von BK-Marcel | 16.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Acheson Creations: Primeval Designs KS

Acheson Creations haben einen Kickstarter gestartet um neue Dinos, prähistorische und moderne Tiere unters Volk zu bringen.

Dinos Praehis Modern

In 2010, Acheson Creations entered into a production partnership with Richard Deasey to bring his Primaeval Designs line of dinosaurs, prehistoric and modern animals to the tabletop. Since that time, Primaeval Designs has been a consistent seller for us despite only having released a small fraction of the models sculpted by Richard. In 2015, we introduced new dinosaurs within our Dungeon Worlds system of dungeon tiles and realms and a few items in our first Heavy Metal project. At the close of 2016, Acheson Creations completed an entire buyout of the Primaeval Designs line from Richard Deasey and we’re excited to present 20+ new sculpts ready for production!
The majority of these creatures will be hand cast in urethane plastic. Those cast in pewter metal are marked accordingly.
This project features an a la carte Rewards System where you pledge to cover shipping (based on where you are in the world) and then you add to your pledge enough money to cover the items you want from the below selection.

  • Any pledge over $100.00 = Free USA Shipping!

  • Any pledge over $125.00 = 1 of every unlocked Stretch Goal item!

  • Any pledge over $200.00 = Free Shipping Worldwide!

Das Ziel von 3.000 USD. wurde mittlerweile schon erreicht, der erste Stretchgoal wurde auch schon geknackt:


Derzeit steht der Kickstarter bei 4.100 USD. und läuft noch bis zum 22. Februar.

Link: Primaeval Designs Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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