Victoria Minis: Weibliche Victorianer Wip
Bei Victoria Miniatures wird an neuen weiblichen Soldaten gearbeitet.
Currently on the workbench are Female Pith Helmet Heads and Female Victorian Torsos, these will be part of the upcoming female Victorian Guard Squads. Also there are some female Great Coat Torsos, these will enable modelers to make troops that match the uniforms worn by the BFG Sledgehammer Crew. I expect these bits to see release in about 4 – 6 weeks.
Quelle: Victoria Miniatures auf Facebook
Link: Victoria Miniatures
Immer wieder gut, was die Frau da so raus bringt.
Nicht ganz billig, aber am oberen Ende der Modellklassen (die spanische Inquisition ist einfach genial).