von BK-Markus | 01.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Miniature Wargaming: The Movie Kickstarter

Joseph Piddington hat zu seinem Fim „Miniature Wargaming The Movie“ einen neuen Kickstarter am laufen.


Miniature Wargaming: The Movie

This is the first ever film to explore the fascinating world of miniature wargaming; a hobby enjoyed by millions of people across the globe. The featured film will contain exclusive interviews & stories from industry leaders such as Rick Priestley, Alan & Michael Perry, John Stallard, Paul Sawyer and many more.


Just a few of the featured companies involved.

The film explores the work of Steamforged Games, Wargames Illustrated, Warlord Games, Battle Foam, MiniWarGaming, Hawk Games and many more leading and upcoming companies in the sector. The film also follows four amazing personal stories as we discover what miniature wargaming really is.


We need your help and support in order to make this film as good as it can be. Please help by pledging as much as you can afford. In exchange you will receive one of our exciting rewards, as a thank you for helping us make this film happen. Additional stretch goals will become available if you’re able to help us exceed our target.

Pledge £5

THANK YOU: Your name on our website & exclusive updates.


Pledge £15

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: Own an HD digital copy of the film.


Pledge £25

DVD: Own a physical copy of the film on DVD.


Pledge £30

BLU-RAY: Own a physical copy of the film on Blu-Ray.


Pledge £80

SPECIAL EDITION: DVD & BLU-RAY WITH FIVE EXCLUSIVE MINIATURES: Limited edition case containing both the Blu-ray & DVD copies of the film, along with a Kickstarter exclusive „H.G. Wells“ miniature sculpted by Alan Perry, and 4 additional miniatures from Warlord Games, Footsore Miniatures, Wild West Exodus and Macrocosm Miniatures. [Note: Miniatures come unpainted.]


H. G. Wells – A limited edition and special feature miniature of one of the most famous gamers and author H.G. Wells, who wrote one of the first ever gaming rule sets. Sculpted and produced by Alan Perry for our documentary and available only via this Kickstarter.


Celt Chieftain – Exclusive 28mm miniature by Warlord Games.


Grand Master Dwarf – Exclusive 28mm miniature by Macrocosm.


Dark Council Member – Exclusive 35mm miniature by Wild West Exodus.


Roman General – Exclusive 28mm miniature by Footsore Miniatures.


Pledge £150

CREW HANGOUT:  In addition to the Special Edition package (above) you will be part of a limited online Q&A hangout with the film crew and have your name credited in the final film. [Note: You must have a a google hangout account.]


Pledge £300

FILM PREMIERE GUEST: In addition to the „Crew Hangout“ and „Special Edition“ rewards (above) you and a guest will attend the film’s UK Premiere, and will be able to meet some of the cast and crew. Not only will you be one of the first people to watch the movie on the big screen, but this is your chance to rub shoulders with some of wargaming’s biggest icons. [Note: This does not include travel or accommodation. Location still to be confirmed. Miniatures come unpainted. You must have a google hangout account.]


If you have any questions about any of the pledges above please feel free to contact us via the „ask a question“ link below.


What is miniature wargaming? Where did it come from? When did it become popular? How are the games created? Who are the people behind the miniatures? How does it impact people’s lives?

We have been working alongside some of the leading companies in the wargaming industry. Our documentary goes behind the scenes, providing exclusive interviews, following personal stories and documenting the creative processes involved. Our film will give viewers a rare and previously unseen insight into the world of wargaming from concept to table top.


What else? The film will be rich in content covering all perspectives, eras and genres. We will also include interviews with many other companies and individuals who support the hobby, such as Youtubers, commission painters, and independent retailers.

Four Personal Stories

As well as covering the general history and business aspects of the industry, we follow into how miniature wargaming has impacted the lives of four individuals.


Andy Bryant – Andy is a war veteran suffering from PTSD. We explore how miniatures have impacted his life and helped him through difficult times.


Follow Andy’s journey as he tries to take his small business „Small Terrain“ to the world’s largest one-day wargaming event, Salute.


Chris Nicholls – Chris spent years in the wargaming industry before founding „Macrocosm Miniatures“, a sci-fi miniature wargaming company in 2015.


Follow Chris‘ inspirational and creative journey as he struggles with establishing a new gateway game into his own miniature wargaming universe.


Matt and Adam – Two life long friends from the South West of England with a passion for miniature wargaming.


See what it really means to be a modern Wargamer;  how they prepare together, train together and then put their friendship aside to see who comes out on top.


The funds that we are seeking via Kickstarter will be used as followed.

Licences: Licences for archive footage of the historical aspects of the miniature wargaming industry. We hope to obtain the licences for:

  • News footage such as the war in Kosovo.
  • DND archive footage.
  • Peter Jackson learning to sculpt from the Perry twins.
  • Early interviews and footage of historical figures and events.

The licences for a 30 second clip can cost upwards of £1000 and we want our documentary to be rich with information as possible.

Post-production editing: We have managed to complete nearly 90% of the filming for the movie and have been given some great and unexpected opportunities to obtain detailed insights into the industry. Our entire project has been led by the director Joseph Piddington with help from some excellent volunteers who are also passionate about the project. However, to achieve the same high quality in post-production we need to pay professional production artists to aid us. Colour-grading, graphic design, special effects artists, and voice over professionals are just some of the services we need to invest in.

