von BK-Christian | 23.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Star Trek Adventures: Neues Rollenspiel

Modiphius haben ein Star Trek Rollenspiel mit passenden Miniaturen angekündigt.



Starfleet Academy Intake 2016 Launches August 4 at Gen Con with Living Campaign Playtest Registration, Free Capt. Kirk and Picard Miniatures

LONDON, ENGLAND (July 21, 2016): Modiphius Entertainment, publisher of the Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles, Conan, Infinity and John Carter of Mars roleplaying games, is excited to announce today the development of Star Trek Adventures, the first new official Star Trek roleplaying game to be produced in more than a decade. The news comes as Star Trek fans worldwide celebrate Star Trek’s 50th anniversary in 2016.

Fans of the legendary Star Trek television series’ and films will not only boldly go to the final frontier, but they will shape the voyages and missions through the Star Trek Adventures living campaign playtest. Each player will experience the game differently based on the ship they are assigned to and attendees of Gen Con will have the exclusive North American opportunity to choose their ship, as well as claim a free Captain Kirk or Captain Picard miniature, while supplies last, when they register for the playtest. Registration will take place daily at the Modiphius booth #2737 in the Gen Con exhibit hall August 4 – 7, 2016.

Additional sign-ups will launch online from late August at www.modiphius.com/star-trek and fans in Europe will have their chance to claim Kirk or Picard at the Modiphius booth at Essen-Spiel in Germany in October and at Dragonmeet in the UK in December. The living campaign playtest will launch in the fall.

“Since I was a kid I dreamed of sitting in the captain’s chair and boldly going on my own voyages,” says Modiphius Entertainment’s publishing director Chris Birch. “With Star Trek Adventures we can all explore our own stories in the worlds of Captain Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer and many others.”

Star Trek Adventures will use the Modiphius 2d20 game system (Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Conan, John Carter of Mars) designed by Jay Little (Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, X-Wing Miniatures Game). Modiphius is also sculpting an accompanying Star Trek miniature figure line, the first to be produced in 17 years. Resin and metal 32mm-scale hobby figures will feature classic Star Trek characters and crews, boarding parties and away teams. Geomorphic tile maps of burning Federation ships, mysterious colonies and embattled Klingon cruisers will set the scene for dramatic new voyages in the Final Frontier.

Under license by CBS Consumer Products, Star Trek Adventures is slated for a Summer 2017 release and the playtest crews will be listed in the Star Trek Adventures book manifest. Sign up for Starfleet now at www.modiphius.com/star-trek

™ & ©2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Star Trek Adventures Miniatures

There will be a wide range of Star Trek Adventures miniatures including many of your favourite characters as well as generic crew, away teams, boarding parties and aliens. Accompanying the range will be geomorphic map tiles of Federation, Klingon and other ships, space stations, lost colonies, ancient ruins as well as dangerous and mysterious worlds to explore.

The figures will be single piece and multi-part, and available in collector’s blisters as well as crew packs giving you whole away teams or bridge crews from different eras. As you can see from the scale picture example above they are 32mm iand made in a soft resin. These two initial figures of Captain Kirk and Picard will be available to those signing up for the official playtest at the Modiphius stands at GenCon, Essen Spiele and Dragonmeet and later as part of various sets.


Here’s some quick answers to questions you may have!

1. Which Star Trek shows will the game cover? 
Star Trek Adventures will cover Star Trek the Original Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise as well as all of the original and Next Generation films. It does not include the new reimagined films by JJ Abrams.

2. What game system will it use? 
The roleplaying game will use Modiphius‘ 2d20 system also being used for Conan, Mutant Chronicles, Infinity and John Carter of Mars. Click on the links above to check out free previews of some of these games.

3. When will it be out?
Star Trek Adventures will be out Summer 2017 but there will be details of a pre-order announced in the coming months.

4. Can I play a Klingon or other non-Starfleet characters
The core rulebook will focus on playing human and alien Starfleet characters There will be supplements that introduce other playable character races including Klingons.

5. Will there be ship combat? 
Star Trek Adventures will have a simple ship combat system for use in the roleplaying game. You’ll find out more about this in the playtest.

6. Can I play Captain Kirk, Picard or other characters? 
Yes there will be pre-generated characters for many of the well known personalities from Star Trek including Picard, Kirk and more, but the focus will be on creating your own stories in the Star Trek universe.

7. Are you keeping it authentic? 
Yes, Star Trek Adventures is being written by a team of Star Trek experts who are staying true to the Prime universe. We’ll announce the writing team soon.

8. How are you going to address the Prime Directive?
In Star Trek Adventures characters will have good reason to follow the Prime Directive, but as in the shows and films, sometimes this duty will be challenged. You will find out more in the playtest.

9. How much will it cost? 
We haven’t confirm the pricing yet, but you can expect similar pricing to other core books, supplements and miniatures we have produced.

10. Are you looking for writers or artists? 
If you have been professionally published as a writer in the tabletop games industry or commercially published as an artist yes please contact us through www.modiphius.com/contact – please include a link to work.

