von BK-Markus | 02.02.2016 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Warlord Games: Update Bolt Action Rules FAQ

Warlord Games haben ihre Bolt Action Errata upgedatet und ist bei Warlord Games zum Download verfügbar.


Wir haben für euch die Neuerungen hier aufgelistet:

Page 70, SNIPERS. Add the following paragraph to the Snipers rule: On an Advance order, all members of the team can fire any weapon they are carrying. In an assault they can use the Assault rule from their pistols/submachine guns.
Page 71, Cavalry. Change the end of the second paragraph to read: …except that we do not allow cavalry that have not yet dismounted to enter or assault buildings, nor to board transport vehicles.
Change the first sentence of the last paragraph to read: Cavalry models fighting against Infantry or Artillery units make three attacks per model, regardless of weaponry; when fighting against vehicles, they will only make a single attack.
Page 72, motorbikes. Add the following to the end of the first second paragraph: Motorbike riders that have not yet dismounted may not enter or assault buildings, or board transport vehicles.

Page 94: Assaulted transports. Replace the first paragraph of the second column with: If a transport vehicle is assaulted by enemy infantry, any troops on board may be forced to dismount and fight close combat with the enemy. The vehicle can react by shooting as normal, as long as the charging unit lies within the firing arc of its weapons and starts the assault more than 6” away. If this defensive fire fails to stop the assaulting enemy, or if the vehicle does not perform defensive fire for any reason, the passengers will automatically dismount and prepare to fight, regardless of any orders already given to them or their vehicle; they may not make any other reaction to the charge. The resulting close quarter combat is fought between the assaulting unit and one unit disembarking from the vehicle. If the vehicle is transporting more than one unit, all units on board must dismount, and the largest unit will fight in the assault. If two or more units are tied for being the largest, the attacker chooses which one to fight. Should the dismounting unit be destroyed then the transport risks being destroyed at the end of the turn, as it will most likely be an empty transport that is closer to enemy than to friends.

Armies of Germany:

Page 32: light mortar team. Under Special Rules, add the following: • This mortar cannot fire smoke.

Page 48: Panzer V ‘Panther’ Add the following: Options • May have additional pintle-mounted MMG for +15pts.
Page 49: Panzer VI ‘TIGER’ Add the following: Options • May have additional pintle-mounted MMG for +15pts.

Pages 86 and 92. To all instances of the Defences rule, add the following: If the force is the Defender, each platoon taken from this selector gets the following advantages:
• The platoon receives either one bunker or two ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles.
• Each linear obstacle must be up to 6″ long and 1″ tall, and should provide hard cover (so use low walls, earth embankments, sandbags and the like). You can replace any number of ‘hard cover’ linear obstacles with ‘soft cover’ ones (barbed wire, hedges, picket fences, etc.) and if you do so, you get two ‘soft cover’ obstacles for each ‘hard cover’ one you surrender. Bunkers should be large enough to accommodate a single unit of infantry or artillery. The rules for bunkers are on page 104 of the Bolt Action rulebook.

Armies of the United States:

Page 26: US MArines Squad (Mid- /Late-War) Cost line should be changed to: Cost:Regular Infantry 70pts or Veteran Infantry 91pts.

Page 37: M5/M5A1 Stuart Replace the current HMG option with:: • May have an additional pintle-mounted MMG for +15pts or pintle-mounted HMG for +25pts.

Page 52: LVT-4 ‘water Buffalo’ landing vehicle Add following options: • May upgrade both pintle-mounted MMGs to pintlemounted HMGs for +20pts • May have an additional forward facing hull-mounted MMG for +10pts

Armies of Imperial Japan:

Page 36: Type 92 tankette The Weapons line should be changed to read as follows: Weapons: 1 turret-mounted MMG and 1 forward-facing hull-mounted HMG

Armies of Great Britain:

Page 24: Paratroop section Chnage the second sentence of the ‘Stubborn’ rule to read: If forced to check their Morale, then they always test on their full morale value, ignoring any pin markers