Wages: Up to this point all of our team have been unpaid volunteers whose expenses have been paid. However the workload has now become too much and we have had to hire employees.

Travel Expenses: Our documentary has taken us all across the world, from Canada and America, to Norway and all across the UK. We have seen and documented so much great footage and are grateful for everyone that has been involved. As you know, flights, trains, buses and fuel isn’t cheap! There is still a lot more travelling on the horizon in order to complete the film, and take it to events and film festivals across the globe.

Film Festivals: We want to take this film to as many film festivals across the world as we can, and of course this costs money. Our opportunities for film festivals depends on the encouragement and support of our followers and backers. This includes travel, accommodation and submission fees, which can range from $20 – $200 for just one film festival, and we have high hopes to attend around 30 film festivals next year.

Film Premiere Costs: One of the things we would love to do is show our appreciation to everyone involved in the film. We would love to launch a premiere for all of the people involved and this will include location rental and expenses.

Packaging: We want our film packaging to look as good as the content. Packaging includes paying an artist for commissioned work for the box art for the final DVD and Blu-Ray, high quality cases and tins as well as foam inserts for the miniatures. We also want to provide discs printed with high quality images.


We have managed to secure the support of an extremely experienced team to help make „Miniature Wargaming The Movie“ a reality. They are drawn from across the United Kingdom and share our passion for this documentary.


Equipment: The core equipment is already available and includes state of the art 4K video recording and ultra high definition film and video.

Help spread the word

You can also help by sharing details of this Kickstarter with as many people as possible using your preferred media.


A Massive Thank You!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this Kickstarter. I trust that you will be interested enough to support my campaign by making a pledge and sharing this with as many people as possible.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 37 Tage.


Quelle: Miniature Wargaming The Movie auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Hach, wenn die Angussstellen in Gussrahmen wirklich so dünn wären, wäre ich soo glücklich. 😛

    Aber Spaß beiseite: Das Projekt interessiert mich persönlich null, aber ich wünsche viel Erfolg. Und bin gespannt, wie sie es schaffen werden, die ganze Entwicklung zu beleuchten, ohne sich Ärger mit GW einzuhandeln.

    • Warum zum Geier soll es denn Ärger mit GW geben? Man kann auch einen Film über die Autoindustrie machen ohne ein einziges Wort über Mercedes oder VW zu verlieren…
      Bitte mal die Kirche im Dorf lassen…

      • Ach, du könntest GW so oft erwähnen wie du willst… die können dir garnix so lang du keine Falschinformationen verbreitest.

        Mir macht langsam Angst, dass die Leute so irrsinnige Vorstellungen davon haben, welche Macht Firmen ausüben können.
        Irgendwie scheinen immer mehr Leute zu glauben Firmen dürften/könnten alles, der Bürger nichts.

        GW könnt auch nix dagegen machen, wenn die Typen in dem Film davon berichten, dass die Aktie gefallen ist und die Gewinne schrumpfen…
        oder dass haufenweise Läden dicht gemacht wurden.
        Ist schließlich alles die Wahrheit.

      • Wort ja, aber es geht ja vor allem auch darum, Bilder zu zeigen. Aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wie da das britsche Bildrecht aussieht.

  • Noch lacht ihr, aber wenn die GW Special OPS mit den Zielsystemen auf den Nasen eure Tür eintreten und eure Topfpflanzen mit gezielten Schüssen exterminieren, dann, ja dann…

      • @Markus

        Ich habe gerade nochmal geschaut. Beim ersten Mal wollte er 3000£ für den ganzen Film und nun nur für die Nachbearbeitung 10.000£. -.-
        Das ist mMn unseriös. Was passiert eigentlich, wenn das nicht erreicht wird? Gehen die Backer vom ersten Mal dann leer aus? Und wer garantiert, dass dem nach einem Jahr nicht nochmal einfällt nochmal ein paar Tausend Pfund aus den Leuten zu leiern, um den Film zu „verbessern“?

    • Wenn man auf Kickstarter schaut, sieht man, dass der als erstes Projekt schon ein Miniature Wargaming: The Movie hatte.
      Ist das jetzt der zweite Teil oder die Resteverwertung oder wie?

      • Das ist schon der selbe Film und die leute die da mit gemacht haben bekommen den auch. Nur hätten die den Film gern noch besser gemacht dafür fehlte aber das Geld und deswegen der 2. Kickstarter.

  • Nicht gerade der Traum meiner schlaflosen Nächte. Da warte ich lieber auf Retail. 😉

  • Irgendwie kann ich mich da nicht so richtig für begeiestern. Dieses Hobby scheint mir für die Leinwand schlichtweg ungeeignet zu sein. YouTube ist da schon eher was….bei zweiter Überlegung, sehe ich da auch nicht so einen großen Unterschied zum Inhaltlichen. Wäre als kleinere YouTube Serie wahrscheinlich sogar interessanter.

  • Ich persöhnlich liebe Dokus und finde es total geil , dass es endlich mal eine über mein Lieblingshobby gibt! Ich unterstütze das.

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