von BK-Marcel | 28.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

North Star: Blood Eagle Regelwerk

North Star haben ein neues Regelwerk für alle, die als Wikinger voll einen draufmachen wollen.

Blood Eagle Cover

Have you ever wanted to replicate the bloody feats of heroism you see in The Thirteenth Warrior movie and the Vikings! TV series, or recreate the many great stories from the Norse Sagas and Eddas or the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and poetry? Be faced by an enemy shieldwall and then hurl yourself at it regardless of the cost? Jump onto the deck of a rival’s longship while at sea and wreak your revenge on the man who destroyed your village? Harry the coast of a foreign land and return laden down with silver and slaves? These rules allow you to fight such encounters across Northern Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isles in the 9th and 10th centuries.
Perhaps you would also want to replicate the heroic feats of such characters as Lord Uhtred, Ragnar Loðbrok, the shield maiden Lagertha, Egil Skallagrimsson, Erik the Red or the mighty Beowulf himself. These rules give you all you need to create and play heroes of legend.
You may even want to face trolls and frost giants, lead a Sidhe warband to raid a Christian monastery, master the darkest of arts and become a deathless Draugr chieftain, or even test your courage against the mighty Grendel himself. These rules also include the tools to run games set in a legendary past.
You can do all of this if you play Blood Eagle, skirmish wargaming in the legendary Dark Ages.

Blood Eagle kostet 14,95 Pfund.

Link: North Star


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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    • Alternative für saga 😉
      Ist von den „in her majesty’s name“ Machern, schau ich mir jedenfalls an. Ist auch ziemlich günstig…

  • Die Regeln scheinen zu ihmn kompatibel zu sein.
    Warum wurde der Verlag gewechselt? Zu unrentabel für Osprey? Oder rückt Osprey zu wenig raus?
    Na ja ich freu mich.

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