von BK-Marcus | 04.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Terrain / Gelände

Bandua: Prepainted Terrain

Bandua Wargames haben nun MDF-Gelände mit fertigen Texturen im Angebot!

Terrain ready for battle! Fully prepainted and details that will give the necessary touch of life to any Infinity game table, or Sci-Fi in general. Just assemble and ready to play! Designed specifically for Infinity.

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Q-Building Beta S – 14,00 EUR

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Q-Building Beta L – 18,00 EUR

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Q-Building Beta XL – 22,00 EUR

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Q-Building Gamma S – 14,00 EUR

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Q-Building Gamma L – 18,00 EUR

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Q-Building Gamma XL – 22,00 EUR

This pack contains Q-Building [Gebäudebezeichnung], fully prepainted with high quality textures and details, as seen on doors, posters, panels etc. This terrain is born with the desire to make the game easier and more fun to fans, giving them an option that until now was not available to many, designed with a high quality prepainted texture and resistance, at a very competitive price and without losing the strength of the scenery in MDF. In addition, we have increased its size compared to the original Q-Buildings, covering more terrain, and with thicker walls giving a greater sense of realism. All the textures of this prepainted have been carefully detailed so nothing is out of place, being able to use the buildings as a single tower, or 3 individual elements, without losing the coherence of colors or textures between any of them, which makes it One of the most versatile and useful terrain packs on the market.

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Holographic Street Signs 1 – 34,95 EUR


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Holographic Street Signs 2 – 34,95 EUR

This pack contains 4 prepainted acrylate billboards with their supports also pre-painted. You will find 4 different illustrations from the Infinity world, from corporate ads, to news of terrorist attacks on the Human Sphere. All brackets, as well as acrylate panels are fully pre-painted and filled with incredible details. In addition, you will find 4 different bracklet that allow you to exchange the billboards to leave them simply leaning on the ground, or hanging from any building. These pieces are interchangeable and do not need to be attached to the signs, so you can set your table with them in different ways in each game!

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Q-Building Beta – 49,95 EUR

This pack contains 3 pre-painted buildings, a Q-Building XL, a Q-Building L and a Q-Building S, fully prepainted with high quality textures and details, as seen on doors, posters, panels etc. This terrain is born with the desire to make the game easier and more fun to fans, giving them an option that until now was not available to many, designed with a high quality prepainted texture and resistance, at a very competitive price and without losing the strength of the scenery in MDF. In addition, we have increased its size compared to the original Q-Buildings, covering more terrain, and with thicker walls giving a greater sense of realism. All the textures of this prepainted have been carefully detailed so nothing is out of place, being able to use the buildings as a single tower, or 3 individual elements, without losing the coherence of colors or textures between any of them, which makes it One of the most versatile and useful terrain packs on the market.

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Q-Building Gamma – 49,95 EUR

This pack contains 3 pre-painted buildings, a Q-Building XL, a Q-Building L and a Q-Building S, fully prepainted with high quality textures and details, as seen on doors, posters, panels etc. This terrain is born with the desire to make the game easier and more fun to fans, giving them an option that until now was not available to many, designed with a high quality prepainted texture and resistance, at a very competitive price and without losing the strength of the scenery in MDF. In addition, we have increased its size compared to the original Q-Buildings, covering more terrain, and with thicker walls giving a greater sense of realism. All the textures of this prepainted have been carefully detailed so nothing is out of place, being able to use the buildings as a single tower, or 3 individual elements, without losing the coherence of colors or textures between any of them, which makes it One of the most versatile and useful terrain packs on the market.

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Black Market Sector – 165,00 EUR

This ready-to-use bundle contains a Q-Building BETA (Q-Building XL, L and S), a Q-Building GAMMA (Q-Building XL, L and S), a Holographic Street Signs 1 and a Holographic Street Signs 2, with a reduced price! Everything you need to set up an Infinity table starts here! A total of 6 different buildings, and 8 advertising panels of acrylate, all of them prepainted and modular, allowing multiple configurations in each game, fully prepainted and detailed, as seen on posters, doors, light panels etc. bracklet that allow you to exchange the billboards to leave them simply leaning on the ground, or hanging from any building. These pieces are interchangeable and do not need to be attached to the signs, so you can set your table with them in different ways in each game! All Q-Buildings are fully modular, being able to use the buildings as a single tower, or individual elements, without losing the coherence of colors or textures between any of them, which makes it one of the most versatile and useful terrain packs on the market.

Während die einzelnen Q-Buildings als „Web Exclusive“ markiert sind, fehlt dieser Hinweis bei den Holo-Werbungen und den Sets.

Link: Bandua Wargames


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Endlich bedruckt mal jemand MDF… Es sieht alles ganz gut aus. Der Preis ist für mich akzeptabel. Davon wird einiges den Weg zu mir finden.

    • Dem kann ich mich anschließen.

      Schön wäre es jetzt noch, wenn es noch „Aufsetzteile“ gäbe, die das ganze etwas mehr 3D machen würden…
      Aber zu dem Preis absolut top.

  • Solide Sache das! Mal sehen, ob wir da vielleicht ein Reviewexemplar bekommen. Bin sehr neugierig, wie die das machen!

  • Die Gebäude ohne prepaint gibt es ja schon länger und sind durchaus beliebt. Der Preis scheint mir für die Arbeitserlaubnis im Rahmen. Also bin auch ich geneigt, da zu investieren.

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