von BK-Christian | 22.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

World of Twilight: The Casanii Kickstarter

Der „The Casanii Kickstarter“ von World of Twilight läuft gerade und geht noch 8 Tage.


The Casanii are Coming!

It’s been two years since we launched the ‚Travels through Anyaral‘ kickstarter and since then we’ve watched the player base grow, seen lots of fantastically painted forces and enjoyed hearing how your games have gone.

The first Kickstarter focussed on the three main cultures of the Empire, as well as expanding the Dhogu and introducing the Kedashi. It now seems like a great time to introduce a brand new culture, who were just hinted at last time. These are the Casanii, a diverse race of fierce Fubarnii warriors who live in the vast territories of the Southern Empire. The Casanii have been around in one form or other since the earliest days of development on Twilight, but the large beasts and dynamic characters have always been a daunting prospect and I wanted to make sure I got them right. Using a mix of metal warriors and resin beasts I’ve finally got there! Kickstarter provides the ideal platform for getting the Casanii released as a coherent force and if successful it will give me the excuse to visit some of the more ambitious projects I would love to do. I’ve been cautious so far and the key models for the forces are already sculpted and ready to go.

Welcome to Anyaral!

If this is the first time you’ve visited the World of Twilight then welcome! Twilight is a small scale skirmish game set in the alternate fantasy world of Anyaral, where the Fubarnii of the Empire defend themselves from the predatory Devanu and the encroaching threat of the Delgon and their gods who lay siege to the clans of the North. You can find out more of the background on the website or the original kickstarter page, where there are a couple of gameplay videos. We also have the Anyaral facebook page and a very friendly forum!

The Casanii Forces:


No Casanii force would be complete without a scout to lead the way!

The Casanii Scout can also be fielded in Empire forces, so is a flexible model to have.


We’ve assembled a starter force that shows off the strengths of the Casanii, with a unit of skilled warriors and two of the highly agile Erillai cavalry. The Starter Force does of course also include a Scout to harass your enemies! The Casanii force is balanced against the other starter forces, so you can try them out straight away.


During the last campaign, Gil Masharl did the honours of introducing characters to the world of Anyaral. This time that job falls to the rather well-fed trader who goes by the name of Loranti Pargal. His family have grown very wealthy travelling between the Central Empire and the Casanii Territories so he serves as a good ambassador for the two cultures as he will often travel with a mix of Casanii and Empire troops to protect his valuable cargo. I’m keeping this campaign very focussed on the Casanii, but it is also a good opportunity to try the game out if you have yet to take the plunge.

Loranti is a wealthy traveller who spends his life travelling across the vast Casanii territories. The model shows him comfortably perched atop his faithful baruk, surrounded by those home comforts that no experienced traveller should go without. He isn’t the greatest of combatants, but he is never seen without a small retinue of loyal Casanii bodyguards. The model is cast in fine resin and is included in most of the different pledge levels.

The resin cast of Loranti is going to be kept as a limited release after the kickstarter (probably just available at shows or special events), but during the campaign you can add Loranti to your pledge for £15.


Casanii jenta leave their tribes at a young age to join the Ferals, only returning once they have proven themselves and come of age. The Ferals carry weapons that have been handed down through countless hands as the oldest ferals earn their place with the adults. The feral tribes are a valuable resource to the casanii tribes as they can be called upon to support the defence of the territories. Young casanii jenta only stay with their tribe for a few years before they are called to join the feral tribes. The ferals live apart from the adult tribes and the young warriors will spend weeks or months at a time away, fending for themselves and following their own distinct traditions. Once the youngsters come of age they shed their clothing and hand down their clubs to the younger ferals. They fashion the weapons and armour that signify adulthood such that they might return to take their place among the adult Casanii. The ferals will join the adult tribes in defending the herds.

You can add a unit of Ferals to your pledge for £15. The unit consists of a Brave, four warriors and two mutts.


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The Twilight Traveller

Over the years I’ve produced several issues of the (very irregular) Twilight Traveller, which includes updates on the game, additional backstory and scenarios as well as the all important playtest rules for new models! The Traveller is normally just available in digital form, but for the campaign I’m going to get a copy of the latest issue printed, which will include rules for all the Casanii units that get released in the campaign. The Traveller is included in pledges of Trader and above, or you can add a copy to your pledge for £5.

You can also download previous issues of the Twilight Traveller for free from the Twilight Store to find out a bit more about the world of Anyaral!

Pledge Levels

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You can add the following items to any pledge of Scout or above by increasing the pledge by the correct amount and you will be able to provide details of the extras after the campaign.

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Stretch Goals:

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Why Kickstarter?

It’s taken a lot of work to get all the sculpts done for the Casanii and if successful, the Kickstarter will give me the funding to get them into full production in one go rather than slowly releasing a few at a time. I already have a couple of models almost ready for production that I’ll hopefully have ready to show in the next few days. If this goes well then this might also give me the excuse to try some more ambitious pieces (maybe some ferals riding a big dompaku…) and the opportunity to commission some artwork to go in the rules booklet!

The Team:

Mike Thorp (The Creator): Mike has done most of the work creating the world of Twilight. He first started sketching the Fubarnii and Devanu over 15 years ago and since then he has taught himself to sculpt, written and playtested the game and self-published three books in order to bring the world to life. While there are several sculptors who have worked on the range, he has sculpted all the models for the kickstarter to give them a unified feel.

Joe Karame (The Painter): Over the last few years Joe has been bringing the metal and resin sculpts to life with beautiful paintjobs. Joe runs his own miniature business, Joek Miniatures and over the next few months will be unleashing more figures into his sci-fi Odyssey universe.

Twilight Helpers (The Minions): There are countless people who have helped me get this project up and running. Particular thanks goes out to Vivek Chandra, Louise and Ben Trayhorn, Paul Townsend and of course my ever-tolerant family (Jules, Lexie and Emily).


Quelle: The Casanii Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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