von BK-Christian | 14.02.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Shattered Earth: Emergence Kickstarter

Shattered Earth ist bei Kickstarter und bereits finanziert.

Shattered Earth is a skirmish-level tabletop war game set in an original post-apocalyptic universe filled with wondrous technology and existential horror. Utilising superbly detailed 32mm resin miniatures and modern game design, you must fight for your very existence in the harsh environment of a near-future Earth ravaged by natural and unnatural disasters.

The game begins in the year 30 A.E. – 30 years after the last recorded disaster, known as the End of Days that occurred in 2042. The Earth that remains is an almost alien landscape; repeated volcanic eruptions have choked the atmosphere with ash, and the geology of the Earth is forever changed, now cracked and broken, existing landmasses drowned in vast oceans whilst others have formed anew, created by the seismic movements of tectonic plates.

Each cataclysmic shock-wave set off by these natural disasters also pounded against the door of another world – a mirror image of our own – until eventually that door gave way. The resulting breaches flooded the Earth with an esoteric power known as Ether, a volatile energy that is the very foundation of the immateria, the world of dreams and nightmares. In return, the material world bled into each breach, corrupting and choking everything it touched.

Humanity now struggles to comprehend this new power, seeing in it both ruin and salvation. Scientists will attempt to harness its energy to create wondrous new technology, whilst others will practice dark rituals and worship strange new powers, using Ether to alter their surroundings and themselves, bending reality to their whim.

Shattered_Earth_Kickstarter_1 Shattered_Earth_Kickstarter_2

The world of Shattered Earth is a dangerous place, but there are rich rewards waiting out there for those willing to take the risk. In the wake of the Event – the decades-long series of natural disasters that tore the world apart – many factions have sprung up to lay claim to land that was once theirs, and open conflict in the wastelands is rife.

Born out of necessity and united by a shared ideology, these new superpowers have begun to carve out their own territory, reshaping the geopolitical borders and establishing a new status quo. From the militaristic United Nations of Mankind to the progressive Humanist Rebellion, the chaos-worshipping Cult of the Dragon and the zealous Children of the One True God, each faction is as independent as it is righteous. Yet in spite of their differences, all must stand against the existential threat of the Deathless, the creatures of dreams and nightmares.

Outside of the main habitable areas, unaligned survivors eke out an existence in the harsh wastelands in between, braving year-long winters and storm fronts that stretch miles into the sky. There are more factions at work upon the Shattered Earth, some with goals similar to those above, and others who are more alien still. In the aftermath of the Event, and with humanity scattered and separated by often impenetrable terrain, no one can really be sure what else lies out there.
Einige der Fraktionen:


Established out of a necessary co-operation between the USA and Russia, the United Nations of Mankind (UNM) is the largest of the human factions. They have the largest population, the safest cities, and the greatest resources. They believe in the values that drove humanity’s evolution prior to the Event, and seek a return to those days.

Life in the UNM is little different from how it was several decades before; people go to work, form relationships, enlist in the military. Resources are far harder to obtain, but the sharp drop in the world’s population has balanced this out somewhat. That being said, the UNM dedicates the majority of its efforts towards securing what exploitable resources remain on Earth, and defending its borders.

The UNM have slowly begun to embrace Ether as another resource to be exploited, but they do so with caution. Their military still relies heavily on projectile weaponry, and their machines are still powered by oil and gas. Their soldiers are well-disciplined and well-drilled, with crack teams of elite rangers – known colloquially as Tier Zero Operators – venturing out into the Shattered Earth to lay claim to the land beyond their borders.


The chaoskampf – or ‘struggle against chaos’ – is almost as old as civilisation itself. Every culture and religion tells of a single hero’s battle against an insidious, serpent god: Marduk versus Tiamat, Yahweh versus Leviathan, Christ versus the Devil. The Cult of the Dragon is the apex of this belief, a swirling maelstrom of chaos and destruction, where complete freedom is the ultimate goal.

The Cult coalesce around a man once known as Lee Kyong-Min, although the term ‘man’ is used loosely. Now bound to the Norse god Jormungandr by means unknown, the so-called Voice of the Dragon positioned himself to take control of the newly-formed Pan-Asian Alliance (PAA). Emerging from the darkness in every major city and outpost, the acolytes of the Dragon usurped the PAA’s power base and took control. The remaining populace either fled or were indoctrinated; most were simply killed.

Today, the Cult of the Dragon occupies a number of Pacific islands formed from the remnants of Old Earth. Their unhindered experimentation with Ether and flesh-grafting has created singular monstrosities, each one a work of grotesque genius. Though they may lack in numbers, their zeal and determination – not to mention a complete disregard for their own safety – present a unique challenge for any of the other factions.


In the wake of the Event, when the remnants of humanity were struggling to comprehend what had happened to their world, something else began to take root. With the barrier between our world and the world of dreams at its thinnest, and with scientists and occultists alike toying with a power they did not fully comprehend, a door was left open. And through that door, darkness poured out.

They came slowly at first, laying claim to land far beyond the gaze of humanity. In the remote northern territories of what used to be Russia and Scandinavia, the isolated pockets of survivors that lived there stood no chance. Fighting for their life against an enemy that they could not even comprehend, they were wiped out within hours. The Deathless had taken first blood, and it would not be long before the rest of humanity learned of this new threat.

