von BK-Marcus | 05.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Mushimen: Neuer Kickstarter

Toad King Castings haben ihren dritten Kickstarter gestartet, um eine Armee gefährlicher Pilzmenschen auf arglose Fantasy-Helden loszulassen!


Help me fund the production a range of 28mm mushroom men miniatures and fungi creatures.

Project goal.

The aim of this project is to fund the production of a range of 28mm mushroom themed miniatures and scenery items. I’ll be using contract casters to turn the Mushimen greens into metal figures and I’ll be looking into using resin casters for some of the resin miniatures. Anything else will be cast in-house by myself.

The Mushimen!

With the Mushimen, I wanted to create a range of mushroom-men creatures who use stone-age weapons. This sets them apart from D&D Myconids who only use their fists for combat. I felt stone-age technology suited the feel of these creatures and would make them useable in traditional fantasy settings as well pulp „lost world“ settings. Along with the melee warriors, certain Mushimen attain a mastery of magic and become tribal wizards.

In addition to the Mushimen are other fungi themed creatures. I’ve made a selection of the classic Shrieker mushrooms including a huge Boss Shrieker. To go with these are four metal branches which can be used to turn them into the dreaded Violet Fungi. Shoomies are the possibly the strangest of the lot, one-eyed creeping mushrooms.

The Campaign.

There are only two pledge levels for this campaign. The first is the Supporter pledge which is for people who’d like to send over some funds to help the project along, without requiring any rewards.

The second is the Mushroom Master level. Use this if you are pledging for some or all of the campaign rewards. All the models included in this campaign will be show below, along with the price. Select which rewards you would like to pledge towards, total the prices and pledge that amount. You will be able to let me know what rewards you have pledged for when the survey is sent.

Hier die Modelle, die zur Auswahl stehen:

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Und einige Größenvergleiche:

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Zum Versand gibt es folgende Info:

Postage and packaging will be automatically added at the following rates:

UK : £3

Europe : £4

Rest of World : £5

Parcels will be sent out Royal Mail First Class.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 16 Tage und hat bereits mehr als das Doppelte des 1.500 GBP-Finanzierungsziels eingespielt. Stretch Goals gibt es keine.

Link: Toad King Castings

Link: Mushimen Attack! auf Kickstarter


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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