11. Will it be combat focused or more like the shows? 
In Star Trek Adventures the ability to solve problems, deal with moral dilemmas, unearth conspiracies or ancient mysteries, will be as important as being able to command a ship in action or lead an Away Team under fire.

12. Will this be a Kickstarter? 
No, there will not be a Kickstarter. Star Trek Adventures will be available through a pre-order via  the Modiphius webstore and local gaming stores next Spring.

13. What size are the miniatures? 
They are 32mm to match other popular scale miniature figure lines.

14. Will the roleplaying game require miniatures? 
No it does not require miniatures to play, however many gaming groups like to use miniatures to represent their characters, show their relative positions etc. You will be able to use our geomorphic map tiles recreate key scenes from your missions above Federation ships, boarding Klingon cruisers, or exploring strange ancient ruins.

15. Which miniatures will you be making? 
We will be making miniatures of all the well-known characters from the shows and films, as well as generic crews, Away Teams, alien races, boarding parties and more.

16. Will you be making ship miniatures? 
No, there are already some great official Star Trek ships available like Star Trek: Attack Wing

17. Will it be similar to the previous Star Trek roleplaying games
Star Trek Adventures is a completely new design and will be bringing to life many important aspects of the Star Trek stories in new ways that we think you are going to love.

18. Will there be Living Campaigns once the game comes out? 
There will be Star Trek Adventure Living Campaigns running each year with organised play events in stores and special events at major conventions.

Quelle: Modiphius Enterteinment


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Klingt definitiv interessant. Mal schauen, ob ich einen Picard in Essen werde abgreifen können.

  • Tolle Sache! Neue Star Trek Miniaturen wären echt klasse! Da ist alles besser als das was es aktuell auf dem Markt gibt!

  • Na mal kucken wann das dann tatsächlich erscheint..
    Das Infinity RPG sollte auch schon im Dezember erscheinen und ist bisher noch nicht ansatzweise fertig…

  • Klingt für mich so spannend wie Fußpilz. Ja ich bin kein Trekki , aber fertige Charaktere aus einem bestehenden Universum spielen zu können ist ja wohl schonmal keine gute Werbung für ein System. Ja, das ganze hat natürlich viel US Einschlag, aber das ist selbst für D&D oder Pathfinder Enthusiasten zu platt und zu wenig richtiges Rollenspiel. Davon mal ab das durch die arg langweiligen Klamotten eh wenig Varianz in den Miniaturen sein kann.

    • Es ist lediglich eine Option, da man vorgefertigte Profile für bekannte Charaktere aus dem Universum im Buch hat. Der Fokus soll aber auf eigen Spielcharakteren liegen, siehe auch die Ankündigung oben.

    • In einen vorgegebenen Charakter zu schlüpfen und ihn entsprechend der Vorlage auszuspielen kann durchaus eine Herausforderung sein.

      Abgesehen davon, wieso siehst du bei den Miniaturen wenig Abwechslung? Mir fallen da genug Möglichkeiten ein, auch wenn die zusammenpassenden Miniaturen alle ähnliche Uniformen tragen. Durch verschiedene Spezies bekommt man Abwechslung, ebenso durch charakteristische Ausrüstung wie Tricorder, Phaser(gewehre), medizinische Taschen …

      Auch bei den Uniformen gibt es genug Vielfalt:
      – Uniformen NX-01-Ära
      – alte Uniformen TOS (Der Käfig, Talos IV – Tabu, Das letzte seiner Art)
      – neue Uniformen TOS (Rest der Serie)
      – Uniformen für Frauen TOS
      – Uniformen aus Star Trek – The Motion Picture
      – Classic-Uniformen aus Star Trek II bis VII (leicht unterschiedliche Schnitte zwischen den Filmen) inkl. Abwandlungen aus Serienfolgen
      – alte Uniform TNG
      – Uniformen mit Rock aus TNG (sogar von Männern getragen!)
      – neue Uniform TNG
      – Uniform DS9 / Voyager / Star Trek VII (teilweise bei TNG-Crew)
      – neue Uniform DS9 / Voyager / Star Trek VIII bis X

      Das bietet doch etwas Abwechslung.
      Ich bin jedenfalls auf die Miniaturen gespannt und fürchte, dass ich mir welche werde zulegen müssen, wenn sie denn auch gut modelliert werden.

      Was das Rollenspielsystem angeht, das werde ich mir auch mal anschauen. Vom System von Last Unicorn Games war ich ja sehr angetan, die anderen haben mir nicht so zugesagt.

      Um noch einmal auf Miniaturen zurückzukommen, wer hat da eigentlich alles lizensierte Miniaturen in 28-32 mm herausgebracht? Mir fallen da spontan nur Games Workshop und Last Unicorn Games ein.

      • Der Trekki mag mich steinigen aber das sind letztlich alles die selben Strampelanzüge. Bei jedem anderem Miniaturen /Rollenspiel Hintergrund würde das hier auch bemängelt werden.

  • Reizt mich als Semi-Trekki gar nicht. Stattdessen finde ich eine Cypher System-Fassung (Regelwerk von Numenera & The Strange), an der seit geraumer Zeit von einem Fan gearbeitet wird, ums 1000-fache interessanter.

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