Apocalypse Miniatures: 28mm Fantasy Terrain Kickstarter
Apocalypse Miniatures kickstartet Gebäude für Fantasy und historische Spiele in 28mm.

We’ve been busy for some time…. And so, Apocalypse miniatures presents to you the start of a range of inspiring and characterful scenery that, by capturing the essence of classic Fantasy War-gaming, will bring your games and miniatures to life. Our short term aim is to successfully release this Into the wild range through Kickstarter, with our long term aim to design further similar projects to expand the range as far as imaginatively possible (we will be encouraging future releases to be in part developed from suggestions from yourselves, the gaming community).
Inspired by fantasy games and RPG’s of old Apocalypse Miniatures have been busily drawing up concepts and plans for an entire range of characterful scenery, adorning’s and oddments that will enable you to play a wide variety of old and new fantasy and historical scenarios, battles and skirmishes alike.

The majority of the concepts themselves have then been handed to the master of scenery sculpting, Tony Harwood (the notorious blogger behind „Dampfpanzerwagon“) the remainder by ourselves, each piece has been crafted with love and care – focusing on intricate details and textures to create a history and story within each piece. This attention to detail has made them as characterful as the miniatures in which they will hopefully be blessing your tabletops/gaming tables with.
The final stage for the models is for them be passed on to the highly gifted and talented manufacturers at Hysterical Games. They are now a well known and highly respected group of energetic, enthusiastic and experienced individuals who have worked with a number of businesses in the industry. It is Hysterical Games that will take Tony Harwood’s sculpts and professionally cast them in a high quality Polyurethane resin, with no quarter given in the attempt at attaining perfection.
Painting and basing
The beautiful paint job that you will see on a few of the masters were produced by the very talented Mark Lunn. He has really gone to town on these and I think you will agree that he has used some amazing weathering techniques which really add to the dilapidated and worn feel that the sculptor has created. The basing was a fun task and completed by the kids and myself using a large hand picked range of brilliant basing materials that were supplied by Serious-Play (a very friendly family run gaming business.) As the Kickstarter progresses we hope to bring you images of more superbly painted pieces so that you can see the potential each piece holds.

Success and future projects
As stated we would really like to push onward and outwards with this range, with our ultimate goal being the lead manufacturer/supplier of fantasy based scenery going. We already have plans for scenery for other races and have already had wants lists sent our way. Please feel free to contact us for more details or chat about ideas moving forward.
Pledge Levels
Below you will see pictures of all the types of buildings/sets. Each picture shows you what type of structure you can choose so that you can pick and make your own specific pledge. You can also find additional images here http://berenzed.wixsite.com/apocalypseminiatures/news .
Pledges are broken down into simple selections to allow backers to pick and choose the items that they like. We will also give people the opportunity to up their pledges in various ways as to make them as bespoke as possible.
Pledging for complete sets will give pledge’s the best savings overall. Additional Concepts and the final sculpted and resin pieces will be added once goals are reached. We are setting ourselves the target of getting your items to you before the end of December 2017, our aim will however be to deliver them to you for sooner than that.
Pledge Level:

Mindestbeitrag: 1 £
Thank you and sneak peak email.
Every penny counts, we will send you a personal thank you via email and a sneak peak image(s) of some up and coming concepts/sculpts for another potential range.

Mindestbeitrag: 10 £
Adventurers decor
When your in the wild, you will either need these, come across these or wish you had brought these with you. Its sometimes the little things that count most! This pledge will give you those itty bitty objects that give character to a diorama or an empty dungeon or room. Pledge here and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
2 sets of mushrooms
1 set of barrels
1 set of oddments
RRP – £14
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 20 £
The camp
Every adventurer needs these. A warm comfy bed, a strong sturdy tent and a hearty meal at the end of long day. Choose this set and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
This contains 3 tents
4 snugly warm beds
Map and key
Cooking cauldron
Spit roast
RRP – £28
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 46 £
Out in the sticks
You’ve come to the conclusion that you actually like the look of this place and have decided to settle down here (for a while at least). You could rebuild or use parts from that ruin for a start (its better than living in a tent).
Choose 2 from any of the out in the sticks buildings, or 1 building and the Camp set.
Choose from
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
RRP – £56
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 76 £
Their is potential here and you not the only one to notice it. More settlers arrive and structures are going up fast. Choose this set and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
Choose 2 from any of the Out in the sticks buildings, and 1 building from the Settlement set.
Choose 2 from
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
Choose 1 from the
Apothecaries rest
The store House
The barn
RRP – £91
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 109 £
The Hamlet
The place is going from strength to strength and trade begins to happen as more travelers pass through. Choose this set and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
Choose 2 from any of the Out in the sticks buildings, and 2 buildings from the Settlement set.
Choose 2 from
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
Choose 2 from the
Apothecaries rest
The store House
The barn
RRP – £130
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 145 £
The farmstead
Theirs simply too many of you now and it has become necessary that you start making some kind of provisions for yourselves. Now everyone loves a bit of salted pork so lets build that pig sty, put a barn up to store the hay and build a proper home for ourselves. Choose this set and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
This set includes the Farmhouse you can also choose 2 any of the Out in the sticks buildings, and 2 buildings from the Settlement set
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
Choose 2 from the
Apothecaries rest
The store House
The barn
RRP – £172
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 180 £
The Village
Be it to house the locals, store your wares or maintain the animals your goung to need a bigger place. Unfortunately the noise your now making and the revenue your now taking is bring in some unwanted savories. Your gonna need someone to look out for you. Choose this set and get access to purchase any of the add-ons this project has to offer.
This set includes the Watchtower, you can also choose any 2 of the Out in the sticks buildings and 2 buildings from the Settlement set
Choose 2 from
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
Choose 2 from the
Apothecaries rest
The store House
The barn
Choose an additional Watchtower in wood/stone or the farmhouse from the village set.
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.

Mindestbeitrag: 306 £
A growing Settlement
You moved out that tent and gave it to old Bill. Built that ruin into a nice little pad and made a few quid trading in all manner of things. This somehow drew attention from multiple admirers, one of which encouraged you to leave that shack and build a nice smart townhouse where you can raise a family together. Now your losing your hair as quickly as your losing your savings – welcome to the real world adventurer.
Here you have access to all the main buildings and can choose any number of combinations.
You get 1 Two Storey Town house shop.
Choose any 3 from the Out in the sticks set
The Traders shack
The pigsty
The ruin in the wild
Choose any 3 from the Hamlet set
Apothecaries rest
The store House
The barn
Choose any 3 from the Village set
Wooden Watchtower
Stone Watchtower
Shipping costs added after the campaign ends, see shipping section for details.
Add-Ons und Stretch Goals:

Der Kickstarter hat sein Finanzierungsziel bereits erreicht und steht momentan bei 1835 GBP (Stand 05.07.2017) und wird am 26.07.2017 enden.
Link: Apocalypse Miniatures Kickstarter
BK-Herr Kemper
Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern.....
Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG
mehr von BK-Herr Kemper