von BK-Markus | 04.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Memento Mori: Darklight Kickstarter

Der Memento Mori Darklight Kickstarter von Dark Ice Games läuft derzeit und geht noch 23 Tage.

Darklight is an old-school dungeon crawler with modern components and challenging gameplay. The game includes over 70 plastic miniatures and 20+ modular dungeon tiles, allowing for endless possibilities of adventures. Our inspiration comes from the great titles of this genre such as Diablo, Warhammer Quest and Dark Souls, as well as the writings of Dante Alighieri.


Key Features:

Cooperative play for 1 up to 4 players. Adjustable difficulty depending on the number of Heroes in play.

Randomly generated dungeons with 36 unique quests.

Play single adventures with the Basic Rules or extend your experience by travelling to settlements with the Advanced Rules.

Find, craft, customise and equip hundreds of different items.

Robust and flexible levelling-up system with over 20 Skill Cards per character, allowing your Hero to become unique.”

With the help of optional narrative found on events and items, create and share incredible stories through the rich, mysterious lore of this dark-gothic world.

Awoken Reward:

By backing the AWOKEN Reward or the above pledges, you will receive the following box and its contents.

Please be aware the items are likely to change as the game’s design is finalized.


When the funding goal is met the core box will be produced and sent to you. If you have pledged using the ACCURSED reward each of the following Stretch Goals will be sent to you at no extra cost, once its target is met. So make sure you spread the word if you want your own pledge to increase in value!

We believe in quality over quantity so instead of planning for more stretch goals than you can count, our focus will be to provide you with a rich and polished core experience first. The money raised after the stretch goals will give us the means to increase the overall quality of the core game.

Stretch Goals Map


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By adding money to your current pledge you may buy one of the following add-ons. It is important you keep in mind these are made to purely add value to the base game and do not add new gamepaly features.

To buy any of these, add to your pledge value an amount of money equal to the price tag found on the top right corner of the pledge you wish to buy. You may buy as many as you want even multiple copies of the same add on.


Shipping costs are not included within the available pledges as they rely on the game box size and weight which we cannot yet confirm. The shipping expenses will have to be later added by you in order to receive the game. Our promise is to make these as cheap as possible by not profiting on them (reason why we do not feel it would be morally right to charge you now a flat rate which would later turn out to be overpriced).

Our goal is to use different fulfilment companies to avoid high costs and custom taxes, especially for EU and US backers. We will be looking at the best options to make this happen based on how much money has been raised. Those who pledge earliest will be the first in line to receive the final product as the scale of the projects requires us to ship in waves. We can only estimate an average between £10-30 (Approx USD: $15-$40 but please keep in mind these can vary a lot depending on the amount of Stretch Goals.

The Miniatures:

The miniatures will be cast in plastic and be pre-assembled from highly detailed 3D printed sculptures, Our goal is to make sure these are as spectacular as possible like the following resin casts. We will be working very closely with the manufacturer to make sure their design is preserved.





We have prepared a draft of the Basic Rules which allows you to better understand how the game is played. It is important to keep in mind this is not final and will be rewritten by an experienced writer once the project is funded.

In Darklight: Memento Mori there is much more to the experience than just dungeon combat and exploration. If you choose to play with the Advanced Rules you will also take treacherous journeys across hazardous lands, each giving you are series of choices and challenges which must be overcome

If you manage to survive the harsh travelling conditions and find yourself in a Settlement, you can take some time to rest, recover and replenish your strength. But be warned, you will have to stay one step ahead of the Angel of Death  and deal with the locals, who can either play nice or make your life very difficult, depending on who you’re dealing with. Build a reputation for yourself to reduce the cost of living and shop items, as well as all the other perks that go along with being a local legend. Each day you will be able to visit a variety of locations, including some extra ‘Special’ ones which are home to unique characters such as the Blacksmith. You can also prepare for exploration by salvaging and customising items, or take part in events such as the legendary Jousting tournaments. Each location you visit has its own unique set of unexpected events which you can choose to react to in positive or negative ways. When an orphan begs you for food and souls will you give up your precious resources, or selfishly ignore their pleas?


In conclusion, the game is divided into three different parts; Dungeons, Travelling and Settlements. These provide players with a rich and varied experience, keeping things fresh with each playing experience. The extra features allows you to build upon you character and gives the Hero –and you- the opportunity to be more invested in the world.


There are no elves, dwarves, orcs or any fantasy character you might be accustomed with, everything is designed from a blank canvas. Inspiration comes from a dystopian view of a time similar to our late middle ages, with religion making the main cultural impact on people lives, including religious persecutions, fanaticism and much more. Intermundis has gone though an apocalyptic event known as the Soul Plague, a demonic invasion which almost wiped out humanity.

Shortly after this event, the manifestation of people’s fears took real form. Once a superstitious myth now reality; The Angel of Death, known as the Grim Warden, which collects the souls of anyone he deems necessary. His visit could happen to anyone at any time, the only way to avoid your name to be written within his grimoire is to offer the souls of others, making them the most valued currency of this world.

