von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Brigademodels: City Blocks 1/1000

Brigademodels erweitert seine „Small Scale“ Reihe um Cityblocks.

Für die Liebhaber der kleineren Maßstäbe neue Stadtgebäude in 1/1000 – laut Brigade aber durchaus passend für andere Maßstäbe:

Welcome to our range of small scale scenery – the models are built to 1/1000th scale but they are compatible with 2mm figures or 1/1200th scale ships. They are also ideal as scenery/targets for larger scale aircraft models (anywhere from 1/700th up to 1/144th or 1/100th) where they provide a sense of forced perspective and higher altitude. A large number of customers also use them with 3mm scale vehicles and figures.

Brigademodels SSS 8094 2 Brigademodels SSS 8095 Brigademodels SSS 8094 Brigademodels SSS 8096 Brigademodels SSS 8095 1 Brigademodels SSS 8094 1

For this initial release we’ve created three sets – a pack of four corners, another of four straight blocks, and a third consisting of two T-pieces and two straight pieces with an archway into the courtyard area, all with flat-topped mansard roofs (although there are one or two areas with flat roofs for variety). All are 1-piece resin castings. Each piece is slightly different so that the look of the blocks is varied. The blocks are built on a 40mm footprint – each corner is 40x40mm with the depth of the apartments set at 20mm. This means that a pack of four corners will create a block 80x80mm, with a central 40x40mm courtyard. Adding straight pieces means that the blocks can be extended in 40mm increments. For gaming purposes, this works perfectly with rules that use 40mm frontages for figure bases (such as Land Ironclads).

If all goes well with these, there’s certainly plenty of scope to add more variety in terms of frontage detail, different roof types, varied number of floors etc.


  • City Block Corners – 7,50 GBP
  • City Block Straights – 5,00 GBP
  • City Block Ts and Arches – 6,50 GBP


Quelle: Brigademodels auf Facebook


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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