von BK-Christian | 12.01.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

Panzerfäuste: Neue Updates

Hysterical Games haben zwei neue Updates zu Panzerfäuste vorgestellt.

Hello everyone!

Firstly, apologies for being a couple of days late. It’s kind of inconsequential to you guys, but we (Hannah and Rob) decided to get a Pug (mostly Hannah decided…) and that has taken up a bit of time to settle in the dog.

It’s not going to be a huge update today. We’re still working on 3D printing, for the most part and dealing with that number of files is an awful lot of work. I’m expecting the next batch to arrive tomorrow. I’m getting these into moulds as quickly as possible.

Speaking of which, casting has taken a bit of a slump, due to the Christmas and New Years holidays; which is caused a delay in getting my equipment totally ready. I have done some casts of the Orc Support, but I’m not really convinced that the quality is up there with the other products I’ve shown you, so I want to hold out until next week.

Next week should be a big one. 🙂

On a more positive note, there is some great news, the Panzerbär is complete!

This has two turret options, as well as the option to build it with an open turret hatch and a tank commander, or a closed hatch. There are also optional stowage parts!

Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_1 Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_2

Victor has done a fantastic job of bringing this beastie to life, we’re really happy with it!

More news, we’ve got the Techniks for the Dwarf Zinn Mann completed too.

Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_3 Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_4

Dwarf Techniks are strange folk… Not really trusted by anyone. They tinker with Techno-Magick and they wear their beards in a strange, Un-Dwarven fashion…


The good news for us is that we are preeeeetty much there to really push on with our own resin manufacturing at full tilt. Our equipment has finally all arrived as well as having been gone over by someone who is familiar with Pressure (Pressure is a scary and potentially massively destructive thing that can go very, very wrong – so this was important to check before rushing into anything).

This means I am able to start manufacturing figures at a larger scale than I have been up to now.

So, without further ado, here are the rest of the Orc Command (I decided to get the missing parts printed from an alternate source, just to get this ball rolling. Over a month late, but there we go). Thanks to Anders for getting these sorted out for me so quickly.

Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_5 Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_6 Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_7 Hysterical_Panzerfaueste_8

In addition to the Orc Command missing bits, Anders also managed to print out the Orc Support Set – which I have cast up (figures are a bit shiny due to being early casts from the mould. Models sent out to backers will NOT be shiny!


I’ve got a load more prints from Anders to get through, with more coming. I don’t like to say too much, just in case it’s not up to scratch, but I’ll show you as soon as there are casts.

Let’s just say that Piotr’s latest piece of (WIP) artwork should be a good hint…



Gregor is currently working on new full concept art for Prince Kaliko of the Gnomes. I hope to share that with you next week.


Victor, the sculptor of the Panzerbär, has just begun work on the Local Orc Volunteers. It’s going to take him quite some time, as they are a complex unit to sculpt (lots of individual characters and tweaking), but I’m hoping to share the progress with you over the next few weeks.

Irek, who sculpted our Dwarves, has committed to finishing the rest of our Dwarves and Gnomes. Again, this will be slow, but we’ll get there. Irek is now freelance too, so it should be easier to get progress from him.

The first piece he’s done for us since going freelance is Hauptmann Entwickler!


We absolutely love this character, first created by long-time Panzerfän, Luke Passingham. He is in a LOT of scenarios on the Orcs in the Webbe website, so get over there and check it out!

Quelle: Panzerfäuste: Mechanised Warfare in a Mythical Realm


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Der Bärenkopf ist bisher der beste, den ich gesehen habe!
    Ansonsten haben die Minis durchaus ihren Charme und scheinen eine vernünftige Qualität zu haben.
    Aber nee… nicht mein Metier 🙂

    • Ja, er hat wohl einen neuen skandinavischen Caster.
      Da wohl bei den wenigen Figuren, die hätten produziert werden können, der usprüngliche Caster nicht den Zeitplan eingehalten hat, hat er dem neuen eine Chance gegeben. Da dieser wohl Zeitplan und Qualität erfüllt, hat er die komplette Produktion in seine Hände gegeben

  • wenn das stimmt das Prodos von diesen Auftrag ausgeschlossen wurde hat sich die Firma mal wieder richtig mit Ruhm überhäuft….

  • Also ich finde alle sachen recht ansprechend, einiges finde ich sogar ziemlich geil. Mal sehen was am Ende so daraus wird

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