Antenocitis: US-IMF 28mm & 15mm Kickstarter
Der neue Sci-Fi Kickstarter von Antenocitis Workshop läuft.
Welcome to the US-IMF (United States Independent Military Forces) which is one of the factions in our Governance of Technology range of sci-fi scenery and vehicles.
This Kickstarter is to help us rapidly expand our successful „Governance of Technology“ range of 15mm and 28mm sci-fi vehicles by completing an entire faction worth of vehicles in one go.
We’ve chosen the US-IMF faction for this project as it represents a high-tech faction that is entirely militaristic within our ‚verse and we felt that the „gamey“ style of the models was not at all well represented on the tabletop at large scales.
Do you have anything other than renders to show us?
We’ve already converted some of the models and, indeed, completed the 3D design work and had them printed. Below you see four images of the 3D print of the 28mm „Prowler“ 4×4 vehicles alongside some 28mm – 32mm figures to give you an idea of its size.
We will also provide you with a series of silhouettes of the vehicles set against popular figure ranges as we go through the Kickstarter, but we think it is worth pointing out at this early point that some of these models are of a considerable size within each scale (15mm & 28mm).
As you can see above the Prowler is a very good example of the level of detail that we add to the low-poly model, all of which gets transferred onto the 3D print – and how all of that detail transfers on to final resin model that you will receive.
We have an excellent track-record of delivering highly detailed wargames vehicles of the very highest quality. Very importantly we have a superb record of successfully transferring 3D detail from „virtual models“ onto the final physical models – when you see a render or screenshot of our 3D work you can be assured that all of that detail will end up on the final model.
15mm and 28mm scales.
We have decided to produce both the 15mm and 28mm ranges at the same time as much of the design work overlaps to a very large degree.
However, this does raise the total funding requirement as we need to cover the 3D printing for both scales, as well as initial moulding and resin materials.
We have learned from our previous Kickstarters that we need to leave an extended period of time for pre-production. In previous Kickstarters we have learned how to successfully complete the production within the stated time-frame, however, our pre-production period (getting the models ready for production) has been too short.
As such we are going to have a lengthier than normal development time and initial pledges will start to dispatch in May 2018.
Das sind die Pledge-Levels:
Die Pledges schalten jeweils eine bestimmte Menge Einkaufskapital frei, das zusätzlich um einen Kickstarter-Bonus aufgestockt wird. Zudem sind die Modelle wohl etwas günstiger als später im Retail.
15mm and 28mm scales.
We have decided to produce both the 15mm and 28mm ranges at the same time as much of the design work overlaps to a very large degree.
However, this does raise the total funding requirement as we need to cover the 3D printing for both scales, as well as initial moulding and resin materials.
We have learned from our previous Kickstarters that we need to leave an extended period of time for pre-production. In previous Kickstarters we have learned how to successfully complete the production within the stated time-frame, however, our pre-production period (getting the models ready for production) has been too short.
As such we are going to have a lengthier than normal development time and initial pledges will start to dispatch in May 2018.
So sehen die Preise aus:
Hier noch Bilder der zusätzlich freigeschalteten Modelle:
Und hier gibt es eine Zeitplanübersicht, die auch die bisherigen Kampagnen noch einschließt:
Die Kampagne läuft noch 13 Tage und ist bereits weit überfinanziert.
Quelle: Antenocitis Workshop
Nur ein Wort: Pflichtprogramm!
Ja leider sind die recht kurz mit dem KS zum Roc Dropship im Intervall. Das wird ein teurer Spaß. Aber gut dafür geht’s ein Wochenende weniger auf Tour. Wenn man dann die fertigen Modelle in Händen hält ist die Freude sicherlich Groß 🙂 Daher schließe ich mich dem Pflichtprogramm an.
Wenn das mal in den normalen Handel kommt bin ich sowas von dabei!
Das wird so unglaublich teuer… wie viele Panzer wohl genug für einen 120*360 miliary base Infinity Tisch sind xD
Die sind sehr schick, und einiges davon muss ich einfach haben!
Ich brauche allein den Kestrel mindestens 2 Mal in 15mm! 🙂
Du bist wahrscheinlich weder häufig in der Hauptstadt noch im Raum Hannover unterwegs, oder? Ich such immer nach den (anderen beiden) Leuten, die in Deutschland 15mm Sci Fi spielen! 🙂
Leider weder noch. 🙂
Sieht echt sehr cool aus 🙂
Bison und Prowler sind bereits geordert. Beide Flieger sind wunderschön, kann ich aber zur Zeit nicht rechtfertigen 😕
Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit denen, bzgl. Bestellungen aus Deutschland ? Sind die zuverlässig ?
Ich hatte mehrmals dort bestellt, bevor es deutsche Zwischenhändler gab, und damals lief das einwandfrei.
Hab auch noch nichts negatives gehört.
Der Buffalo sieht aus wie der MAKO 😀