von BK-Christian | 15.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

TerraForms: 10mm Terrain Kickstarter

Für Freunde der kleineren Maßstäbe gibt es einen neuen Kickstarter.

Our buildings are designed and cast with hollow interiors. You can cut away wall sections to create damaged buildings with a realistic look. Many have removable roofs, or the floors are stackable, modular sections. Doors, windows, and gates can be cut out. This also reduces weight to allow reasonable worldwide shipping rates. Many are cast as multiple sections that you can assemble in many different ways before gluing them together, or leave them un-glued to change the layout every time you play. You are only limited by your imagination!

AN IMPORTANT NOTE! We have priced our pledges and add-ons at a low price to bring you a better value over waiting until (or if?) we are funded and open our webstore! After the Kickstarter campaign concludes, all prices for terrain in our webstore will be higher than the prices you see in this campaign. There is a definite benefit to getting in early and helping us get funded from the start! Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Please bear in mind, certain pieces may undergo alterations during the design and prototype process. What we have in mind during the 3D design stage may not be reasonable to produce on a model. What you receive may differ somewhat from the images depicted. Keep up with project updates to see the evolution!

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 10 Tage.

Quelle: TerraForms Tabletop Wargame Terrain 10mm/12mm scale


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ohoh, das sieht aber sehr interessant aus. Wenn das preislich im ahmen bleibt werde ich mich damit für DZC eindecken müssen.

  • Sehen nicht schlecht aus, aber solange es kein shipping aus der EU gibt, gibt’s von mir kein Geld. Keine Lust auf Zoll.

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