von BK-Marcel | 24.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Arcworlde, Fantasy

Arcworlde: Troubles KS Update

Es gibt ein Update bei Troubles in the North von Warploque Miniatures.

Ho there, Arcfans!
Hope you have all been well!
Sorry I’ve been a little quiet on here of late. Had quite a few things popping off, so I have neglected keeping people up to date with the campaign. However, this is about to change!
The Sculpting Grinds On –
Now in my silence I have been super busy cracking on with the sculpts for the campaign. A few of these I don’t have pictures for, as they are in the process of being casted, but I’ve been able to collect a few photos!

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 So I’ve been a busy boy indeed! 😀
In fact, here is the official count of what’s left –


So, what’s next?
The casting process has already started. Moulds are being made for the models that I have already finished, as I am doing the sculpting work on the remaining ones. Once I have finished the sculpting, I will start work on assembling the Rulebook! We’ve had some brilliant feedback on the rules, so once Gobbo and Paul have made all of the required tweaks I’ll put it all together. As for time scale, it’s always tough to say. But as things are going it’s looking very likely indeed that the stuff will start being posted by the end of summer. So fingers crossed! 😀
What do you think of the new models?
– Alex

Link: Troubles in the North auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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