von BK-Thorsten | 26.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Savage Forged Minis: Noctu Mk II Kickstarter

Wer hätte nicht gerne die Büste eines… öhm… Zigarre qualmenden Außerirdischen im Wohnzimmer?


Savage Forged Minis is an established company from Falkensee, Germany. Boasting a large range of miniatures, figures and busts; as well as a successful commission portfolio: we have taken to kickstarter in order to release our largest and most ambitious bust yet.

Dennis Zarnowski: the founder of SFM and a multiple award winning sculptor re-imagined a previous 60mm sculpt, „Noctu the Bounty Hunter.“ This time however the piece was sculpted in a new style and 1/3 scale: roughly 10″ tall. We would like to release this commercially, as although it started as a personal project there has been some requests to see it enter production.


Größenvergleich: Spielminiatur, Noctu Original und Noctu Mk II

The final price of such a large piece would be around 200 Euros. However we are offering a 25% discount to all pre orders via kickstarter.

Noctu Mk II is not currently fully rendered however as the campaign progresses we will share updates on here until Noctu is finished. All that remains is cleaning and rendering. We aim to ship all Noctu Mk II’s out by December 16.

A survey will be sent to all backers within 2 weeks of the end of the kickstarter.

Die Pledgelevel reichen vom obligatorischen „Thank you“-Pledge bis zur Privatstunde beim Modellierer persönlich. Alle Büsten sind aus Resin.





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A very special backer deserves a very special award! The pledger at this level will receive a Noctu Mk II painted by award winning painter Shoshie Bauer „Shoshie’s Magnificient Minis.“ A regular face at painting competitions, with appearances in „No Quarter.“


Spend a weekend learning to sculpt with award winning sculptor, Dennis Zarnowski at the SFM studio. This will be organised with the individual to be dates that suit them. Must be able to access Berlin.

Tools and putty will be provided: 5lb of monster clay, and access to Dennis‘ hand made tools and processes. These lessons will be on an individual 1:1 basis: so if all three pledges go: don’t worry you will receive your lessons alone!

You will also receive a Noctu Mk II and original Noctu Bust. If you choose too this can be cast fresh in front of you: so you can learn a little about the process.


Und auch einige Stretchgoals wurden angekündigt:


As this campaign progresses we would like to reward our backers for their support. We aim to do this in two ways:

By releasing  a second currently unreleased bust. This will happen at €5000. He will be available again at a heavily discounted Price.


At €7500 a third unreleased sculpture will be made available. Again at a largely discounted price. (more on this later!)

At €9000 we will open up our previous back catalog at a special 15% discount for backers only.

Die Versandkosten schwanken je nach Größe des Pledges: ein Original Noctu kostet 6 €, ein MK II 10 €.

Link: Noctu Mk II Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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