von BK-Christian | 30.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Reaper Miniatures: Jubiläumsminiaturen

Von Reaper kommen im neuen Jahr diverse Jubiläumsminiaturen!

RM Reaper Jubiläumsminiaturen

In honor of 25 years of creating some of the gaming industry’s finest miniatures, we’re pleased to announce our Special Edition 25th Anniversary Miniatures. Each month in 2017 we will be releasing a new 25th Anniversary Miniature that will only be available during that month. Each of these 25th Anniversary miniatures is cast in high-quality metal and features the same amazing sculpting that customers expect from Reaper’s artists and designers. Our first 25th Anniversary Miniature appropriately features the Grim Reaper sculpted by Bob Ridolfi, and will only be available during January 2017. Take a peek at our studio model painted by Michael Proctor of Clever Crow Studio.

The great part of this is you can get your 25th Anniversary Grim Reaper for free! Starting January 1, you’ll receive a free 25th Anniversary Grim Reaper miniature for each qualifying order of $40 (in your local currency – USD, GBP, Euro, AUD) or more placed on www.reapermini.com! And what’s more, for each $40 you spend, you’ll receive an additional copy of the 25th Anniversary Grim Reaper – $80 for two, $120 for 3, etc. there’s no need to place multiple orders on the same day! The FREE 25th Anniversary Grim Reaper is automatically added to your cart…you don’t have to to anything else.

However, for those of you who just want to buy the 25th Anniversary Miniatures each month, they will be on sale separately. So it’s your choice…get it for free or just order him by himself. Simple, right?

So, please join us all year long in 2017 and help us celebrate our Silver Anniversary! Stay tuned to see what our next 25th Anniversary Miniature is for February 2017!

Quelle: Reaper Miniatures bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Noli timere messorem…

    Hat jemand einen Vorschlag, was man sich für $40 bei Reaper holen sollte, wenn man nicht eine Mini von denen hat? Sozusagen die „must-haves“?

    • Die haben schöne Abenteurer aber auch Magier und Elfen. Auch einige Figuren die auf Monty Python und sogar He-Man basieren. Also bei denen kann man mehr stöbern als bei so manch anderen bekannten Marken.

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