Page 44: Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill I-VI & IICS Change the fourth Option to read: • May replace the 6-pdr with a 95mm medium howitzer at no points cost (making the vehicle a Churchill Mk V)
Page 45: Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill VII-VIII Replace the armament Option to read: • Replace the 75mm gun with a 95mm medium howitzer for -10pts (making the vehicle a Churchill Mk VIII)

Page 76: Fall of Singapore selector Add all transport and tows options from the Burma theatre selector on page 67

Armies of France and the Allies:

Page 21: Renault FT Add the following: Options • Upgrade the MMG to a low-velocity anti-tank gun (+3 Pen) for +30pts.

Page 61: CARS AND LIGHT UTILITY TRUCKS Change the vehicle’s weapon line to: Weapons: None Add the following to the list of Options: • Add a forward facing or rear facing hull-mounted light anti-tank gun for +50pts

Armies of ITALY and the Axis:

Page 65: Infantry Section Remove the special rule which states that units gain Tank Huters if equipped with a Panzerfaust

Page 68: 20mm FLak 38. The following should be added to the Special Rules: • Gun shield.

Page 74: Infantry Section Change the Special Rule to read: • Tank Hunters if unit equipped with anti-tank grenades.

Page 89: Late War Infantry Section, Cavalry Section, motorized infantry section Remove the special rule which states that units gain Tank Huters if equipped with a Panzerfaust

Tank War:

Page 59; Hell’s Highway Under Set-up, replace the second sentence with: The German player chooses at least half of his force and deploys it within  6″ of either or both long table edges. German reserves may move in from either long table edge when they become available.

Frequently asked Questions:

Does a roll of 1 on a to hit roll always miss? Technically, the rules do not say that, so a sniper firing at point blank range at a normal target in the open (and any similar very rare cases) would indeed hit automatically. Note that, on the other hand, the roll to damage rules do state clearly that a roll of 1 is always a fail, regardless of modifiers, and that includes rolls against armoured vehicles. If an officer (or other HQ model) is killed by an exceptional damage roll, do other men in his unit stay in the game? if so, do they suffer -1 morale for losing the squad leader? Yes, they stay, and they do suffer the -1 morale!

When playing a scenario where a portion of your forces are deployed prior to the start of the game, and a portion are held back to form either a first wave or in reserve, does the spotter and his associated mortar/artillery team count as 1 or 2 units for the purposes of calculating the aforementioned portion? They count as 1 (because they only have 1 dice).  If my platoon includes cavalry squads, can I mount an officer and the men in his team on horses? That sounds reasonable; in a platoon that includes one or more cavalry squads, any HQ team can be mounted on horses at the cost of +5 pts per man, getting the Cavalry special rule. If a unit assaults an enemy reCCe vehicle from within 6”, can the reCCe vehicle escape? Yes. Note that it cannot react by shooting, but it can escape. If a unit uses the Banzai rule or the Up and at them rule to assault an enemy, but fails to make contact, does it lose all of its pin markers anyway? No, it loses a single pin marker, as if it has passed a test to Run. Only if it does make contact with an enemy unit it will lose all pin markers. How do you determine whether a vehicle is in cover or not? Is it how much the firing unit can see of the entire vehicle regardless of which vehicle arc – front, side or rear – they are firing at it from, or how much of the specific side of the vehicle they can see from the vehicle arc they are firing at it from? In other words: if my firing unit is standing directly in front of a vehicle and 50%+ of the vehicle front is concealed but I can also see all of its right hand side, does the vehicle get a cover modifier or not? It’s actually the entire vehicle, not the facing you are firing at. So if the majority of the vehicle (over 50%) is in cover, then the vehicle is in cover, and vice versa. In your example, the vehicle would not get cover.