If the UNM are to be believed, then that is all the Deathless are – a sinister and deadly foe to be expunged at all costs. But like all things we do not fully understand, the truth is not nearly so clear-cut. Since time immemorial the Deathless have watched our world through our own eyes. And they have shaped the thoughts and feelings of many; from gifted artists to serial killers – all have been at the whim of the beings from the realm of dreams. Regardless of their ultimate aims, one question above all has plagued those who dare to think it: did we dream them into existence, or did we dream about them because they existed?

Ein Video zu den Modellen:

Und das sind einige Pledges:


UNM STARTER FORCE (£27/$39/35€) – Pledge for a United Nations of Mankind starter force, including Lt Mitchell Ward and three Coyote Assault Troopers (4 miniatures total). Save £6 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.


DEATHLESS STARTER FORCE (£37/$53/49€) – Pledge for a Deathless starter force, including Czernobog and four Drekavacs (5 miniatures total). Save £3 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.


CULT STARTER FORCE (£43/$62/56€) – Pledge for a Cult of the Dragon starter force, including Jormungandr and three Acolytes of the Dragon (4 miniatures total). Save £6 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.


ONE-CLICK TWO-PLAYER BUNDLE (£61/$88/80€) – Pledge for a selection of miniatures to get you started, including the limited edition Lee Kyong-Min miniature, three Acolytes of the Dragon, Lt Mitchell Ward, and three Coyote Assault Troopers (8 miniatures total). Save £5 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.


ONE-CLICK UNM BUNDLE (£71/$102/93€) – Pledge for all United Nations of Mankind Wave 1 miniatures, including Lt Mitchell Ward, six Coyote Assault Troopers, and a Kodiak Tactical Heavy Frame (8 miniatures total). Save £11 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.


ONE-CLICK CULT BUNDLE (£76/$109/100€) – Pledge for all Cult of the Dragon Wave 1 miniatures, including Jormungandr, six Acolytes of the Dragon, and a Biomancer (8 miniatures total). Save £11 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends. Note that this pledge does not include the limited edition Lee Kyong-Min miniature.


ONE-CLICK DEATHLESS BUNDLE (£83/$119/109€) – Pledge for all the Deathless Wave 1 miniatures, including Czernobog, eight Drekavacs, and two Vampyrs (11 miniatures total). Save £8 on buying individually! This pledge level also grants access to the complete list of add-ons, allowing you to purchase any unlocked items at a discount on their eventual retail price. Shipping will be calculated after the campaign ends.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 21 Tage.

Quelle: Shattered Earth: Emergence


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hm, die sind aber teuer. Sind die größer als 28mm? Aus welchem Material sind die?
    Für dasselbe Geld bekomme ich bei Infinity schon ein paar Figuren mehr.

    Und dann sind in diesen Faction Bundles auch noch Dopplungen drin. Sehr unfein.

    Design ist aber schon solide, gefallen mir gut, die drei Fraktionen!

    • Momentan dreht sich ja noch alles um absolute Basics. Die müssen erstmal eine Grundlage für das System schaffen.
      Priorität hat offenabar, allen fünf Fraktionen überhaupt ein paar Modelle zu ermöglichen. Dann dürften sie sich darauf konzentrieren, allen etwas mehr Truppen zu bieten. Mehr Modellvariation für schon freigeschaltete Truppentypen steht vermutlich weiter hinten an – wobei es einige optionale Köpfe gibt.
      Die Packs mit zweimal dem Trooper-Set sehe ich eher als Notlösung. Bei etwa 15 Modellen möchte ich jedenfalls mehr Auswahlmöglichkeit haben und sicher keine Klonmodelle.

  • Sie haben die Preise schon etwas nach unten korrigiert (Der 2 Fraktionen Starter auf 61 statt 70) aber den Focus auf Qualität bezahlt der Backer doch ordentlich mit…
    Sie waren schon am Überlegen ob sie die Figuren ähnlich wie Guild Ball und Norsgard auch als billigere Metal-Versionen parallel anbieten, aber sie haben sich wohl dagegen entschieden obwohl das Feedback dazu auf verschiedenen Medien garnicht so schlecht war.
    Mal gucken ob sich das für die rechnet

  • Shattered Earth finde ich sehr spannend. Interessantes Setting und sehr gute bis spitzenmäßige Figuren. Persönlich würde ich gern noch mehr Figuren sehen. Und, was noch in der Pipeline steckt. Man soll ja mit rund 15 Figuren pro Seite spielen – da sollten noch ein paar Auswahlen folgen.

    Die beiden Jungs hinter Massive Awesome machen auch einen guten Eindruck. Deutliche Ziele mit hohem Anspruch, sind engagiert, austauschfreudig und haben sich flexibel gezeigt. Außerdem wurde im Vorfeld sie viel getan, kommuniziert und einiges auf die Beine gestellt. Finde ich sehr unterstützenswert.

    Die eher hohen Kosten und Resin (nicht das Material meiner Wahl) bremsen mich etwas, sind aber alles keine Dealbreaker per se. Und Metall-Versionen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt sind ja durchaus noch eine Option laut Massive Awesome.

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