von BK-Nils | 24.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: Köpfe, Previews und mehr

Bei Anvil Industry gab es zuletzt neue Köpfe im Programm, auf Facebook wurden neue Previews gezeigt und einen neuen Blogeintrag zu den Elitekämpfern des UMC ist auch noch vorhanden.

Anvil Industry Long Hair Heads (7)

Long Hair Heads (7) – 3,00 GBP

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts with long hair.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry Heads With Boonie Hats (7)

Heads with Boonie Hats (7) – 3,00 GBP

No modern military lineup is complete without some Boonie hats.

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts wearing Boonie hats of different styles.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry Jungle Fighter Heads With Helmets (7)

Jungle Fighter Heads with Helmets (7) – 3,00 GBP

Welcome to the jungle!! These boys are heading down the river to find Charlie…

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts with jungle fighter styling and helmets, suitable for a modern military theme.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry Jungle Fighter Heads (7)

Jungle Fighter Heads (7) – 3,00 GBP

Welcome to the jungle!! These boys are heading down the river to find Charlie…

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts suitable for a modern military theme.
  • Mix of bandanas, scars and hair styles.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry PMC Heads With Helmets (7)

PMC Heads with Helmets (7) – 3,00 GBP

Part of the Private Military Contractors range, this is a mixed set of heads with a modern theme.

The set includes:

  • Seven different PMC heads designs.
  • Six with helmets and one loose OPS CORE helmet.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with many other 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry Short Hair Heads (7)Anvil Industry Short Hair Heads (7) 2 Anvil Industry Short Hair Heads (7) 3

Short Hair Heads (7) – 3,00 GBP

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts with assorted short hair styles

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry NVG Heads (7) 1 Anvil Industry NVG Heads (7) 2

NVG Heads (7) – 3,00 GBP

A set of unique heads wearing night vision goggles to fit a modern military theme.

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts wearing night vision goggles.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Anvil Industry Balaclava Heads (7)

Balaclava Heads (7) – 3,00 GBP

A set of unique heads wearing balaclavas to fit a modern military theme.

The set includes:

  • Seven unique head sculpts wearing balaclavas.

They are most compatible with our Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

Auf Facebook waren weitere Previews zu sehen:

Anvil Industry PVC Arms Preview

First look at our Militia arms, suitable for modern day PMCs, Militia, Criminal gangs, Jungle Fighters, Post Apocalyptic survivors and more!
The sprues all contain a mixture of bare arms, T-Shirts and rolled sleeve shirts, so models in your force are more individual.

Note: The muscles look very „over the top“ in this full size render, but it means the definition looks realistic like at 28mm scale.

Anvil Industry PMC Preview

Private Military Contractors Wave Two is incoming!
Here is the first assembled model, using 3D printed parts to test the fit of the M4 carbine and militia arms.

Und auf dem Blog von Anvil Industry gab es dann noch das hier:

Anvil Industry Afterlife Showcase Spectre Operatives 1

Afterlife Showcase: Spectre Operatives

The Unity Marine Corps (UMC) and Unity Guard are a testing ground for innovation in military hardware and training. With the resources at the disposal of the Council, these fighting forces employ state-of-the art weapons systems, exo-mechs, cybernetic and genetic enhancement, hololithic personal HUD systems and many other technological marvels. In turn, each soldier or peacekeeping officer is considered a valuable commodity, and usually undergo extensive cognitive conditioning and physical training to transform them from normal men and women to focussed fighting machines.

Anvil Industry Afterlife Showcase Spectre Operatives 2

Even in a world of elite soldiers, however, there is still room for improvement. The top one percent of the UC’s trained combatants may – should they display sufficient dedication and aptitude – be selected to enter one of the secretive black ops training programs. Of these candidates, perhaps half fall at the first hurdle; another quarter meet with some unknown end, joining the growing ranks of ‘Disappeared’; while the remainder, if they’re lucky, go on to become the best of the best, serving the Unity Council as part of an elite Spectre team. These special operatives are legendary – ghost-like stealth teams who specialise in lightning-fast raids, assassinations and surgical strikes. Using the latest stealth tech, militarised Afterlife surgeries, neuro-psychological conditioning and performance-enhancing combat drugs, they achieve feats in combat situations that seem almost impossible and have become the most feared weapon in the Council’s military arsenal.

Anvil Industry Afterlife Showcase Spectre Operatives 3

Gabriela Aguilar

Gabriela Aguilar is the daughter of a decorated UCMC colonel, and has spent all of her life in military schools and academies. Renowned as the best shot in the Eastern Protectorate, and a marine first-class in all areas of her training, she was inducted into the top-secret Spectre training program where she continued to excel. The surgical, chemical and psychological treatments she has undergone have changed Gabriela into the perfect soldier, and her already quick mind and quicker reflexes led her to become a Spectre team sergeant after just three successful deployments – something never before achieved so rapidly. Although her training has prepared Sergeant Aguilar for all forms of combat and operations, her natural affinity is still for the sniper rifle – they say Aguilar can hit the weak spot in an exo-mech suit from half a mile away in high wind and poor visibility. Certainly, any enemy who falls within her sights is not long for this world.

Anvil Industry Afterlife Showcase Spectre Operatives 4 Anvil Industry Afterlife Showcase Spectre Operatives 5

Quelle: Anvil Industry auf Facebook

Quelle: Anvil Industry


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich mag den Hersteller,gute Qualität.
    Jedoch, nicht alles passt vom Maßstab zu meinen alten 28mm Figuren,bei den Bits (Köpfe) muss ich manchmal etwas tricksen.
    Tut meiner Begeistung keinen Abbruch.

  • Bin ebenfalls äußerst begeistert von diesem Hersteller. Für die planetaren Verteidigungskräfte oder Spezialeinheiten der imperialen Armee habe ich ihre Teile schon mehrfach verwendet.

  • Ich bin auch von der Quali der Ware begeistert.
    Habe schon sein langem mal wieder eine Bestellung bei Anvil geplant, um eine kleine Freelancer-/Söldertruppe aufzustellen; mit den Köpfen jetzt rückt das wieder mal in den Fokus.

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