von BK-Christian | 30.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Warpath/Deadzone

Warpath: Forge Father Panzer

Mantic Games zeigen neue Bilder der Forge Father Fahrzeuge.

Forge Father Armour

With the new models fresh in from the painters, we take a look at each of the different Forge Father vehicles. If you ordered one Forge Father tank in the kickstarter, then you’ll be able to build not one, but four different variants, all of which are shown below

MG_Warpath_Forge_Fathers_Panzer_1 MG_Warpath_Forge_Fathers_Panzer_2

The ubiquitous Sturnhammer Battle Tank is a mainstay of the Star Realm’s military might. like it’s creators, it is slow moving, but heavily armed and armoured. Able to equip either an infantry shredding Heavy Hailstorm Cannon, or a tank-busting Heavy Magma Cannon, GCPS force have learned to fear this mighty behemoth.


As numerous foes such as the Veer-Myn and Plague begin to encroach upon the Forge Father Star Realm, the dwarfs find themselves increasingly outnumbered. The Brandr urban assault vehicle has become instrumental in recent conflicts, its Heavy Dragonbreath taking a heavy toll on massed infantry. Deployment to former GCPS held worlds has proven effective, as the tight confines force the enemy into the Brandr’s field of fire.


Although most transports rely on speed to move troops across the battlefield, the Drakkar accomplishes this through sheer unrelenting bulk. Its heavy armour and reinforced frame allow it to plow through rubble and ruins without issue and even survive contact with enemy vehicles. Even if the tank is eventually brought to a stop, then there will still be squads of vengeful, heavily armed dwarfs within, ready to disembark and eliminate their enemies.


Although the Sturnhammer and its variants are undeniably powerful, the complex processed for its construction mean that there are relatively few of these vehicles ready to deploy at any one time. It is in these eventualities that the lighter armoured Hultr is deployed. Capable of anti-infantry or anti-armour support and nimble enough to traverse hazardous terrain, the Hultr can keep pace with troops in built up areas and provide much needed firepower to an engagement.

We’ve taken a look at the numbers ordered and have decided that we will upgrade all of the Hultr Half-Tracks to our new PVC material – the same that we used for the miniatures from Deadzone: Infestation!

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Warpath – The Sci-fi Battle Game

Link: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Interessantes Panzerdesign. Die Mischung aus 40k Klotzigkeit und modernen Elementen ist mal etwas anderes. Für Space Zwerge aber evtl. schon einen Tick zu stromlinienförmig, oder?

  • das Riesen-Fernglass ist super für Aufklärungsmissionen 😀

    Die Lücken in der Passgenauigkeit sind leider für nicht so lustig.

    • Wie Garfield sagt: Das sind die 3D-Drucke (bzw immer derselbe 3D-Druck mit wechselnden Bits). Das finale Modell des großen Panzers wird aus Hartplastik bestehen.

  • Gut beobachtet!😀 Da es sich aber nur um Test 3D Drücke handelt, besteht noch die Hoffnung das die Teile am Ende doch passen.

  • Die Forge Fathers sind schon cool. Ich bin mal auf das Endergebnis von Warpath insgesamt gespannt.

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