils | 04.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Bushido

Bushido: Wave 36 Pre-Order

Die Welle 36 für Bushido ist vorbestellbar, mit den drei Imperialen Schwestern und den drei Blutsbrüdern die ihre Dienste verschiednen Fraktionen anbieten, außerdem dem Token Set.

Den Anfang machen drei der neuen Modelle, bemalt vom neuen Studiomaler bei GCT Studios.

GCT Studios Bushido Wave 36 Painted Miniatures 1 GCT Studios Bushido Wave 36 Painted Miniatures 2 GCT Studios Bushido Wave 36 Painted Miniatures 3

We hope you like the work of our new painter, we couldn’t be happier with these incredible paint jobs. They do real justice to the fantastic sculpting of MCM.

Please Note: Current Pre-Orders will be shipped on our return from Gen Con at the end of August

GCT Studios Bushido Yizhi 1 GCT Studios Bushido Yizhi 2

Yizhi – 8,95 GBP

Yizhi of the three sisters is a nightmare for opponents that like to plan their lines of attack, her speed and unpredictability means such plans fail by her first onslaught. Yizhi chooses when and where she will engage the enemy. Any that attempt to isolate and pick off one of her sisters are likely to quickly find themselves outnumbered. During their long hunt they have learned the importance of supporting each other.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Xi 1 GCT Studios Bushido Xi 2

Xi – 8,95 GBP

Xi’s driving motivation is to ensure her sister’s safety. Whilst she shares her sisters desire to bring the brothers to justice and see them pay for their crimes she does not prioritise it over the wellbeing of Yangjing or Yizhi. Her heritage always made her feel like an outsider in the courts of the empire and she has found great self worth being the sword arm of her sisters frustrating their would be attackers with perfectly orchestrated defence.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Yanjing 1 GCT Studios Bushido Yanjing 2

Yanjing – 8,95 GBP

Yanjing is a formidable warrior in her own right. From a young age she had an affinity to the bow and her skills are impressive. Her calm zen archery produces impressive results, the arrows whispering across the battlefield as quietly as the falling blossom. Her ability to heal her sisters is of vital importance to their mission and without it they would have had to have given up on their quarry a long time ago.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Ying Jian 1 GCT Studios Bushido Ying Jian 2

Ying-Jian – 8,95 GBP

Ying-Jian is the eldest of the three brothers and naturally Shuohuang and Shenzhiqi look to him for leadership. At a nod from Ying-Jian the three operate in unison. He has always been an able swordsman however years of being on the run, hunted down, have worn away at his honour as much as his constitution. He has developed skills and techniques not taught in any koryu but earned doing whatever it takes to survive.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Shenzhiqi 1 GCT Studios Bushido Shenzhiqi 2

Shenzhiqi – 8,95 GBP

Shenzhiqi is the youngest of the three and in honesty without his brothers he would have fallen or been captured moons ago. That said he is as important to them as they are to him, together they push each other to greater feats and when fighting alongside each other they become a seemingly unstoppable force. Where Ying-Jian has foregone some of the niceties of their upbringing Shenzhiqi has somehow managed to maintained his moral compass.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Shuohuang 1 GCT Studios Bushido Shuohuang 2

Shuohuang – 8,95 GBP

Shuohuang is considered one of the greatest swordsmen in the empire, he has surpassed all kenjutsu masters who ever taught him and any samurai with any skill with a blade will know his name. He is a living legend. Like his brothers though Shuohuang is tired from being chased across the empire, only his sheer doggedness and determination to live motivates him to go on. Many would like the scalp of Shuohuang, none have succeeded yet.

Blister contains one model, one 30mm base and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Bushido Bushido Token Set

Bushido Token Set – 5,95 GBP

High quality punch board tokens for Bushido the game: New Dawn

  • x30 Ki tokens
  • x12 Tired/exhausted tokens
  • x42 Other assorted double sided tokens

Quelle: GCT Studios



Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Wow, nicht nur sind die Minis echt cool, der neue Maler gefällt mir auch sehr gut, da kann man ja fast nur hoffen das der nochmal rückwirkend die ganze Range bemalt 😀

    Schade nur das ich keinen der 6 für meine Ninjas einsetzten kann… aber das wäre ja dann wohl eher ein Grund ne kleine Söldner Truppe aufzustellen ^^

  • Wirklich tolle Minis. Leider ist bei uns nach ein paar Testspielen niemand richtig mit dem System warm geworden.

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