von BK-Christian | 26.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine & Hordes: Limitierte Regelbücher

Im Privateer Insider spricht Ed Bourelle über die limitierten Editionen des MK3 Regelbuches für Warmachine und Hordes.

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Sometime after Gen Con last year, I was talking with WARMACHINE and HORDES creator Matt Wilson about what we wanted to do to make the new limited editions of Prime and Primal special. We wanted to embellish it with cool stuff to make it stand out for collectors. We talked about how we could make the art treatment different, do some gilded pages, and maybe even bind in a ribbon bookmark—all things we implemented in the LE versions of the books. I didn’t feel like this was quite enough, so I just casually said, “Too bad we didn’t think to do some cool bookends.”

Matt’s eyes lit up as he responded, “You need to make that happen.”

So, that’s what I did.

First up was working with art director Mike Vaillancourt and artist Andrea Uderzo to get come concept art done. Fortunately, this team is well versed in the ’jacks and beasts of the setting (it was Andrea that drew them for the new book covers) so we were able to have final art in hand within days of dreaming this up.

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Studio director Ron Kruzie got sculpting lined up and before we knew it, our madness had been given form.

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During the concept and sculpting process we lined up a manufacturer, and less than four months after the initial idea had escaped my lips, I held the first proofs in my hands at its showroom in China. There I requested a few changes to the paint application, and their painter made them on the spot.

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With that done, I signed off on them for production to begin. During this trip, we also worked to determine how the packages would work to keep these heavy items safe and fit the LE book in with them. We cobbled together several versions until I was satisfied that we had the best configuration and box size. Back in the office, with the specs for the package in hand, the graphic design department set about creating the box art. At the same time, there was also the whole Prime and Primal thing that they were wrapping up as well. Needless to say, we burned some midnight oil as everything came together.

My final review took place in April, back in China, where I approved the final printing on the boxes just in time for packing to begin. I was fortunate enough to get to see the final steps of production on the bookends as well. Seeing hundreds of them all lined up was quite thrilling.

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It was fun and rewarding to see the small spark of an idea that I had come to life thanks to the amazing Privateer Press team. I’m fortunate to be in a position where I got to both conceive this project and usher it though all of its steps to become a reality.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the process of getting them to you!

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Limited Edition Collector’s Sets

Privateer Press is proud to present a beautiful pair of ultra premium, limited edition collector’s sets featuring the new edition rules from WARMACHINE & HORDES.

Limited to 1,000 sets each, every collector’s set comes with a pair of bookends featuring two of the most iconic warjack or warbeast faces in the games as well as a limited edition copy of the Core Rules sporting metallic gilded pages, an integrated cloth bookmark, and variant cover design. The heavy bookends are felt-backed and have non-slip rubber feet, perfect for displaying your prized collection of WARMACHINE and HORDES books.

Available now, Limited Edition Collector’s Sets are exclusively available to order from the Privateer Press Online store and available now.

Use coupon code FREESHIPUSA for FREE shipping in the continental United States. International orders will have $30 USD removed from the total price before credit cards are charged, as a discount toward the shipping price. (Total shown by the store invoice will not include the discount, but the total on your credit card statement will reflect the $30 reduction.)

WARMACHINE Limited Edition Collector’s Set
PIP 1065LE WM — $149.99

HORDES Limited Edition Collector’s Set
1067LE H — $149.99

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

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Quelle: Privateer Press


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Wenn der „limitiert“ Virus sich jetzt weiterverbreitet, dann sind bald „normale“ unlimitierte Edition etwas Besonderes und schwer zu bekommen 🙂

  • Ich finde den Weg gut den Privateer hier geht. Solche Buchstützen werden sich dauerhaft nicht lohnen, geben aber eine nette Dreingabe zur limitierten Edition ab.

    Was finde ich gut? PP bringt ein nettes Zubehör, das aber unabhängig vom Spiel ist. Ich fände es viel unschöner, wenn sie eine limitierte Miniatur machen würden, ggf. sogar mit eigenen Regeln.

    Die Buchstützen sind ein „nice to have“, eine besondere Miniatur könnte je nach Regeln schnell zum „must have“ abdriften.

  • Jetzt habe ich die Grenze meiner Liebe zu diesem Spiel gefunden. Limitierte Regelwerke finde ich nicht interessant, weil sie sich nicht zum Regelpauken oder zum Mitnehmen eignen (etwas so teures sollte entsprechend aufbewahrt werden) und sind in 6-8 Jahren wieder aus der Mode.

    Schick sind die Buchstützen. Habe sie auf dem L&L gesehen und wäre bestimmt schwach geworden, wenn es sie hätte einzeln gegeben.

  • Pfff, ich hätte die Buchstützen sehr gerne einfach so gekauft, aber Limitedkram brauch ich nicht.

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