If my unit has a single Panzerfaust, then aCCording to the Dividing Fire rule on P.35 of the rulebook I may fire that weapon at a separate target to that of the rest of the squad (as long as it’s at a vehicle). If however the same unit has two or more Panzerfausts, does this then allow them to fire at multiple enemy targets (as long as they are all vehicular), or must all be fired at the one vehicle target if the owning player decides to fire them all simultaneously? One assumes that because the Panzerfausts are taken in addition to the standard issued weapon of the model, there is no requirement to fire all Panzerfausts at one time; they can be kitchened out for use as and when needed? Yes, each one can be fired separately at a different enemy vehicle, and there is no obligation to fire them all at once.  Are the piNNing values in the HE chart in addition to the normal 1 pin or ‘instead of’? Instead of. When a vehicle is hit by a HE shell, it takes a single hit rather than multiple. But what about pin markers – is that also a single pin or does the vehicle takes multiple pins? It takes multiple pins, according to the HE level of the shell, as normal. Keep in mind, however, that is the HE shell had a Pen value that would make it impossible to cause damage on the vehicle, Veteran vehicle would take no pins at all, and a Regular one might also not take any pins. Partisans can include captured vehicles from German and Italian Army Lists, but only as inexperienced. Some of those vehicles (say, Panzer III Ausf. L,M) are available as regular and veteran only. So, if vehicle’s entry doesn’t offer inexperienced option, should it be available to partisans, or not?  No, if the vehicle is not available as Inexperienced, it cannot be taken.  Can you regroup into a building or obstacle after an assault? You cannot ‚regroup‘ into a building or vehicle. You can, however, if you assault a building and the defenders die, get into that building, because that combat is the same as the one against a defended obstacle, which allows you to take the place of the defenders. Can AA guns fire all around?  No, except when they are mounted on a turntable, as depicted by the model itself.
Can a reCCe model being fired at by an Ambush react with an Escape? Yes. Does a unit armed with one or more Panzerfausts gain the benefit of the ‚tank hunters‘ rule in close combat against enemy armour so long as it has not fired all Panzerfausts, and thus is able to possibly inflict ’non superficial‘ damage to an armoured vehicle? No, the Panzerfaust does not confer the ‘Tank Hunters’ rule in assaults against tanks. Having unused Panzerfausts does however stop the unit carrying it from taking the Tank Fear test. When units set up as observers and snipers and are aCCompanied by a transport, do they have to be within a certain distance of their transport vehicle? No, they do not. can you charge from inside a building into a unit in another building which is not adjoining? Yes. The ‚enemies outside‘ mentioned in the rule include enemies occupying other buildings.  Can infantry change direction any amount of times even when ruNNing or only when advancing? When running as well as when advancing. When firing a flame thrower team at an open-topped armoured transport, such as a German Hanomag, we how are the hits against the troops inside rsolved? Fully enclosed armoured vehicles take 1 pin. Anything else takes D3+1. So in the case in question, the vehicle would take D3+1, and the same amount of pins would go on each unit inside. Only the vehicle would have to take the test, not the troops transported, even if the vehicle was destroyed by the test. Can I use the Pen value of a Sturmpistole in close quarters? Or any other special rule from weapons carried or operated by the unit? No, you never use any Pen modifiers or other special rules from any weapon carried by models fighting in close quarters, except when those rules specifically affect close quarters – like the assault special rule, the rule for the Polish lances, the rule for swords etc (in general equivalent to Tough Fighters), the british national trait that adds one attack per three models fighting, etc…

The German 88mm AA gun has the versatile special rule allowing it to fire as light howitzer. When fired this way, does it have a range of 84″ or 42″? 42″ Does the Tiger I tank (whose 88mm Kwk 36 is essentially the same gun) have the same rule? No. Which vehicles are allowed to tow a Nebelwerfer or other multiple rocket launchers? Treat them as light howitzers for towing purposes.  Can a Nebelwerfer or other multiple rocket launcher be manhandled? Yes, they follow the normal rules for artillery units.
Armies of the united states the M3 White Scout Car is in the ‚transport & tows‘ section with an option to be ReCCe vehicle. In the theatre selectors there is no M3 White Scout Car as a ‚transport & tows‘ option, but only as an ‚armoured car or reCCe vehicle‘. Is it possible to take one M3 White with ReCCe as ‚armoured car or reCCe vehicle‘ and one per infantry unit in the reinforced platoon? The M3 White Scout car should be in the Transport and Tows section of the selectors. If an M3 is upgraded to recce status it counts as the platoon’s recce vehicle.

