von BK-Herr Kemper | 10.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Aristeia!: Karten der Grundbox

Corvus Belli gewährt uns einen Blick auf die Karten der Aristeia! Grundbox.

Im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung von Aristeia! gibt es einen Blick auf die Charakterkarten der Grundbox:

CB Aristeia Logo

 CB Aristeia Maximus


“There is no pain, just victory.”

If someone represents the Aristeia! spirit better than anyone else, it’s Maximus. He is a born leader, an icon that gathers around him an entire nation: PanOceania. If he is on your team, he will lead them to victory.

Not only is his size intimidating for his opponents, but his strength, shield, and armor make taking his position extremely difficult. He is the most reliable aristo for this job.

He is a team-play specialist and has a strong defensive orientation.

CB Aristeia Hexxer


“Exitus acta probat”

The ‘Nomad Witch’, has earned her nickname in kind. She has absolute control of the HexaDome; her opponents are just puppets dancing to her tune.

Her favorite move is Displacement, not only for her or her team mates, but for the rest of the rival aristos, who, powerless and immobile, can only watch her impose her will.

With hEXxer by your side there will be no Scoring Zone that will resist you.

CB Aristeia 8 Ball


“If there is an opening, I wade in.”

A panda in an arena cannot fail. He was born to stand out and the HexaDome is his favorite showcase.

8-Ball controls his adversaries just to see how chaos spreads and takes over the game. No enemy can escape his randomness. His size and strength do the rest.

8-Ball will spice up your team and will make the game even more fun.

CB Aristeia Gata


“There is no speed limit on the way to success!”

Every team has their own star and without doubt, that is Gata. She has everything to win, but what sets her apart is her huge charisma that dazzles the Aristeia! audience every night.

Her speed is such that her opponents don’t have time to blink. Because when they realize she is in the Scoring Zone, she is unstoppable!

But Gata not only will give your team speed and scoring capabilities, she will also add a glamorous touch that every spectacle needs.

CB Aristeia MajorLunah

Major Lunah

“You can run but you can’t hide.”

This Haqqislamite war veteran, after serving in the most dangerous operations in the Human Sphere—not only escaping unscathed but becoming a hero—arrives in Aristeia! with a clear objective: slaughtering her rivals.

Her strategy consists in going unnoticed by the enemy. Just one bullet is all she needs. She is simply lethal.

With Major Lunah on your team you will have accuracy ensured, giving long range combat a lot of value.

CB Aristeia Parvati


“Tactical Analysis complete. Victory assured at 97,83%.”

This Artificial Intelligence from ALEPH has spent twenty five years improving her functions in the HexaDome. She is tireless and her ability to improve seems to never end.

She heals, repairs, analyzes the battlefield, has combat skills and if necessary, scores. Parvati executes every role with such efficiency that to this day she continues to be a part of the Aristeia! Interplanetary Team Managers Association dream team.

With Parvati on your team you will have all the support you need in order to achieve your objectives.

CB Aristeia WildBill

Wild Bill

“I’ve danced with the Reaper a couple of times. Now she is on my side.”

The legend steps into the arena! With Will Bill it’s a sure bet, despite his risky actions. The higher the risk, the better chances of success. He’s never lost a bet.

A consummate card player and accurate gunslinger, this gentlemen from another time, so mysterious and obsessed with the past, is the strongest candidate to become Bahadur.

With Will Bill on your team you will earn an edge in range combat, but you will also add efficiency to your dice rolls.

CB Aristeia Miyamoto

Miyamoto Mushashi

“Know your enemy, know their sword.”

The union of body and mind is fundamental to generating the best warrior in history. That is Miyamoto Mushashi, the current Aristeia! champion.

He has no peer in close combat. If you add to his swordsmanship skills and uncanny swiftness, you have the most complete warrior in the arena.

With Miyamoto on your team the enemy casualties will keep piling up.


Do you want more?

Aristeia! will have periodic expansions that will increase the roster of characters, each with new skills. Your job is to find the perfect combination of skills in order to make your team the most competitive.

There will be a Collector’s Limited Edition of Aristeia! that will include exclusive material and an additional copy of the miniatures in metal. It will be available to pre-order on October 26th, 2017.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Quelle: Aristeia! The Game


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Limited Collector’s Edition with miniatures in metal… Da bin ich dann definitiv dabei. Da weiss ich auch, dass sie das Material im Griff haben.

    • Seh ich genauso…das Material beherrschen sie und produzieren im eigenen Haus…wenn das PVC gut ist, order ich lieber nochmal später eine reguläre Box nur zum Spielen. Da ist dann PVC bei einem Spiel was auf so engem Raum stattfindet auch nicht schlecht.
      Die Idee, zumindest zu Release zweigleisig vom Material zu fahren, würde ich mir gerne auch von anderen Herstellern wünschen….

      • Wenn ich das richtig gesehen habe, brauchst du nur die Release Version zu kaufen. Klingt so, als wenn tatsächlich die Figuren in PVC und Metall drin sind. :))

      • Das wäre wirklich super! 🙂 Dann könnte ich schon mal mit PVC losspielen während meine Metallminis noch auf dem Maltisch sind.

  • Ich hoffe das die deutschen Händler an diese limitierte Version kommen. Direktbestellung aus Spanien lassen den Gesamtpreis durch die Decke gehen. Aber bisher hat cb immer auch Händler bedient, daher bin ich da ganz optimistisch.

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