von BK-Mark | 18.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Puppets War: Köpfe, Banner und mehr

Bei Puppets War hat sich in den letzten Tagen einiges getan. Und mit „einiges“ meinen wir eine Flut an Neuheiten von Upgrade-Kits jeglicher Art.

Macht Euch auf einen wahren Produktmarathon gefasst…3, 2, 1 … und los geht’s:


PW_Banners_Abyss_1 PW_Banners_Abyss_2

Set contains 5 resin Cursed Banners. Items have 3x1mm magnet type holes allows to easly mount and dismount Banners on back of a Striker or Ripper armour, if magnets will be used. Model is designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale (max 28 mm heigh),

Das Set kostet 7,00 Euro.

PW_Sniper_Rifles_1 PW_Sniper_Rifles_2 PW_Sniper_Rifles_3

Set contains 5 resin sniper rifles with arms. Arms have 3x1mm magnet type holes allows to easly attach mount and dismount part to Striker armour if magnets will be used. Parts are designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale, supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Das Set kostet 8,00 Euro.

PW_Female_Heads_1 PW_Female_Heads_2

Set contains 10 resin Female Command heads.

Das Set kostet 7,00 Euro.

PW_Epic_Wing_1 PW_Epic_Wing_2

Set contains one resin Epic Wing pack, designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale (wingspan is 150mm), if using 3x1mm magnets wingpack can be easily mount on Prime battlewalker.

Das Set kostet 16,00 Euro.

PT_Double_Grip_weapon_1 PT_Double_Grip_weapon_2

Set contains 5 double grip infantry heavy weapon cores. Cores are compatible with weapon tips, parts are designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale, fits to striker armour, each core is 18 mm long.

Das Set kostet 10,00 Euro.

PW_Crusade_Biker_1 PW_Crusade_Biker_2 PW_Crusade_Biker_3

Set contains one Crusade biker (random model from set of five shown on last picture). Body and arms have 3x1mm magnet type holes, as it is shown on picture. Glue is not needed to assemble front shield which is optional.

Der Biker kostet 10, Euro je Stück, ein Schwadron aus 5 Bikern 39,00 Euro.

PW_Tech_Order_Heads_1 PW_Tech_Order_Heads_2

Set contains 10 resin Tech Order heads. Parts are designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale.

Das Set kostet 7,00 Euro.

PW_Targeting_System_1 PW_Targeting_System_2

Set contains 10 resin targeting systems. Parts compatible with weapon mounts on puppetswar vehicles, parts are designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale, each core is 12 mm long, and if using 3x1mm magnets, can be easly mounted from the bottom, top and sides.

Das Set kostet 7,00 Euro.

PW_Banner_Abyss_1 PW_Banner_Abyss_2

Set contains one resin Banner OF aBYSS with right palm grip. Model is designed to fit 28mm „heroic“ tabletop wargames scale (60 mm heigh),

Das Banner kostet 5,00 Euro.

Link: Puppets War


Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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  • Da sind ja wieder einige tolle Neuheiten drunter und ich finde auch das durchdachte System mit den Magneten nach wie vor klasse und großen Teilen der Konkurrenz überlegen.

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