von BK-Christian | 16.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Black Earth: Indiegogo läuft

Die Indiegogo-Kampagne zu Black Earth ist gestartet.

Black Earth is a stand alone miniature wargame, with a brand new ruleset, a large collection of original miniatures and an entire fictional universe to back it up. The game is designed to simulate real time tactical combat between small armies. There are no turns in Black Earth – both players engage at all times. Apart from the narrative environment it brings to the tabletop, Black Earth is also designed to be a fully competitive game fit for organised and tournament play.

Black Earth is our first project here at Nuclear Shrimp Games and we hope to achieve three things with it.

1. First and foremost we want to establish a brand new contemporary/sci fi universe that very closely relates to the real world. This narrative of Black Earth leads to the year 2071 with a series of events that have been inspired by the actual political landscape of the last few years -obviously with a hefty amount of fiction and exaggeration. The Black Earth universe will be the basis for other types of games in the future.

2. Black Earth has been designed from the bottom up to be a competitive game fit for organized play. To that end we are going to be constantly enriching the game with new factions, units and scenarios to allow for the tactical opportunities to constantly evolve.

3. As an ambitious new gaming company we hope that Black Earth will allow us to fund and kickstart our first steps in this industry. Nuclear Shrimp Games already has 2 more projects on the drawing board as well as at least 2 more expansions for Black Earth which will introduce new rules and new factions!

Und darum geht es:

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 1 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 2 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 3 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 4

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 5 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 6 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 7 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 8

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 9 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 10 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 11 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 12

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 13 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 14 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 15 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 16

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 17

Dazu gibt es diese Extras:

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 18 NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 19

Und das sind die Portokosten:

NucS Black Earth Indiegogo 20

Die Kampagne läuft noch einen Monat.

Quelle: Black Earth – Sci-Fi Miniature Wargame


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Läuft ja nun schon ein paar tage aber kommen nicht aus den puschen, naja optisch wenig ansprechender 40k Clone ist halt vielleicht nicht unbedingt das was sich der geneigte Spieler wünscht und Indigogo als Plattform…..

  • Leider nicht nur handwerklich eher unterdurchschnittlich sondern leider ein wildes Sammelsurium verschiedener bekannter Designelemente ohne Konsistenz in den Fraktionen.

  • Design ist ja immer Geschmackssache, mir gefallen die meisten Modelle hier eher nicht, der Preis macht sie auch kaum interessanter.

  • Hallo freunde! Ich verstehe ein bisschen Deutsch aber sprechen es ist wirklich schwerig! So please allow me to write english instead 🙂
    Thank you for the article once again brueckenkopf-online <3
    It's true our campaign has been running since Saturday and it doesn't have the momentum we would like but we're not going to quit so easily. Also it seems indiegogo is very much frowned upon by a large piece of the community, however after the campaign is over we'll be selling from our website to anyone interested and we'll continue adding units and expansions to the game.
    As far as the comments on the looks etc of the minis, we LOVE critisism and we take everything into consideration so keep it up. Tell us what you like and what you dislike!

    • I wont comment about the designs i like or dislike, because i think its Designs depend alot on personal taste. In general the Details seem the be okay, still a render and a final model can look very different. The Tector Order Sergeant has a very strange pose (the way she holds the gun).

      • You’re obviously right about the personal taste aspect of the design, but still it’s helpful to listen to what people think of your creations be it good or bad.
        About the renders, most of our miniatures are already in production stage, specifically all of the UEF and Homo Inhumanum are already produced and we play with them :).
        About the Tecton agent, I can see why it may look weird, but she’s an enhanced soldier afterall, she’s stronger than a human would be!
        Do you think we should post more pictures on our campaign? We were scared to make the story part too long and held back on the media we posted.

  • Wenn ich mit die Inhumanum aka Orks anschaue ein Buggy 25€, 5 Orks 25€, als Set mit Warboss 50€.
    Die alten Ork-Modell wurden ja von GW mit Revell wider aufgelegt, da bekomme ich einen Buggy mit 4 Orks für unter 20€.

    Abgesehen vom Design, da kann man ja streiten, ist das ganze preislich gesehen keine Option. Man bekommt das „Original“ günstiger als die Kopie und das sofort ohne etwas vorfinanzieren zu müssen. KS Gedanke hin oder her, wo ist der Vorteil für die Backer in etwas investieren was es günstiger auf dem Markt schon gibt?

  • Well I think there are some quite some Models which I like, but in overall I think the current market of sifi miniatures is saturated and with GW pushing it (light shifting in prices due new boxes, and new stuff) and also competitors like Infinity new manufacturers have a rough start to establish any new system and miniatures range. I wish you the best of luck but honestly i doubt it.

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