von BK-Markus | 09.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Studio Miniatures: Hollywood Havoc Kickstarter

Es ist soweit Studio Miniatures haben ihren neuen Kickstarter „Hollywood Havoc“ gestartet.Das Ziel von 2000 GBP wurde schon erreicht und es warten noch einige interessante Strech Goals auf die Backer.



Studio Miniatures have been producing highly detailed 28mm miniatures for the last 6 years. Our zombie horror range „Z-CLIPZ“ is widely regarded as the best 28mm modern zombie range available on the market. We have experience and expertise in both traditional white metal/resin miniatures and plastic injection moulded miniatures. You can see our existing ranges and miniatures at www.studiominiatures.com

„FUNLAND THEME PARKS & RESORT“ was the biggest theme park in the US, covering thousands of acres on the sunny west coast.

„Medieval World“ was just one of many theme parks within the resort and the first to feel the impact of the Zombie Apocalypse. „Hollywoodland“ wasn’t far behind with the undead hordes ripping through the the fun rides and mock sets of some of Hollywood’s most iconic movies and devouring the unlucky staff dressed as Hollywood’s greatest stars.

„Hollywoodland“ also contains the very popular „Monster Madness Haunted House“, a large mansion filled with the scariest of monsters from the silver screen. The number one attraction during Halloween but just as terrifying all year round.

Our aim is to release a new expansion range for our popular Z-Clipz zombie range with four new Survivors, four new Zombies and four new Monsters then add to this first wave with further Stretch Goals and Free Miniatures along with Downloadable Colour Artwork and more! Sculptors Matt Bickley, Paul Hicks and Leandro Ventic will be working on this campaign.

All of these new miniatures are fully compatible with our existing modern zombies and survivors, so if you want to mix them together for some movie madness or keep them separate, either way you are going to love….Hollywood Havoc!

What do you get:

 We decided to offer backers the option of picking what miniatures they want to back. Some people might only want the Survivors or just the Survivors and Zombies, offering different combinations allows the most flexibility but we are sure you will all go for the Full Monty Deal anyway…lol



The four Survivors are Aaron, Charlie, Norma Jean and Judy.



The four Monsters are The Wolfman, The Monster, The Mummy and The Count.



The four Zombies are Zombie Aaron, Zombie Charlie, Zombie Norma Jean and Zombie Judy.


Hollywood Havoc Rules Supplement- Pdf Version


Addon Ons:

Skirmish Outbreak Rule Book


Add £12 for the Printed Paperback Version of the Skirmish Outbreak Core Rule Book or £9 for the Pdf Version to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this item.

Hollywood Havoc Rules Supplement


Add £7 for the Printed Paperback Version of the Hollywood Havoc Rule Supplement or £5 for the Pdf Version to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this item.

Medieval Mayhem Rules Supplement


Add £7 for the Printed Paperback Version of the Medieval Mayhem Rule Supplement or £5 for the Pdf Version to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this item.

Existing Ranges

ALL of our existing Zombie and Survivor miniatures (Z-Clipz and Medieval Mayhem) and Resin Terrain (Street Furniture) will be made available during the Pledge Manager phase with discounts applying to all products.

If we are successful in reaching our funding target then we will add the following Special Stretch Goals:

Special Strech Goals:

50 Backers:


Every backer at The Full Monty and Celeb Status Pledge Levels will receive a FREE pdf copy of the Skirmish Outbreak Core Rule Book. (RRP £9.99)

100 Backers:


Every backer at The Full Monty and Celeb Status Pledge Levels will receive a FREE copy of Lee in either White Metal or Resin depending on your main pledge. (RRP £4/£12.50) Also available to buy by adding either £3 for the White Metal miniatures (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniatures (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

150 Backers:


Every backer at The Full Monty and Celeb Status Pledge Levels will receive a FREE copy of Zombie Barbara, Zombie Rudy, Zombie Angie and Zombie John in either White Metal or Resin depending on your main pledge. (RRP £13/£50) Also available to buy by adding either £10 for the White Metal miniatures (RRP £13) OR £35 for the Resin miniatures (RRP £50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on these miniatures.

Stretch Goals:

3000 GBP:


Add either £3 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

4000 GBP:


Add either £3 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

5000 GBP:


Add either £4 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £5) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

6000 GBP:


Add either £3 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

7000 GBP:


Add either £3 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

8000 GBP:


Add either £4 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £5) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

9000 GBP:


Add either £3 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £4) OR £9 for the Resin miniature (RRP £12.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on this miniature.

10000 GBP:


Add either £6 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £8) OR £18 for the Resin miniature (RRP £25) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on these miniatures.

12000 GBP:


Add either £6 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £8) OR £18 for the Resin miniature (RRP £25) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on these miniatures.

14000 GBP:


Add either £9 for the White Metal miniature (RRP £12) OR £27 for the Resin miniature (RRP £37.50) to your Pledge. FREE Worldwide shipping on these miniatures.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 25 Tage.

Quelle: Hollywood Havoc auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Ist ja alles (ganz ganz leicht) verfremdet, aber schon total offensichtlich, was es sein soll. Ist sowas eigentlich legal?

    Ich meine, ist mein Geld futsch, wenn ich das pledge? Weil cool ist es schon.

    • Naja beim ersten Kickstarter war es Ritter der Kokosnuss und der wurde ja auch ausgeliefert daher dürfte das schon gehen

      • Bist Du sicher, dass die Rechteinhaber diverser, z.T. aktueller (!) Hollywood- und Spiele-Marken genauso entspannt mit der Hommage an ihre IPs umgehen, wie Monty Python?

        Mr kommen genau deswegen nämlich so meine Zweifel.

  • Ich versteh nicht, warum sich hier alle so über noch mehr Zombies freuen? …die gibts ja wie Sand am mehr. Was wirklich dringend nötig wär, sind Sachen, mit denen man GW proxen kann!!

  • Cooles zeug!
    WENN es in dem Handel schaffte sehe ich 2-3 Minis die ich mir auch kaufen würde.

  • ++++++ Breaking News ++++++

    Die Welt-Zombie-Bank gibt bekannt, daß die Zombie-Kickstarter-Inflationsrate massiv ansteigt. WZB-Sprecher Anthony Pocalypsy warnt vor massiver Überschwemmung der Märkte mit billigen Zombies und rät, in sichere Anlagemodelle wie VW-Aktien oder SCO-Anteile zu investieren

    ++++++ Breaking News ++++++

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