von BK-Christian | 16.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Warlord Games: 2000 AD Lizenz

Warlord Games haben sich die Lizenz für 2000 AD gesichert.


Warlord Games is to produce a new line of miniatures and games based on the legendary British comic book, 2000 AD.

The worldwide licence covers miniatures games, scenery and collectable miniatures sets based on series and characters from weekly comic, which is the home of Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Nemesis the Warlock, and a whole galaxy of characters from over 40 years.

Game development and designs are in the very early stages but initial plans are for a game based on the world of Strontium Dog, the popular futuristic Wild West-style series where mutated humans such as Johnny Alpha are forced to become bounty hunters.

Paul Sawyer, Head of Product Design at Warlord Games, says “Many of us at Warlord are ardent 2000 AD fans so the chance to take on a licence to work with the stories we grew up with and continue to avidly enjoy was something of a dream come true. We have many ideas to bring the wonderful stories from our favourite strips – old and new – to the tabletop and work had begun in earnest to do justice (pun intended) to Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Flesh, Slaine, Kingdom and many of their sister strips. If a mere Earthlet might dare to quote The Mighty Tharg, this is going to be scrotnig!”.

Keith Richardson, licensing manager for 2000 AD, said: “Knowing how many of the Warlord staff are fans of 2000 AD and seeing the wonderful craftsmanship in their work has me really excited. Together I’m positive that we will produce some truly zarjaz games!”

Warlord Games is a leading light in the tabletop miniature games industry. Warlord is currently developing games and miniatures for Doctor Who through licence from the BBC and has its own science fiction game written by legendary games developer, Rick Priestley – Beyond the Gates of Antares. Warlord has many game systems based on military history – from the award-winning World War II game produced in conjunction with Osprey Publishing – Bolt Action, to its massed battle games – Hail Caesar, Pike & Shotte and Black Powder. www.warlordgames.com

2000 AD is the legendary weekly British anthology comic and home of Judge Dredd, as well as a galaxy of original sci-fi, fantasy, and horror action stars. As well as producing innovative and provocative comics for almost 40 years, it has brought the industry some of its biggest talents, from Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, and Mark Millar, to Jock, Brian Bolland, Dave Gibbons, and many more. Published in print and digital every Wednesday, 2000 AD is the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic and remains at the industry’s cutting edge. www.2000ADonline.com

Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich bin ziemlich gespannt. Hoffentlich wird es nur ein Update der sehr lustigen Mongoose Regeln für Judge Dredd.

    Strontium Dog ist natürlich auch unterhaltsam und Wasteland Western spricht bestimmt auch die vielen Fallout Fans an.

  • Mannomann – Nemesis the Warlock wäre so cool! Als Miniatur(en) vor allem. Keine Ahnung wie das als Spiel passend ginge. Allerdings sollte das dann wirklich entweder auf höchsten aktuellen Modellierstandard gebracht werden oder richtig, richtig old school sein, aber auch dafür braucht man heutzutage einfach mehr, damit es wirklich zieht.
    Denke, das sieht man bei deren Dredd – leider!

  • Hatte warlord nicht eh schon die AD2000 Lizenz? Ich glaube mich an einen Rouge Trooper KS zu erinnern? (Gibt es dazu eigentlich schon was neues)
    Schöne resculpts von judge Dredd minis wäre natürlich klasse … aber ich habe da meine Zweifel .. bisher haben mich warlord Minis nicht so überzeugt.

    Warten wir es mal ab ..

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