von BK-Marcus | 26.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Weltkriege

Bad Squiddo: Büsten, Women’s Home Defence und mehr

Bei Bad Squiddo gibt es die ersten von vielen Modelle für die Frauen der britischen Women’s Home Defence vorzubestellen. Außerdem wurden drei Büsten ins Programm aufgenommen.

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I quickly popped the Women’s Home Defence onto a nice train board so you can see them altogether. Quick being the word, as, in the phrasing of my own mum – I am rushing around like a „blue-arsed fly“. There will be closer photos of these as the combination of painting and sculpting means there are some outlandishly beautiful details in there.

Still time to pre order there here, go on, treat yourself!

Bad Squiddo Games is proud to announce a new wing of the Women of World War Two – The Home Front.

Starting with Women’s Land Army, Home Defense and Field Medics, these are the first 28 miniatures of many to come.

PRE ORDER – All of these are pre order and will ship early November. You can collect them at Crisis in Antwerp if you like as well (just choose „Pick up at Show“ at the checkout)


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Home Front „All the things“ – 60,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

This is ALL the new Home Front figures, with a swish saving. You get the three packs of Land Army, Two Packs of Home Front and the Field Medics.

Cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These miniatures work great in any games for various scenarios involving civilians, as well as just looking brilliant in a vignette or display piece, or even just to make the board more interesting and realistic.

I grew up in a small village which consisted of many women who had served in the land army and then settled down in the same area, one of which was my own nan! It gave me an interest from a young age (even when I was a bit disappointed to discover they weren’t a military organisation, for a while I had an image of her shooting nazis).

Launching the Home Front range has been something I have wanted to do since setting up Bad Squiddo Games, so I am more than excited to announce the start of what will be a very large range. I hope you love the miniatures as much as I do – Annie Norman, owner of Bad Squiddo Games.

In it’s peak in 1944, there were 80,000 women serving in the Women’s Land Army in the UK. As more and more men went off to fight, many jobs were left behind, which traditionally „weren’t for women“. Women filling these jobs allowed more men to leave the shores, as women certainly weren’t allowed to do such an „unwomanly“ thing. Many meetings were held over the duration of WW2 and it was always agreed that as life givers, women should not be pulling any triggers, even when men relatively high up gave it the green light, it was seen to be a bad move that would cause a national uproar.

So thousands of women moved to the countryside, and became laborers, taking on every task you can imagine. Many were „city girls“ with no experience of the outdoors, so it was quite the steep learning curve! It’s hard to imagine now, but even the fact that the uniform included trousers was a very big deal – trousers were men’s clothing!


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Women’s Land Army Bundle – 34,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

This is THREE packs of Land Army Women:

  • Picnic (5 figures)
  • At Work (5 figures)
  • Armed (5 figures)

Cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These miniatures work great in any games for various scenarios involving civilians, as well as just looking brilliant in a vignette or display piece, or even just to make the board more interesting and realistic.


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British Field Medics and Wounded Soldier – 8,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 3 miniatures, in two parts, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

This British Field Medic is attending to a wounded soldier, whilst her colleague assists. Perhaps they are out on the mainland, or even back home. These miniatures work great in both historical WW2 games as well as pulp settings such as Operation Sea Lion. They can be used in game as markers but also as gaming figures, but make a beautiful vignette. You’ll be pleased to know that the soldier WILL BE OK! Yay!


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Women’s Home Defence (attacking) – 12,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 5 miniatures, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

Attack! Or is it self defense? What is happening here ? Perhaps the Germans have finally landed, or perhaps it’s just a randy bovine in the woods, either way, it requires some investigation and prompt improvisation! Jesse has strung up her kitchen knife to a broom handle while Timmy has found one of her husband’s Zulu artifacts to be a useful weapon.

These miniatures work great in both historical WW2 games as well as pulp settings such as Operation Sea Lion.


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Women’s Home Defence (unarmed) – 12,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 5 miniatures, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These miniatures work great in any games for various scenarios involving civilians, as well as just looking brilliant in a vignette or display piece, or even just to make the board more interesting and realistic.

„The Women’s Home Defence was an unofficial organisation founded by Dr Edith Summerskill (nicknamed ‚Flossie Bang Bang‘), Labour MP for Fulham West, in December 1941. No uniform was worn just this enamel badge. Recruits underwent weapons training and many became Home Guard Auxiliaries when allowed to do so. The organisation was disbanded in December 1944 continuing as the Women’s Rifle Assocation.“ – from the Imperial War Museum.


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Women’s Land Army (at work) – 12,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 5 miniatures, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These miniatures work great in any games for various scenarios involving civilians, as well as just looking brilliant in a vignette or display piece, or even just to make the board more interesting and realistic.


