von BK-Nils | 10.01.2016 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Wraith Witch Deneghra Preview

Die Warcasterin Wraith Witch Deneghra bekommt ein neues Modell und ihr Designer plaudert etwas darüber.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Warwitch Deneghra Resculpt Preview

I rarely seem to find time to craft an Insider, but as I reach three years with Privateer Press, I felt the need to not only write an Insider but to share an old story.

In 2009, I was working on my college degree in 3D and, of course, playing WARMACHINE. I often used the game as my inspiration for projects, and I was just beginning to show some ability at creating models. I was trying to figure out what my next school project could be, so I presented this challenge to my local community—many who were very supportive throughout my time in school—to see if they had any ideas for me. One of our locals, Chris Suhre (yep, the really amazing painter!), suggested doing a resculpt of Wraith Witch Deneghra. I thought this was a great idea; I was a big fan of Cryx at the time and Deneghra was a truly iconic character. One of my favorite pieces of WARMACHINE art has always been the Wraith Witch Deneghra print Matt Wilson created, so I felt certain it would be both fun and challenging.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Warwitch Deneghra Resculpt Preview 2

I got permission from Privateer Press to pursue the sculpt as a school project, and then I got to work on it. And I will say I tried—but was unsuccessful. I have a screenshot of that attempt safely hidden away…

Now, as a member of the Privateer Press studio, I am privy to upcoming projects, and not too long ago I noticed that Wraith Witch Deneghra was high on the list of sculpts we would like to update. So I asked about taking on this project… though I was not sure I was ready yet. Fortunately, neither was she. As time passed and I gained more experience, I was approached this past summer by Studio Director Ron Kruzie, who told me he wanted me to do the Wraith Witch Deneghra re-sculpt. His encouragement was a great vote of confidence, so I was very excited to be tackling this project! It was as if things had come full circle—from fan art for school to studio work on the actual model.

Working from the original concept Matt Wilson had created and the illustration I had liked so much, I set to work on her. This model had to look great and have undeniable presence. I asked about implementing some of my own changes and poses and was advised simply to “just make it look cool.” Even more incentive and encouragement!

Privateer Press_Warmachine Warwitch Deneghra Resculpt Preview 3 Privateer Press_Warmachine Warwitch Deneghra Resculpt Preview 4

As I reach that three-year anniversary with Privateer, and as I complete a circle begun in 2009, I am thrilled to be able to share with the WARMACHINE community my version of Wraith Witch Deneghra. Expect her to be available later this year.

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Der deutsche Vertrieb für Warmachine & Hordes liegt bei Ulisses Spiele.

Community-Link: page5

Quelle: Privateer Press


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die sieht richtig schick aus. Wobei das alte Model eigentlich im Würde gealtert ist. Mir wäre lieber sie würden mal die alten Mechanitthralls neu machen oder aber das Problem der Doppelungen mal angehen bei den Truppen.

  • Fantastisch! Mit diesem Modell bin ich auch bereit, Deneghra2 zu spielen.

    Großes Tennis. So müssen Modelle 2016 aussehen! 🙂

  • Ich kann Warmachine an sich nicht viel abgewinnen, aber die macht was her. Andere Waffe und dann wär die interessant.

  • Schick, kann sich sehen lassen. Kenne die Vorgängerin nicht aber die Fraktion finde bei WM optisch am interessantesten.

    • Das ist der Warcaster aus deren Starter.
      Die alte Version sah eigentlich nicht schlecht aus, aber gut, die neue ist schon ganz schnuckelig 😛

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