von BK-Nils | 03.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Zenit Miniatures: Yokai Quest

Zenit Miniatures arbeiten an einem neuen Projekt, das irgendwas mit japanischen Monstern, Ninjas und starkem Chibi-Stil zu tun haben wird.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview 1

Shadows are spreading through the world.
The ninja clan of the Red Claw increases its power every day, using to achieve their evil purposes feared yokais who sow chaos in their wake.
An age full of danger where only a group of heroes can stop the advance of darkness.
Yokai Quest is the new and exciting project by Zenit Miniatures and Unusual Creative Studio, which will transport you to a world full of action and adventure.
Are you ready?!

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Tengu

We present you the first art for the Yōkai Quest universe.
Yōkai Quest is a collaborative board game where the heroes face the forces of darkness: hordes of Bone Warriors, fearsome Ghost Wolves… and amongst them, the mighty and terrible Tengu.
Stay tuned to our publications! Soon we will be showing more art of heroes and foes, also more information about this thrilling board game and the elements that compose it.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Ghost Wolf

A new enemy you will have to face in Yōkai Quest!
Tomorrow we will present you some of the brave heroes you can control to stop the advance of the dark forces.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Ryo

Yōkai Quest is a collaborative board game for one or more players.
Choose between the six heroes available, each one with abilities and powers to defeat the enemy. Before a game, you will be able to select the set of abilities at disposal, being able to perform different functions because your selection. Also, the hero powers and capacities will be empowered by the equipment and items gained!
The hero we are presenting to you, Ryo the samurai, is resilient and durable fighter. He is capable of protecting his teammates from their foes, also being an expert in hand to hand combat.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Sai

The next of our brave heroes is Sai!
She is a cheerful gunslinger with a handful of abilities that go from area of effect attacks and shots capable of stun and stop the enemies, to fast displacements that make her able to take perfect positioning in order to use her weapons.
At the beginning of a game, the player can choose up to four abilities to be used by his/her hero, amongst the available ones in the Abilities Deck.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Bone Warrior

The Bone Warriors are one of the most abundant enemies to be faced by the heroes in Yōkai Quest games.

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Card

Hi! Today we are having a look to one of the decks that take part in a Yōkai Quest game: the Energy Deck.
Each turn, each player draws a card from this deck, gathering energy points for his/her hero. Energy management is crucial! When using their abilities the heroes consume this “energy battery”, so not depleting the reserve unnecessarily is guarantee of success.
Also, some of the cards from this deck provide temporal enhancements to the heroes’ capacities, like powering up their attack or recovering life points. Never is a bad moment to receive a little help!

Zenit Miniatures_Yokai Quest Anouncement Preview Bone Warrior Miniature

We present you the Bone Warrior miniature. Fearsome, isn’t it? These beings animated by dark magic will chase you tirelessly, so be ready for battle!

Quelle: Zenit Miniatures auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Wenn die Minis wenigstens aus hochwertigerem Material gemacht würden. Es sieht aber sehr nach Brettspielplastik (PVC) aus. Also genau wie Soda Pops Ninja All Stars. Das Spiel selbst wird wohl eher ein Crawler. Da ich schon Super Dungeon sowie Ninja All Stars habe, brauche ich das hier nicht auch noch.

  • @Boro
    Ich würde diese Minis sofort kaufen wenn sie aus dem selben Kunststoff wie die GW oder Malifaux Minis wären. Das Spielsystem wäre dabei sogar zweitrangig für mich.

    Mal abwarten.

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