von BK-Christian | 21.09.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Steampunk

Twisted: Neue Greens

Von Demented Games kommen neue Greens für Twisted.

Hello everyone, it’s time for another miniatures sculpting update with the Gentlefolk Sailor and Teacher, both from the Servants of the Engine faction!

All the Twisted Kickstarter Wave 1 miniatures have now been finished and are in the production queue, so we are making really great progress (and we’ve already made a good dent into Wave 2!)

In other exciting news – this is big (literally) – the hard-copy printed Twisted Rulebook has GROWN by almost 50%, and is now up to 144 pages! The rulebook is going to be filled with extra artwork, sketches, character profiles, alchemantic spells, character stories and lots of other cool stuff, and we’re really excited about it. If it isn’t already part of your pledge, you should consider adding it because it’s really going to be great! Peter has been doing an absolutely amazing job coordinating the rulebook as well as being the main brains behind the rules system, and he is working very hard to finalise things so we can start the printing run. Exciting times!

The Twisted Pledge Manager will be open for a little while longer, but we are now starting to wind down. So if you haven’t yet taken a look, it might be a good time to start working out your final order. We’ll be sure to let everyone know the closure date well beforehand so that you have time to finalise your pledge rewards.

Having said that, we WILL have a few extra terrain surprises for you to add before the Pledge Manager closes – stay tuned! (If you’ve already completed your order it’s very easy to re-open it, if you want to add anything extra before the end).

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Gentlefolk Sailor

Stéphane Camosseto has smashed out another tricky character with this wonderful Gentlefolk Sailor sculpt! This is such a wonderfully characterful piece: it’s a bizarrely steampunk-ish idea to have a robot automaton firing a cannon on his shoulder, but Stéphane has captured the comical yet dynamic aspect very well. Really cool little details with the little pulleys and mechanical components, plus I love the way the anchor has turned out – it makes for a very memorable miniature with a lot of modelling and painting possibilities!

The Gentlefolk Sailor is now available in metal in the Servants Expansion Faction Box, or as an individual Add-On in resin.

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Gentlefolk Teacher

Luc (Lux Thantor) has nailed it again with another solid sculpt for Twisted! The Gentlefolk Teacher has always been one of our more playful concepts, and I think Luc has captured this ‚classroom humour‘ perfectly. After all, who better to patiently impose order in a rowdy classroom than one of the Gentlefolk robotic automatons? The detail work is amazing: the little ‚confiscated‘ teddy bear, the books and writing slate, the darts thrown by naughty students, as well as all the filigree decoration – Luc has really done a great job on this one. I can’t wait to see what he does next!

The Gentlefolk Teacher is now available in metal in the Servants Expansion Faction Box, or as an individual Add-On in resin.


I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing some more sculpting progress. Stay tuned for some more terrain news coming soon – some new pieces to add to the Pledge Manager before it closes!


Quelle: Demented Games bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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