von BK-Marcus | 17.10.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Statuesque Miniatures: Female Bionic Heads

Statuesque Miniatures haben neue Frauenköpfe in allen drei Maßstäben im Shop.

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Featuring a variety of bionic prostheses, the Fine Scale Female Heads – Bionic set is designed to allow you to convert your fine scale miniatures. These heads are designed to match those of the Statuesque Sci-fi range of figures – and many other figures as well!

  • 10 metal female heads.

As a New Release Special Offer, the Fine Scale Female Head – Bionic set is priced at £4, saving over 10%!

  • Purchase 2  or 3 sets for £3.75 per set.
  • Purchase 4 or more sets for only £3.50 per set!

This offer will run until Sunday the 6th of November, or while stocks last.

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Featuring a variety of bionic prostheses, the Pulp Scale Female Heads – Bionic set is designed to allow you to convert your pulp scale miniatures. These heads are designed to match those of the Statuesque Asylum and Pulp Alley ranges of figures – and many other figures as well!

  • 10 metal female heads.

As a New Release Special Offer, the Pulp Scale Female Head – Bionic set is priced at £4, saving over 10%!

  • Purchase 2  or 3 sets for £3.75 per set.
  • Purchase 4 or more sets for only £3.50 per set!

This offer will run until Sunday the 6th of November, or while stocks last.

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Featuring a variety of bionic prostheses, the Heroic Scale Female Heads – Bionic set is designed to allow you to convert your heroic scale miniatures.

  • 10 metal female heads.

As a New Release Special Offer, the Heroic Scale Female Head – Bionic set is priced at £4.25, saving over 10%!

  • Purchase 2  or 3 sets for £4 per set.
  • Purchase 4 or more sets for only £3.75 per set!

This offer will run until Sunday the 6th of November, or while stocks last.

Quelle: Statuesque Miniatures


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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