von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

3Decors: Alsace – Printable Tabletop Terrain Kickstarter

Von 3Decors kommt ein Kickstarter zur Finanzierung von 3-D Daten zum DIY Drucken von Gebäuden.

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This is our first Kickstarter campaign, and we propose you a range of STL-files of Alsatian-style buildings, and one more timbered house from Normandy, printable on your 3D printer.

The advantage of these houses and buildings is that they are easily usable from the Middle Ages to the present day: it will be nice for Renaissance, Thirty Years‘ War, Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, or WW2 with Nordwind or the Colmar pocket, for example. Most buildings are Alsatian-inspired, but can easily be used for other Central Europe areas, starting with Germany.

In order to provide the best gaming experience, all the buildings have detachable roofs. Moreover, most buildings have multiple storeys with the floor included.

The models are created in 1/72 (20/22mm) scale, but the files are optimized to downscale them to 15mm (see our own printings) or upscale them to 28mm. Simply scale them up or down to your needs in your slicer software with the following parameters

1/100 – 15mm = 73% (0.73 in Cura)

1/87 – Half-0 – HO = 83% (0.83 in Cura)

1/56 – 28mm = 127% (1.27 in Cura)

or any other scale of the interval (just ask us for the right scale parameter)

If you have a printer with a 8″ (20cm) print bed wide, it is no problem to print the longer 28mm buildings. Feel free to stay in contact with us, to supply you with optimized parts for your printer.

We tested the printings in 1/100 scale (15mm)*, because it’s faster for us, but also because we think it’s the scale where we see 3D-print layering the most, so if you print the models in another bigger scale it can only be nicer.

* Parameters used : Ultimaker 2 Printer / Layer Height : 0.2mm / Shell thickness : 0.8 mm / Infill : 25% / Print speed : 40 mm/s


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 Pledge at least one euro and get our gratitude and 2 stone-textured 25mm bases


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 This small house is set in 3 parts, easily stackable, the join being hidden in the beams (darker parts on the picture). You can mount it as one or two storey house. This is the house you can see on the three first pictures, above.

Moreover we offer you here a calvary and a typical alsatian „Empire“ bench.


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 This house is done the same way as the small one, simply in a bigger version (roughly x1.5 as you can see with the windows).


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The small house varants is compatible with the small timbered-house #1, allowing to do 2 one-storey and 4 two-storey houses altogether.


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 This is a very well known house in Strasbourg we modelised here. You can also mount and un-mount it very easily as the external beams are attached to the superior storey, and encircle the inferior storey. For the best printing, simply print them upside/down 😉


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We fell in love with a house photography and went far away from Alsace up to Normandy. It still has in common the timbered-style, and we hope you do love the model as we do.

As it is our biggest pledge, we offer you a small chapel, and obviously, it gives you all the stretchgoals !



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 with this stretchgoal, we’ll texture the floors with both (wood or tiles) options for each model

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A typical farm portal, and some farm wall sections

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 This is the smallest church in Alsace, located in Uttenhoffen, barely bigger than a (big) house, but in this way it will fit easily on any table 😉

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 My very own town town hall, a beautiful building.

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 A Medieval tower, inspired by 3 tower seen in Strasbourg city center, mixed with towers with timbered and „all wood“ upper parts as we can see in so many places in Alsace and Europe. And we add some defensive wall sections


Der erste Kickstarter von 3Decors wurde innerhalb weniger Stunden finanziert. Zur Zeit (01.07.2017) steht er bei 1204 EUR und wird am 13.08.2017 enden.

Angeboten werden keine fertigen Modelle, sondern die STL Dateien zum Selberdrucken auf heimischen 3-D Druckern. Die Modelle sind standardmässig in 1/72 (20-22mm), lassen sich aber von 1/56 (28mm) bis 1/100 (15mm) skalieren.

Quelle: 3Decors Alsace Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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