von BK-Marcus | 10.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Black Library: Necromunda Neuveröffentlichungen

Auch die Black Library will sich nicht lumpen lassen, wo doch jetzt die Zeichen auf Bandenkrieg stehen, und veröffentlicht einige klassische Necromunda-Romane, sowie Sammelbände von Necromunda-Comics neu!

Necromunda – Classic Stories in New Editions

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The game of gang warfare in the twisted depths of an industrial underworld is back! With a new edition of Necromunda available to pre-order very soon, Black Library wanted to get in on the underhive action, so it seems the perfect time to re-release a load of classic Necromunda fiction – in snazzy paperback editions sporting classic cover art updated to carry the new game logo.

For a limited time, six novels, a short story anthology and two graphic novels will be available to order in print-on-demand paperback editions. What does this mean? Well, when you order one of these titles, it will be printed for you and sent out to you. This means that it might take a bit longer than usual for them to get to you, but you’ll be rewarded with tales of adventure and horror from the depths of Hive Primus. So what titles are coming? Here’s the rundown:

‘Status: Deadzone’ is an anthology of 11 stories covering treasure hunts, gang clashes and much more – including a tale by fan favourite Warhammer 40,000 author Matthew Farrer! And there’s more from Farrer with ‘Junktion’, in which control of a struggling township’s power supply becomes dangerous for its owner.

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White Dwarf editor Matt Keefe’s ‘Outlander’ sees a mysterious stranger shake up a small settlement – but is he what he seems? ‘Back from the Dead’ by Salamanders author Nick Kyme has a former lawman caught up in a plague zombie infestation, who finds that he has enemies even more dangerous than the walking dead.

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‘Fleshworks’ by Lucien Soulban and C S Goto’s ‘Salvation’ are both tales of quests into the underhive, the former in search of rare augmetics – which are still in use by their current owners! – and the latter to find an ancient artefact that could change the fortunes of the one who owns it.

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Andy Chambers’ ‘Survival Instinct’ is a tale of one of Necromunda’s infamous anti-heroes, the psychopathic “Mad Donna” Ulanti, in a tale that could reveal her origins, if she can stop killing people for long enough to discover the truth! Another infamous rogue of the underhive takes centre stage in ‘The Redeemer’, a collection of a classic comics series telling the full tale of one of the Cult of the Red Redemption’s foremost followers.

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There’s more graphic novel action in ‘Kal Jerico: Underhive Bounty Hunter’, which collects all four volumes of the original comics about the underhive’s most beloved (by himself) bounty hunter. But what about the Kal Jerico novels? Well, they’re not included in the print-on-demand titles… because they’re being released in a brand new and shiny omnibus edition! ‘Kal Jerico: The Omnibus’ brings together three novels by Will McDermott and Gordon Rennie, telling a trio of feature-length tales of Kal and his associates Scabbs and Yolanda.

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All of these titles will be available to order on Saturday – and there will also be some bundles available if you want all the print-on-demand titles, or want to download the eBooks and get reading straight away. Check out blacklibrary.com this Saturday to see the full offer.


Quelle: Warhammer Community

Link: Black Library


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Da sind ein paar ganz lustige Sachen dabei.
    Persönlich bin ich ein kleiner Fan vom Redeemer. Gab damals auch die entsprechenden Minis zu den Heft:
    „If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t count!“
    Wollte auch immer mal das Pulpicar bauen.

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