von BK-Christian | 21.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Darklands

Mierce Miniatrues: Juli Neuheiten

Der Juli bringt auch von Mierce Miniatures neue Modelle.


Dúngal, Mormaer of Dun Durn on Foot and on Pony – 29,99 Pfund

It’s been a while since we’ve released any foot and mounted nobles, so here’s Dúngal of the Albainn on both foot and on pony. Saving a few quid from the price of purchasing both separately, he’s your perfect general for your Albainn host! Sculpted by Olivier Nkweti from the artwork by Sam Lamont.


Ettu, Revered Goghu – 49,99 Pfund

Sculpted by Olivier Bouchet from the artwork by Sam Lamont, Ettu is a mighty Goghu – a rock-beast of sorcery and belief revered by the Albainn and especially the Oghur and the Oghurithne. Standing on an 80mm base, he’s a massive brute well able to smash apart battle-lines and also well able to deflect sorcerous attacks!


Equitus Durio, Centurion on Foot and on Horse – 39,99 Pfund

Another foot and mounted release – saving you a few pounds from purchasing them separately – comes this month for the Byzantii, and it’s Equitus Durio who gets to walk and ride. Sculpted by Yannick Hennebo from the artwork by Stef Kopinski, Equitus is the perfect general for a Byzantii host and the mounted version comes with spatha (sword) and kontus (lance) options for him.


Skaadi, Moraine Sorcerer – 19,99 Pfund

A beautiful realisation of an ice-sorcerer by Gauthier Giroud, Skaadi is a wonderful sculpt and a fantastic addition to your Fomoraic host – for she can raise ice beasts to fight for you!



Slaughterers, Krokodar Unit – 99,99 Pfund

With the release of the Slaughterers – sculpted by Benoît Cosse from the superb artwork by Christophe Madura – the Khthones now have a unit of heavy monstrouos infantry to batter their enemies with. Armed with a mighty club and sporting a bite and some natural heavily armoured skin, the Slaughterers are led by the unit’s champion, Megálávra, and contains a banner bearer, Vókkinak and three warriors – Okkáv, Brudok and Maskó. Megálávra and Vókkinak have been released for a long time, of course – but now they’ve finally got some mates!


Kinakk, Krokodar Warrior – 24,99 Pfund

Kinakk is the warrior variant of the banner bearer from the Slaughterers, Vókkinak. Again sculpted by Benoît Cosse from the artwork by Christophe Madura, Kinakk is ideal for replacing Vókkinak if you don’t want a banner bearer in your Krokodar unit!

Mierce Miniatures ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Link: Mierce Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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