von BK-Christian | 22.10.2016 | eingestellt unter: Wild West Exodus

Wild West Exodus: Besitzerwechsel

Outlaw Miniatures geben ihr Spiel Wild West Exodus an Wayland Games weiter.

Wild West Exodus Logo

Dear fans of Wild West Exodus,

Over the past four years I have gotten the opportunity to entertain every one of you with our great game. From the early years of Wild West Exodus, I had a vision to create a game that made people happy. I wanted Wild West Exodus to be something different and something cool to the gaming world. After our first successful Kickstarter I knew we had discovered something that would bring years of enjoyment to the masses. You the fans made that all possible by not just supporting us with our first Kickstarter but continuing to support us months and years after.

The dedication you as players and collectors showed us is what helped us get so successful. We carried that energy and success into our second Kickstarter campaign that also reached numbers we never expected. Your support for us and this awesome game is what has driven us to produce our miniatures. It has helped us to create exciting story lines and characters that anyone can get invested in. Your support has pushed us to get better at model design and the overall look of the world. For this support we thank each and every one of you out there.

As many of you have noticed over the past few months our team has gone a bit silent. This silence in no way signaled an end of Wild West Exodus or the respected brand it has become. Actually, the exact opposite has been taking place in the deep underbelly of the Dr. Carpathian labs. Over the past 12 months I, as the creator of the game have realized I needed more help. I realized that it takes a team to build and progress a game like ours. A team much larger then what I personally was able to put together at Outlaw Miniature. I and the rest of our staff felt that if we wanted the game to be incredible that something would need to change.

This change required a major decision to be made. Look at hiring several more people to progress the game, or sell the company. After many months of discussing the options and looking at what would be best for our fans, we decided to sell. The reason for the sale was simply to guarantee the game would continue to grow and actually get better. A larger team run by a dedicated staff would mean a second rule book, more factions, even better models, and so on. All the signs pointed to pulling the trigger and finding a buyer who has the knowledge and business sense to take over.

I needed to make sure that the buyers had the same vision and would dedicate themselves to carrying the torch forward. After several offers and many conversations the best possible buyer was found. The team at Wayland Games Ltd agreed to purchase Wild West Exodus and all of its assets. The purchase required both parties to discuss how the future of WWX would progress. The vision had to be there and the drive to achieve it needed to show. Wayland not only showed the interest but assembled a team of dedicated staffers who will push the game forward.

Effective today October 21st, 2016 Wayland Games Ltd are the new owners of the Wild West Exodus brand. I will still be involved with potential future story and character creation as needed by their team. I will always be available to talk to our fans and discuss the universe of WWX whenever needed. My love for the game and its characters has not lessened in any way.

I personally feel that this change will bring success and growth to an already popular game. Wayland Games and their Wild West Exodus team have many exciting details to share with everyone over the next several weeks. Stay tuned to more news and highlights of what is planned and when it will take shape.

I personally thank you all again and wish Wayland Games all the luck in the world.

“In Jesse We Trust”

Romeo Filip, Outlaw


  • Der Arbeitsaufwand an WWE wurde für Romeo und sein Team zu groß
  • Die Optionen waren zu expandieren oder zu verkaufen
  • Ziele sind ein weiteres Regelbuch, neue Fraktionen, bessere Modelle, etc
  • Wayland Games Ltd haben eineam zusammengestellt, dass das Spiel voranbringen soll
  • Der Verkauf wurde am 21. Oktober wirksam
  • Romeo wird weiter zum Hintergrund beitragen.

Wie sich das auf das Spiel und vor allem seine Verbritung in Europa auswirkt, bleibt abzuwarten.

Quelle: Wild West Exodus bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das sind mMn gute Neuigkeiten für das System.
    Seit dem letzten KS hat sich bei dem Spiel nichts mehr getan und ich hatte schon Angst, dass dieses spassige System versumpft. Setting und Design mögen nicht jedem gefallen, aber WWX hat solide Regeln und hochwertige Minis und, wenn man sich mal reingelesen hat, einen stimmigen Hintergrund.
    Evtl. können die Briten das System wieder beleben, noch leiser als Outlaw Miniatures können sie nicht werden. Hoffentlich verbessert sich auch die Verfügbarkeit in Europa und ich kann meine Truppen auffüllen, ohne sie umständlich oder teuer importieren zu müssen.

  • wir spielendas Spiel einigermassen regelmässig in einer kleinen runde.
    Es macht spass, auch wenn es einige Belancingprobleme hat.
    Die Warrior Nation könnte einen kleine buff richtung nahkampf bekommen, da ein grosse anzahl ihrermodelle darauf ausgelegt ist, aber selten dazu kommt mal was zu reissen.

  • Ich fand den Zug ja grosse klasse…aber preislich zu viel.

    Und was wirklich zu empfehlen ist, sind die Bücher.

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