von BK-Christian | 02.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Shattered Void: Kickstarter läuft

Der Kickstarter zu Shattered Void ist gestartet.

Huge capital class vessels sit in the background, engaging in tit-for-tat slugging matches as they slowly lumber in the darkness, explosions and debris litter the vast expanse between these metallic behemoths but their battle is none of your concern, your fight is a more personal one…

Your skills as a Squadron Leader and the abilities of your wing-men will be put to the test in a ballet of fire and destruction. Will you return speaking of heroic acts or succumb to the cold, silent void?

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Welcome to Shattered Void, pilot.

Thank you for joining us on Kickstarter Campaign for Shattered Void by White Dragon Miniatures! We look forward to your support to bring our highly anticipated game to a gaming table near you!

All ships (including further stretchgoal miniatures) for this Kickstarter have been conceptually designed, 3D modelled, 3D printed and initial production casts done so this Kickstarter is not about renders that we would like to get produced, this Kickstarter is for actual physical miniatures that are ready to go with a supporting, fun and engaging ruleset to scratch that sci-fi itch!

We believe this is the best way a campaign should be ran, as you (the Backer) are not sat for years waiting for miniature production or rules creation based on an idea. We believe in our products and have done all the preparation work in advance – all we need is your help getting Shattered Void out there to the world and to your gaming tables!

We can’t wait to show you all what we’ve been working on over the last 5 years with the upcoming Stretchgoal unlocks! Many of you may already have seen some of our fantastic miniatures at shows like Salute over the years but NOW is the time for you to own them! Fasten that belt pilot, it’s going to be an entertaining ride!

All miniatures come unassembled and unpainted in highly detailed polyurethane resin.

Ein Gameplay-Video gibt es auch:

The game is played in a series of phases. First being the Planning Phase. During the Planning Phase, players roll off to decide who has the Tactical Advantage for the turn and then survey the engagement to prepare a plan of action. Finally, each player then places numbered tokens in secret beside all of their ships which corresponds to a manoeuvre the ship will enact when it is activated.

When the Planning Phase has come to a close, the game advances to the Activation Phase. During the Activation Phase, the player with the Tactical Advantage activates a ship of their choice. The activated ship has its Manoeuvre Token revealed before moving and manoeuvring as the player sees fit.

Once movement has been completed the ship has the opportunity to open fire on any hostile vessel as long as it is within the weapons arc, range and capacitor to do so. Modifiers such as how fast ships are moving, the tracking speed of the attacking weapon alongside many other factors determine how easy or difficult it is to bring down the enemy.

After a ship has been fully activated, play then moves to the opponent to activate one of their ships, then continues until all ships have been activated.

The final part of the turn, the End Phase, checks for victory conditions and also allows damaged ships a chance to repair, recharge their shields and reset their capacitor in preparation for the return to the Planning Phase and a new turn.


Eine Starterflotte:

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Das 2-Spieler-Starterset:

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Die bisher veröffentlichten Stretch Goals:


Die bisherigen Schiffe (mehr werden folgen) im Detail:

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Und der Inhalt eines Schiffs-Packs:


Die Kampagne läuft noch 29 Tage.

Quelle: Shattered Void – The Sci-Fi Dogfighting Tabletop Wargame


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das hat zwar lange gedauert, aber die Jäger sehen wirklich toll aus. Ich hoffe, dass der Kickstarter auch einen ordentlichen Erfolg einfährt. Ich bin ja immer für Weltraum-Spiele, daher werde ich den intensiv beobachten.

  • Bin auch dabei und hoffe, dass da noch ordentlich was geht. Das Spiel habe ich auf der Salute gesehen und ich durfte außerdem mal einen Blick in die Regeln werfen (bald auf der KS-Seite als Download).

    Die Modelle gibt es am Montag hier als Review zu sehen.

    • Das klingt gut 🙂
      Gerade der obligatorische Größenvergleich interessiert mich sehr.
      Mal gucken was für Momentum die Kampagne aufbauen kann.
      Ich glaube es ist extrem schwer abzusehen wie sehr der Markt mit Xwing gesättigt ist.
      Selbst wenn die Regeln komplett anders sind, wird sicherlich immer wieder der Vergleich herangezogen

  • Also wenn die es bei uns zu kaufen gibt,werde ich es mir au jeden fall gönnen. Sehen schön Retro aus.

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