von BK-Nils | 03.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Spartan Games: März Neuheiten

Spartan Games stellen die März Neuheiten vor, darunter eine neue Starterbox und ein Turnierpaket, sowie zwei neue Schiffe für Halo: Fleet Battles und neue Assault Helix Boxen für Firestorm Planetfall.


Halo: Fleet Battles, Ensign Edition – 45,00 GBP

Halo: Fleet Battles, Ensign Edition makes it even easier for players around the world to begin gaming exciting spaceship battles set in the fantastic Halo Universe. Inside this 2-player box set players will find all the models and rules they need to start playing. The set allows for six Battle Groups (four UNSC and two Covenant) of highly detailed spaceships to be fielded, providing players with a superb base for future fleet expansion.
The Ensign Edition consists of the following components:

• 128-page Core Rulebook
• 16x UNSC Plastic Ships
• 8x Covenant Plastic Ships
• Plastic Formation Bases
• Token, Statistic and Overlay Sheets
• Punch-Out Scenery Sheet
• 2x Fleet Commander Data Sheets
• 30x Custom Halo Dice and 2x Standard D6
• Reference Sheet
• Assembly Instructions

Enough gaming pieces for hours of fun!

Spartan Games_Halo- Fleet Battles Tournament Kit 2016 1

Halo: Fleet Battles Tournament Kit 2016 – 25,00 GBP

Kick start your 2016 tournament with a Halo: Fleet Battles Tournament Kit. Designed to work with our free downloadable Tournament Guide, the Kit supports competitive or casual tournament play at any club, local game store or even your living room. With event posters for publicising the tournament, a plaque for the overall winner and plaques and other items to use as spot prizes, the Kit includes everything you need to make your event a memorable one!

One Kit works for up to 16 participants and includes a badge for each person. Running a bigger tournament? Just buy more Kits. Who will win the exclusive Halo plaque? A persevering commander after a tough 4-week tournament series, or the supreme victor of your monthly Halo night – you decide!

The Halo: Fleet Battles Tournament Kit 2016 includes:
1 acrylic Winner’s plaque
2 acrylic Best Painted and Most Sporting plaques
The following to use in the tournament or as spot prizes
1 UNSC commander bust
1 Covenant commander bust
1 acrylic game token set
2 Spartan Games dice bags
2 event posters
2 scenery sheets
8 UNSC player badges
8 Covenant player badges

Spartan Games_Halo- Fleet Battles UNSC Valiant-Class Super Heavy Cruiser

UNSC Valiant-Class Super Heavy Cruiser – 32,00 GBP

The design goal for the UNSC Valiant-class was to give the humans a warship akin to a Battleship, and this makes the Valiant a superb new addition to any UNSC Fleet, and only barely scrapes into the medium size class. For her points cost she’s one tough nut to crack and whilst not the most devastating vessel in the UNSC arsenal a Valiant can truly hold her own! This upgrade set comes with three highly detailed resin Valiant models and 12 plastic Paris-class Frigates, along with Formation Stands, Overlay Sheets, Tokens and Assembly Guide.

Spartan Games_Halo- Fleet Battles Covenant CPV-Class Heavy Destroyer

Covenant CPV-Class Heavy Destroyer – 35,00 GBP

The CPV Heavy Destroyer is quite an intoxicating machine of war. With one of the most easily recognisable silhouettes of any Covenant vessel, this model can only be described as a bruiser in combat. When you read 343 Industries’ background text for the CPV you instantly get a mental image of an utterly fearless crew straining at the leash to be let loose so they can tear UNSC ships apart – a true line breaker style of model. This upgrade set comes with three highly detailed resin CPV models and 6 plastic SDV-class Heavy Corvettes, along with Formation Stands, Overlay Sheets, Tokens and Assembly Guide.

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall Dindrenzi Federation Assault Helix

Dindrenzi Federation Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. A Dindrenzi Federation Assault Helix contains 2x Iapetus Battle Robots and 3x Hades Medium Missile Tanks to create a fast and deadly duo on the tabletop. There was much speculation about the Iapetus since early Kurak intelligence reports first identified this Battle Robot, but with its full deployment on the battlefield this speculation and rumour soon translated into the flaming wrecks of enemy vehicles!

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall Aquan Prime Assault Helix

Aquan Prime Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. An Aquan Prime Assault Helix contains 2x Ju’Fa Shami Battle Walkers and 3x Sakatar Medium Battle Tanks which combine to create a fast moving unit for the tabletop. Whilst the Ju’Fa Shami hunt down larger units, attempting to ram and rip them open, the Sakatar lay down ferocious volleys of missiles in support.

