von BK-Marcus | 14.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Bases, Terrain / Gelände

Antenocitis Workshop: Neuheiten im Februar

Bei Antenocitis sind einige Neuheiten im Shop, unter anderem der „Deus Roller“, der bisher nur in Kickstartern verfügbar war!

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Arabesque Bases 25mm – 7,50 GBP

Vertically sided resin bases „Designed for Infinity“ – Designed to fit an urban environment with a Middle Eastern or ‚Arabesque‘ style. Perfect for use with Haqqislam models, and to base the Red Veil boxed set.


Arabesque Bases 40mm – 7,50 GBP

40 mm vertically sided resin bases „Designed for Infinity“

4 unpainted 40mm bases per pack


Arabesque Bases 55mm – 7,50 GBP

55mm vertically sided resin bases „Designed for Infinity“. These urban street bases have a  Middle Eastern or ‚Arabesque‘ feel, and are perfect for Haqqislam models or the Red Veil set.

4 unpainted 55mm bases per pack


Arabesque Base 70mm – 5,50 GBP

A single 70mm ‚Arabesque‘ vertically-sided round resin base, ‚Designed for Infinity‘. These urban street bases have a  Middle Eastern or ‚Arabesque‘ feel, and are perfect for Haqqislam models or the Red Veil set.


Deus Roller Mk. II – 19,00 GBP

A single ‚Deus Roller Mk. II‘, ‚Designed for Infinity‘. The Deus Roller was originally designed and released as part of the ‚Game Box‘ Kickstarter. It has since been re-designed, to provide better aesthetics and functionality, and therefore ‚MK. II‘. The Deus Roller MK II is a combination MDF, acrylic and resin kit, featuring reverse etched acrylic topper and a choice of 6 different photo-print quality advertisement screens.

The Deus Roller functions both as a scenery element for your games of Infinity, and a gaming aid. Removing the acrylic capper at the top of the Deus Roller reveals way to place dice, and have them roll to the bottom, for a fully random roll. Never get accused of dodgy dice rolling again! The Deus Roller is tall enough to block line of site from most 3-story MDF buildings, allowing you to block dangerous sniper perches and other gaps in a table layout.


Avalon Tri-Ads – Large – 22,00 GBP

‚Avalon Tri-Ads – Large‘ . 2 large triangular advertisement towers ‚Designed for Infinity‘.

This mulit-part kit is a combination of pre-painted MDF, acrylic and resin, and features reverse etched acrylic cappers and a choice of 6 different photo-print quality adverts. It is the perfect choice to lock down lines of sight and terrain hole in an Infinity board. The ‚Avalon Tri-Ads – Large‘ have a futuristic city aesthetic, and is a great fit to the urban design of a dense city in the Infinity universe. A ‚Tri-Ad – Large‘ is as tall as a 3-story Infinity scaled building, so is great for helping cut down on the large lines of fire gotten from sniper perches.


Avalon Tri-Ads – Small – 16,00 GBP

‚Avalon Tri-Ads – Small‘ . 2 small triangular advertisement towers ‚Designed for Infinity‘.

This mulit-part kit is a combination of pre-painted MDF, acrylic and resin, and features reverse etched acrylic cappers and a choice of 9 different photo-print quality adverts. It is the perfect choice to lock down lines of sight and terrain hole in an Infinity board. The ‚Avalon Tri-Ads – Small‘ have a futuristic city aesthetic, and is a great fit to the urban design of a dense city in the Infinity universe.


Metro Terminus & Stop Signs – 23,00 GBP

‚Metro Terminus & Stop Signs‘ . A streetside MDF terrain set designed for Infinity.

This mulit-part set is a combination of pre-painted MDF, acrylic and resin, including reverse etched capper for the Metro Terminus and a choice of 2 sets photo-print quality advertisements. This kits is great for adding extra detail and realism to your future city board, representing the lifestyle and public transport options of civilians in the Infinity universe. The 4 Stop Signs provide perfect partial cover for S2 silhouettes, and the Metro Terminus is provides total cover for many models, and is great for covering a board edge.

Link: Antenocitis Workshop


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Hoffentlich kommen jetzt langsam die Sachen aus den Kickstartern alle regulär raus, da waren echt schöne Dinge dabei!

    • Ich würde da auch weniger knallige Farben für nehmen.

      Andererseits ist die Bemalung hier nicht dazu da, mit der Mini gut auszusehen, sondern die Base zu präsentieren. Fast so, als wäre die Base die Mini.
      Verstehe also die Studiobemalung.

  • Die Busstation finde ich total gut und auch die Werbetafeln sind schön. Bei den Bases bin ich bei Silberpfote. So, gehen die Minis darauf echt ein wenig unter. Mit einer dezenteren Bemalung dürften die aber recht schick aussehen.

  • Sehr schicke Sachen. Nicht ganz günstig, aber sehr schick. Ich denke, dass ich mir das eine oder andere Teil holen werde.

  • Richtig schönes Zeuch.
    Bei den großen Ads sind sechs Motive für sechs Flächen vorhanden. Das geht schön auf.
    Bei den kleinen neun Motive für sechs Flächen. Ein Päckchen geht nicht auf und zwei auch nicht – triggered xP

  • Die Werbetafeln find ich genial und dank KS sind die auch irgendwann auf dem Weg zu mir. Das Upgrade des Deus Rollers find ich auch gut.

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