von BK-Marcel | 01.04.2017 | eingestellt unter: Arcworlde, Fantasy

Arcworlde: Kickstarter Update

Es gibt Neuigkeiten bei Arcworlde:Troubles in the North.

Sculpts –

Work as always continues on the sculpts for Troubles in the North. This month has been the turn of the Big Guys, so here are some WIPs!

WIP Abomination – WIP Trollspear

_Abomination Trollspear

Paintjobs –

Mr Karame has been busy as always, and we now have a gloriously painted Bloodoak! Those of you who attended the Hammerhead show will have seen this beast in the flesh, and Joe has done an amazing job

Drache Blood oak2 Bloodoak1

Rules –
The Troubles in the North rules are in their final stage of playtesting. Our friendly neighbourhood rules-writer Gobbo has done some amazing work, as have our playtesters. It’s now up to Paul to oversee the changes and make them into a concise document, as well as adding a smattering of story for you fluff-fans, for me to illustrate and lay out into a tasty looking rulebook. I really think you guys are gonna be happy with what we are working so hard on.

Timescale –

When I launched the project last year, my initial delivery estimate was roughly May. We at Warploque have been working super hard to get Troubles in the North made in good time, and as such it’s looking like my guess wasn’t too far off!
At this current stage, including the printing of the rulebooks, it is looking like EVERYTHING will be ready to ship in the summer. I was tempted to send stuff off in lumps as it was finished, but I’ve decided to wait until everything is complete and send it all in one go. It’s rather ironic that you’ll be getting your wintery-themed packages whilst you’ll be in shorts and tshirts (well, at least in the Northern Hemisphere)!


Well, it’s coming up to that time of the year again. Each April, geeks from all over the land descend upon London for Salute – the UK’s largest wargaming convention!

And this year, Warploque Miniatures is going to have something rather special.

HoH1 _HoH2 HoH3

 ‚ArcWorlde: Heroes of Hobbleshire‘ is a little pet project that I have been secretly working on for a good while now. Based in the Halfling Civil War that occurs in the aftermath of the events of ‚Troubles in the North‘, ‚Heroes of Hobbleshire‘ is a small expansion that sees the brave Halflings fight each other over the future of their realm.
Those of you may notice a slight change in style of these new models. ‚Heroes of Hobbleshire‘ will be set a few years in the future of ArcWorlde’s world history, and is a sneaky-peek of what is to come for the game.
This project is very much in its early stages. My main focus over the past few months has been Troubles in the North, so as of yet only the sculpts are finished. Once Gobbo has finished his fine work on the rules for TITN we will start talking about what HoH will bring to the ArcWorlde game, as well as the rules. I’ll also be getting the sculpts painted, and I may also write a little bit of fluff to go with it too.
There will be no crowd-funding or pre-ordering involved in this release. These models will be available straight away. The ‚Heroes of Hobbleshire‘ models will be debuted at Salute 2017, and will be available to buy on the day. They will hit the webstore soon after, and the rules will be free to download once they have been written and playtested. Gives you all chance to paint up your factions first!

Quelle: Arcworlde auf Kickstarter
Link: Warploque Miniatures


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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