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall   The Relthoza Assault Helix

The Relthoza Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. A Relthozan Assault Helix contains 1x massive Salavi-Kei Heavy Battle Suit and 5x Jakariss Light Walkers to create a crushing fighting force on the tabletop. The driving philosophy behind this unit is strength in numbers – which equates to bad news for the enemies of the Relthozan Empire!

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall Sorylian Collective Assault Helix

Sorylian Collective Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. A Sorylian Collective Assault Helix contains 2x Jyal’Rho Heavy Battle Walkers and 2x Samaru Medium Battle Walkers to create a devastating duo on the tabletop. The Jyal’Rho is a brawler, intent on closing in on its target to engage in close quarter combat, with the Samaru supporting these attacks using its missile weaponry.

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall Terran Alliance Assault Helix

Terran Alliance Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units to destroy them. A Terran Alliance Assault Helix contains 2x Loki Heavy Battle Walkers and 2x Hodr Medium Battle Walkers which combine to create a powerful fighting unit on the tabletop.

Spartan Games_Firestorm Planetfall The Directorate Assault Helix

The Directorate Assault Helix – 28,00 GBP

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. A Directorate Assault Helix contains 2x Accoster Heavy Battle Robots and 3x Purgation Medium Battle Tanks to create a devastating tabletop team that can hunt down its prey and destroy it with ease. Accosters are well named, with Directorate commanders tactically holding back the machine of war until weakened enemy units have been identified, allowing the Robot to strike and smash them. Purgation Tanks are a terror unit designed to engage and flame enemy units.

Firestorm Planetfall ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Spartan Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Spielt eigentlich jemand Firestorm Planetfall? Die Grundbox staubt bei mir ein, weil niemand bei mir bereit ist die englischen Regeln zu lernen.

    • Ich glaube die Frage war unter den ersten drei Beiträgen bei so ziemlich jeder Planetfall / Armada News, die ich in der letzten Zeit hier gesehen habe. Ja, es gibt Leute, die der englischen Sprache mächtig sind, die Modelle cool finden und das Spiel spielen. Das könnte man bald als Disclaimer unter entsprechende Blogbeiträge setzen …

      • Bei den meisten staubt es ein…. auch weil die Regeln noch immer nicht ganz ausgereift sind und immer wieder nachgebessert wird.

  • Vor allem die Läufer sehn mal wieder schnieke aus, ganz besonders beim Directorate.
    Kenne aber auch keinen, der das spielt…

  • Hat auch eine echt harte Konkurrenz mit Dropzone Commander. Was ich persönlich unglaublich schick und einzigartig finde.

    Was ich sagen will, neue Systeme sind schwer genug an die Leute zu bringen und jede Variable mehr, verwässert die Spielerschaft ein wenig.

    • Planetfall ist halt das Bodenkampfsystem zu Firestorm Armada. Wer das schon spielt, für den ist das ein ziemlich gutes Verkaufsargument. Bei uns spielt dafür kein Mensch DZC …

      • Allerdings ist es auch die vierte Generation dieser Regeln, die ja auch für AC verwendet wurden. Und dafür ist der Zustand der Regeln recht mau. Spartan macht immer und immer wieder die gleichen Fehler und scheinenb nicht daraus zu lernen.

        Halo hätte weit erfolgreicher sein können, aber nur in Englisch und in der jetzigen Verkaufsform ist es eher abschreckend.

  • Die Preisgestaltung bei Spartan Games muss ich nicht verstehen. Während der fette Walker der Terraner mit stolzen 55 Pfund ins Konto schlägt, kostet die neue Box mit zwei nur unwesentlich kleineren Medium Walkern und 2 Light Walkern gerade mal schlanke 28 Pfund.

    Die Modelle für Planetfall sind aber allesamt sehr schick, dass muss ich schon sagen – leider habe ich auch niemanden gefunden, der es mit mir spielen wollte.

    Für Halo gibt es nach den fetten Großkampfschiffen endlich auch mal neue Schiffe in der mittleren Kategorie. Die abgespeckte Starterbox ist auch nett, wobei ich irgendwie immer noch zur vollwertigen Kiste raten würde – deren Inhalt ist für den Preis einfach besser…

    • Preis nach erwarteter Nachfrage? Ansonsten ist meine Beobachtung, dass bei Spartan alles mit Zinn ein gutes Stück teurer ist. Vielleicht hat der Terran Walker Zinnteile.

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        Gibt es denn zu den neuen Sachen irgendwo Größenangaben?

  • ist halo eigentlich gut eingeschlagen? (da es ja offenbar ein turnier kit gibt, was entweder dafür sorgen soll, das es einschlägt, oder eben auf ein bedürfnis reagiert, weil sich sofort eine turnier szene etabliert hat…?!)

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