von BK-Nils | 15.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Privateer Press: Juli Neuheiten

Von Privateer Press kommen eine Menge Token für Warmachine und Hordes und zwei Modelle ergänzen den Circle of Orboros.

Privateer Press_Warmachine and Hordes Universal Effect Tokens- Fire, Corrosion, Disruption

Universal Effect Tokens: Fire, Corrosion, Disruption – 14,99 USD

Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action!

Privateer Press_Warmachine Universal Effect Tokens—Blind, Knockdown, Shadow Bind, Stationary

Universal Effect Tokens—Blind, Knockdown, Shadow Bind, Stationary – 14,99 USD

Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action!

Privateer Press_Warmachine Universal Corpse & Soul Tokens

Universal Corpse & Soul Tokens – 14,99 USD

Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these tokens make tracking the souls and corpses of your models collect a snap, even in the thick of the action!

Privateer Press_Warmachine Cygnar Token Set

Cygnar Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Protectorate of Menoth Token Set

Protectorate of Menoth Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Khador Token Set

Khador Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Cryx Token Set

Cryx Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Retribution of Scyrah Token Set

Retribution of Scyrah Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Convergence of Cyriss Token Set

Convergence of Cyriss Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Warmachine Mercenaries Token Set

Mercenaries Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

• 20 Focus tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Trollbloods Token Set

Trollbloods Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each HORDES set contains:

• 20 Fury tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Animus tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle Orboros Token Set

Circle Orboros Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each HORDES set contains:

• 20 Fury tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Animus tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle Legion of Everblight Token Set

Legion of Everblight Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each HORDES set contains:

• 20 Fury tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Animus tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Skorne Token Set

Skorne Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each HORDES set contains:

• 20 Fury tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Animus tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Minions Token Set

Minions Token Set – 14,99 USD

Official customizable wet- or dry-erase capable WARMACHINE and HORDES tokens take your games to the next level! This faction set includes key tokens to get any player right into the action of a game of WARMACHINE and HORDES.

Each HORDES set contains:

• 20 Fury tokens
• 10 General Effect tokens
• 5 Spell tokens
• 5 Animus tokens
• 5 Upkeep Spell tokens
By combining them with our Universal Effect Token Sets, you will always have the right token at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle of Orboros Baldur the Stonecleaver

Baldur the Stonecleaver – 14,99 USD

A bastion of strength and resolve noted for his steadfast loyalty, Baldur the Stonecleaver is an unstoppable juggernaut on the battlefield.

SPECIAL NOTE: The model in this box represents the same figure as PIP 72002 in the game; however, the model in PIP 72091 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the model found in PIP 72002. The replaced model will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning July 1, 2016.

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle of Orboros Blackclad Stoneshaper

Blackclad Stoneshaper – 12,99 USD

Blackclad stoneshapers are tasked with building the arcane constructs that serve the Circle Orboros. Fashioned from stone, wood, and carefully cut orbs of glowing crystal, their wold creations are animated through ancient rites and blood sacrifices.

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Community-Link: page5

Quelle: Privateer Press


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Ja? Also ich finde den neuen Baldur sehr gelungen. Den Stonesharper halte ich hingegen für Schrott.

  • Also die neuen Tokensets sind wieder dieselben, nur hat man sie jetzt zerpflückt und in drölfzig verschiedene kleinere Sets aufgeteilt was in der Summe dann aber teurer ist.

    Bleibt die Frage nach dem Warum?

    • Naja, das es z.B.: Feuertoken einzeln gibt ist schon sinnvoll.
      Da man die oft in höherer Anzahl braucht, als in den Sets vorhanden war oder es die entsprechenden Token in den Sets gar nicht gab.
      Skorne hatte z.B.: keine Token für Feuer und Korrosion im alten Set, weil es so etwas zum Release des Sets noch nicht hatte. Später benötigte man das aber.

      Der Preis ist dann eine andere Geschichte.

      mfg. Autarch L.

    • Finde die Verpackung so eigentlich sinnvoller. Ich hatte z.B. immer zu wenige Effekt Token, und könnte die jetzt nachkaufen, ohne nochmal die beschreibbaren mit dazu nehmen zu müssen.

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