von BK-Marcel | 06.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Steampunk

The Edge: Kickstarter Update

Es gibt ein Update bei The Edge.

Hey guys!
Another update from the field! We are really close on wrapping everything up and parcels with rewards are leaving every week!
Before we will start – we have just created The Edge Facebook group, where you can share your models paint jobs, game reports or any feedback ; )
This update will be mostly with pictures, but very soon we will write a „Story behind The Edge“ – full story with all ups and downs of this project, lessons we learned and personal touch ups. Lets get on with it, shall we…?

Angel of Death and Ish busts
They are finally cast, pretty huge and really majestic!
This is first cast, so you can see some imperfection on the base – don’t worry, all of them will be sanded.

Bueste1 Bueste2 Bueste3 Bueste4 Bueste5

And here is how the mold look


Holy Knight Cavalry
Holy Knight is cast as well and in production! It is really amazing miniature that will storm against any enemy of the Chapter!

Knight _Knight2 Knight3 Knight4

„Battle of Eld Hain“ book
We are happy to anouce, that antology on The Edge world is also ready and right now is being prepared to print. Here are the stories you will find in it:

  • Railway Security Service – Piotr Dudek
  • Song of Krak the Screamer – Sebastian Kroon
  • That Bald Scoundrel – Jakub Łukaczynski
  • Apocryphon – Michał Rybiński
  • Chempions of Seventh Ferratha – Kamil Celer

Soon we will also make PDF version available 😉
Faceless models
In next 2 weeks all Faceless models will be printed and cast!
We actually needed to re-do the Shatterer model, as we lost contact with previous 3D artist, before he were able to send us the file. This is one of those things, that you cannot predict and can happen – BUT! Don’t worry, in the end, we believe we were able to make this model even BETTER then before. With next update you will be able to see full Faceless force!



Link: The Edge auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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