von BK-Marcus | 07.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Antenocitis: Modern/Survival Fahrzeuge

Bei Antenocitis gibt es einige weitere Fahrzeuge für Spieltische der Gegenwart oder Post-Apokalypse.

AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 1 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 2 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 3 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 4

Camaro Cop Car – 8,50 GBP

The Chevy Camaro, put into service as a police car. If you need to chase down villains at high speeds, this is the car for you. Able to tackle any chase thown against it, the Camaro Cop Car will always prevail. The Camaro Cop Car is perfect for real world or zombie apocalypse table, and make good cover or road scatter, as it is a highly detailed vehicle.

The Camero Cop car measures 105mm x 40mm x 35mm, and is supplied unpainted with separate wheels.

Approximately 1/48th scale.


AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 5 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 6 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 7

Survival Camaro Cop Car – 8,50 GBP

The Chevy Camaro as a futuristic police car. In harsh future where defending the streets means up-armouring you police car, the Survival Camaro rides the streets and keeps the people safe. The Survival Camaro Cop Car makes a perfect addition to a near future or zombie apocalypse board, and is perfect roadway scenery.

The Survival  Camero Cop car measures 110mm x 40mm x 35mm, and is supplied unpainted with separate wheels.

Approximately 1/48th scale.


AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 8 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 9 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 10 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 11

Toyota Hilux – 8,50 GBP

The Toyota Hilux, workhorse to the people. A popular pickup truck in American, this four door flatbed is both imposing and useful. As this is a common sight on North American roads, it makes good road scatter and cover for modern ‚real world‘ games or zombie apocalypse type games. This is a highly detailed resin model, with separate wheels and body.

The ‚Toyota Hilux‘ model measures 120mm x 40mm x 40mm, and is made of resin, supplied unpainted and unassembled.

Approximately 1/48th scale.


AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 12 AW Antenocitis Workshop Camaro Toyota Modern Apokalypse Fahrzeuge 13

Chevy LUV / Izuzu Faster – 8,50 GBP

The Chevy LUV / Izuzu Faster. Two names, one truck. Re-branded depending on where it was sold, the Chevrolet LUV was popular pickup truck in North America. This pickup is useful for cover and scenery in modern or zombie apocalypse games, or for those wishing to build a real world table.

The ‚Chevy LUV‘ model measures 115mm x 40mm x 40mm, and is made of resin, supplied unpainted and unassembled.

Approximately 1/48th scale.


Link: Antenocitis Workshop


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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