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Women’s Land Army (with shotguns) – 12,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 5 miniatures, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

What is happening here? Perhaps the farmer has let them off for the afternoon to participate in some game shooting, or maybe there is a downed enemy plane in the woods…

These miniatures work perfectly in both historical settings but also pulp scenarios such as Operation Sea Lion.

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Women’s Land Army (Picnic) – 12,00 GBP

This is a PRE ORDER and will ship at the start of November, also available for pick up at Crisis, Antwerp.

The pack consists of 5 miniatures which can be based individually or set up as a vignette. Cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These ladies are enjoying a break from all the hard work with some lovely tea and sandwiches – oh, do I spot a spitfire flying overhead? Perhaps it’s time for some war time sing alongs to keep up morale…

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Although specialising in 28mm scale, we produce a small range of 1/10th scale busts, focusing purely on women from history. Not being well known in the bust world YET, this is a bit of a self funding side project. Pick up some busts today and speed up the creation of the next one! There’s even some swish multi buy deals.

All sculpted and shown painted by the crazy talented Przemysław Szymczyk.

Share with your bust painting chums!


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Triple Bust Deal (Phoolan, Amy, Aleks) – 50,00 GBP

Save some precious cash by buying all three busts at once!

1/10th Scale, sculpted by Przemysław Szymczyk, shown painted by Przemysław Szymczyk.


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Aleksandra – T34 Tank Commander – 1/10th Bust – 20,00 GBP

Better pictures to come, this is B&W photo of the „green“, painted photos coming soon! And different angles!

Aleksandra Grigoryevna Samusenko was mainly known as being a T-34 Tank Commander. Excellence at the Battle of Kursk saw her receive the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class and the Order of the Red Star. The latter was awarded after her and her crew took down three Tigers.

Sculpted by Przemysław Szymczyk and cast in high quality resin (one peice) this is a brilliant tribute, that will be a great hobby project for the cabinet or mantlepeice. Stayed tuned for more 1/10 scale busts of Super Excellent Women from History by Bad Squiddo Games.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled. Take the usual resin precautions when preparing to paint.


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Amy 1/10th Bust – 20,00 GBP

Amy Johnson was an English aviatrix who set many flight records in the 30’s, as well as going on to fly in WW2. One of the many women who have fought gender stereotypical expectations and took to the skies!

Sculpted by Przemysław Szymczyk and cast in high quality resin (two peices, head and body) this is a brilliant tribute, that will be a great hobby project for the cabinet or mantlepeice. Stayed tuned for more 1/10 scale busts of Super Excellent Women from History by Bad Squiddo Games.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled. Take the usual resin precautions when preparing to paint.

She measures 53mm from base to the eyes.


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The Bandit Queen 1/10th Bust – 20,00 GBP

Sculpted by Przemysław Szymczyk and cast in high quality resin (one peice) this is a brilliant tribute, that will be a great hobby project for the cabinet or mantlepeice. Stayed tuned for more 1/10 scale busts of Super Excellent Women from History by Bad Squiddo Games.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled. Take the usual resin precautions when preparing to paint.

Phoolan Devi is sometimes referred to as „The Indian Robin Hood“. A lady who rose from poverty, through abuse and gangfights and came out a politician championing equality. She unfortunately met her end by assassination, as not everybody likes the idea of equality, sadly.

Not wishing to upset or depress the readers, I won’t go into too much detail, but if you are interested, there are some great books, a film, and various accounts online that do so. To summerise, she suffered abuse from many men at many different points. One day, she gathered up a group of her trusted men, had twenty two of her abusers (including associates) lined up and shot dead in Behmai – the village where she had been held captive. This went on to be known as The Behmai Massacre.

Phoolan handed herself in to the police and was eventually pardoned of the forty eight charges. She went on to become a politician for the Samajwadi Party and spent the rest of her life fighting the injustice of the caste system. Unfortunately that was not too long, as she was shot outside her home in 2001.

I chose to make not one but THREE Phoolan Devi figures AND a bust, as the story really touched me, and I want more people to know about her. Despite it being an overly and obviously depressing story, there are good parts to take from it, in the sense of a woman who STILL persevered after all that (read the autobiography, it’s just thing after thing) and went onto fight to make the world a better place for others. A name and story to share for sure.

And of course, she looks cool as heck! There are some amazing photos if you „google“ around.


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Phoolan Devi Collection (4) – 25,00 GBP

With this set, you get the 3 x 28mm metal figures as well as the 1/10th scale resin bust.


Link: Bad Squiddo Games


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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