The hellcat M18 TD was unbelievably fast But, it has no speed rule listed with it. how many inches does it move and will you put it into the errata if it’s more than the usual 9″? If it is only 9″(normal tracked vehicle), why? We have chosen not to go into the differences in maximum speed, as it was often a theorical value and not a reality of real battlefields littered with terrain, mud etc… If we change this policy, of course the Hellcat will be one of the first vehicles we’ll look at.  In which theatre selector can US Engineers squads be taken as Veterans (i.e. late war)? As the theatre does not offer any strict ruling about whether the engineers are the early or late war ones (i.e. Reg or Vet), you are absolutely free to take either – you make the call, you pay the points. We’d recommend using the infantry in the theatre as a guide, so if the available infantry is not late war, stick with the regular engineers; if the available infantry is late war (such as in the 1945 European selectors and Iwo Jima), then you’d be free to choose between regular and veteran engineers. Of course one could argue that their training was superior and so field them as veterans even earlier… either way would be acceptable under the rules. Where are the rules for armoured jeeps? Nowhere, they’re just cool models for normal jeeps

If I field a model of a British light howitzer that is not a 25-pdr (like a 3.7-inch mountain howitzer, for example), can I use the same AT shell rule as the 25pdr? Yes, as you pay the same points. We assume that some AT shells were available to all guns of this type. Are there rules for Tulip Sherman rocket launchers? No, but how about trying the following rules: ‘Tulips’ are allowed in the 1945 – Into the Reich British army book selector as an option for all Sherman tanks. Options: may add one or two additional tulip rockets for +25 pts per rocket Special Rules Tulip rockets count as a turret-mounted heavy howitzer with the following additional rules: • inaccurate: it only hits on a 6, no modifiers apply. • one- shot rocket • Complex Operation: the tank may fire either one rocket or the main gun per turn.

On what roll are my Soviet troops damaged if they have an SN-42 Body Armour on them and their transport is destroyed (regardless if soft-skin or armoured)? The -1 modifier does apply to hits from a destroyed transport

on Page 56, it is possible to use other Tanks via Lend Lease. But which variants can I use? For Example: M4 Sherman is a substitute for the T-34, but which variants of the M4 Sherman or Stuart (for T-70) etc. am I allowed to use? All Variants like the M3A1, M3A3 etc? Or only the genotype M3? We suggest using only the most common variants of these vehicles. If you look at the production quantities of the US and British vehicles, stick to the ones produced in thousands rather than the ones produced in hundreds. For example, Shermans equipped with 75mm and 76mm guns are fine, and maybe even the most common 105mm version, but do not include the rarer ones like the Jumbo, the Zippo, the Calliope.

In the Siege of Sevastopol selector there are Veteran squads allowed amongst other infantry units. At the end of the selector there is the special rule ”Baptism of fire: No soviet forces can be veteran”. So the question is: Can I field Veteran units in this selector? No Soviet forces (except for veteran infantry squads, see above) can be Veteran. On the soviet weapons sprue, there are Automatic Rifles, however in the forces of the Soviet union book, there are no options for that weapon. is it correct that Soviet units caNNot take Automatic Rifles? Correct, treat the Tokarev semi-automatic rifle as a normal rifle. If you prefer, you are welcome to agree with your friends to use for the Tokarev the same rules as a Garand M1 rifle from the Armies of the US (i.e. no penalty for moving and firing).

For the Japanese, do the NCOs in squads modelled with swords count as officers for the purposes of being modelled with swords and gaining the Tough Fighters special rule? No, only the officers do.  can the suicide anti-tank team move around the map in stealth and less than 12″ of an enemy unit thanks No, as normal, units that are ‘Hidden’ are immediately revealed if they move.

Bolt Action ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Radaddel und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

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Quelle: Warlord Games


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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