von BK-Christian | 24.01.2016 | eingestellt unter: Firestorm Armada

Planetfall: Assault Helices

Spartan Games haben die neuen Assault Helices für Planetfall vorgestellt.

Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units to destroy them.

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Assault Helixes are the latest Helix upgrade to arrive for the Planetfall 10mm scale massed battle ground game, completing the first wave of Helix releases for the game. This important milestone delivers a deadly combination of devastating models designed to operate by hunting down larger enemy units and destroying them. A Sorylian Collective Assault Helix contains 2x Jyal’Rho Heavy Battle Walkers and 2x Samaru Medium Battle Walkers to create a devastating duo on the tabletop. The Jyal’Rho is a brawler, intent on closing in on its target to engage in close quarter combat, with the Samaru supporting these attacks using its missile weaponry


A Relthozan Assault Helix contains 1x massive Salavi-Kei Heavy Battle Suit and 5x Jakariss Light Walkers to create a crushing fighting force on the tabletop. The driving philosophy behind this unit is strength in numbers – which equates to bad news for the enemies of the Relthozan Empire!


An Aquan Prime Assault Helix contains 2x Ju’Fa Shami Battle Walkers and 3x Sakatar Medium Battle Tanks which combine to create a fast moving unit for the tabletop. Whilst the Ju’Fa Shami hunt down larger units, attempting to ram and rip them open, the Sakatar lay down ferocious volleys of missiles in support.


A Directorate Assault Helix contains 2x Accoster Heavy Battle Robots and 3x Purgation Medium Battle Tanks to create a devastating tabletop team that can hunt down its prey and destroy it with ease. Accosters are well named, with Directorate commanders tactically holding back the machine of war until weakened enemy units have been identified, allowing the Robot to strike and smash them. Purgation Tanks are a terror unit designed to engage and flame enemy units.


A Dindrenzi Federation Assault Helix contains 2x Iapetus Battle Robots and 3x Hades Medium Missile Tanks to create a fast and deadly duo on the tabletop. There was much speculation about the Iapetus since early Kurak intelligence reports first identified this Battle Robot, but with its full deployment on the battlefield this speculation and rumour soon translated into the flaming wrecks of enemy vehicles!


A Terran Alliance Assault Helix contains 2x Loki Heavy Battle Walkers and 2x Hodr Medium Battle Walkers which combine to create a powerful fighting unit on the tabletop.

Jede Assault Helix kostet 28,00 Pfund, lediglich die Relthoza-Box is 2 Pfund billiger.

Firestorm Planetfall ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Spartan Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    Die spezifischen Designstile der Flotten fehlen mir einfach.

  • Finde die Modelle aller Fraktionen gelungen. Bin auch froh, dass meine Sorylianer mit nem Mech davon kommen. Habe nach dem Saurier Leviathan schon mit nem T-Rex gerechnet.

    Was mich mehr verwundert, ist, dass sie schreiben, das die Welle der ersten Helices beendet ist. Meiner Meinung nach fehlen noch die Field Support. Weiß da jemand was?

    • Die Ground Command Helices sind im Field Support Slot beheimatet.

      Ansonsten echt schöne Modelle, wird wohl doch mal wieder Zeit, Geld auszugeben.

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