You are an Accursed, an individual gifted with a Cursed Heart by the Grim Warden for reasons you do not yet understand, but what you do know is that you must face horrors and hardships like no other.

There are many layers to this story but we won’t spoil them for you here. We will let you discover the universe for yourself and experience the story as you play. However, if this didn’t satisfy your story-lust then please check out the Lore guide for more details

Social Unlocks:

We have added some small rewards for your contribution in expanding the social network of Darklight!






We have unlocked our first Board Game Geek goal! Now let’s reach 350 likes to unlock the „Coin of Life or Death“ loot card. A coin which can change the fate of a dice roll at the most crucial of moments!  You may click on the above image to get the page link.

And let’s reach a total of 3000 likes on Facebook to get a fun new quest which will test the true value of your party’s friendship! You may click on the above image to get the page link. Now I need to get back to answer all your questions and get busy until we are ready with another little update!

We are also currently negotiating with some very talented writers which have previously published well known and popular table top games.

This game has been designed to be easily expanded, but the core box still features enough content for countless hours of play and it is a full game experience on its own which does not require anything else to be fully enjoyed.

Our intent is not to churn out cheap, quick expansions but to make sure whatever we release is well designed to add true value and new concepts to an already amazing game. We will always take on board your feedback and suggestions, which will help shape the future of this game. The Soul of Darklight will belong to its fans as much as to its creators.

We want to hear the stories of your journeys, the characters, items and creatures you have designed and encountered. The greatest among these fan creations will become an official part of the Darklight world, and we will be available from our website.


Quelle: Memento Mori Darklight auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Hmmm sieht ja ansich ganz nett aus, aber im Endeffekt:
    Yet another Dungeon Crawler.
    Dann noch für mich falsche Spielerzahl und zu hoher Preis.
    Also nichts, was mich persönlich reizt.

  • ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber die Bodenpläne erinnern mich schon SEHR stark an Warhammer Quest 😛 😀 😛

    • Nicht nur die Spielpläne. Auch wie man das Dungeon zusammenbaut scheint sehr inspiriert zu sein.
      Könnte einer der besseren Crawler werden!

  • Ok, der erste Eindruck ist echt sehr gut.
    Und es ist auch schon gefunded.
    Und EU-freundlich.

    Oh, Mann! Das spricht schon sehr dafür, wenn ich nur genug Geld übrig hätte…

  • Hmmm ich hab ja eigendlich schon mehr als genug Dungeon-coop-whatever Spiele bis an mein Lebensende, aber die Minis find ich gut, und dafür hätte ich tatsächlich den ein oder anderen Verwendungszweck.

    Mal schaun was da in den nächsten Wochen noch passiert, aber jetzt hab ich das auf jeden Fall erstmal auf dem Schirm.

  • Sieht sehr schön aus. Ich kann da wohl leider nicht widerstehen …

    Langsam aber sicher merkt man, das die Leute wohl etwas Kickstarter-Müde werden. Vor 1-2 Jahren wäre um diese Zeit ein solcher KS mit dieser Qualität bestimmt schon beim doppelten oder dreifachen Betrag gewesen.

    • Ich hab für mich festgestellt, dass KS nix für mich ist, hab jetzt an zweien teilgenommen, vom ersten (robotech) war ich sehr enttäuscht… ewige Wartezeiten, ich hab immer noch nicht alles, es wurden vorab Exemplare an Besucher der GEN-Con verkauft, bevor der erste backer auch nur ein Teil bekommen hat, schlechte Info etc. Als der erste kram dann anderthalb Jahre zu spät ankam war meine Begeisterung mehr als verflogen. Der karton wanderte dann erstmal in den Schrank und bis heute hab ich noch kein Modell zusammen gebaut.

      Auch beim Zweiten (Dungeon Saga) war nicht mehr soviel Begeisterung übrig …

      Mittlerweile warte ich bis das System beim meinem Einzelhändler landet und entscheide dann ob ich das Spiel wirklich brauche und haben will.

      Außerdem gab und gibt es ja einige Fälle, wo die backer ziemlich auf die Schnauze gefallen sind. Das wirkt sich natürlich auch auf Mentalität der kunden aus.

      • Robotech war aber auch Kevin…. der Mann hat schon seit Jahrzehnten einen miesen Ruf.

        Und bei den Fällen wo die Backer auf die Schnauze gefallen sind, war durch etwas Recherche meist schon vorab abzusehen, dass der KS schwierig werden wird.

  • Das Wort Kickstarter hört man ja momentan auch öfter wie Space Marine.
    Und es laufen ja auch gefühlt 5 spannende KS parallel während drei andere noch nicht mal den Pledgemanager gestartet haben und mindestens 5 weitere schon angeteasert werden.

  • Was die Kommunikation mit den Backern angeht, da ist dieser Kickstarter wirklich sehr vorbildlich. Einige Vorschläge der Backer wurden umgesetzt und so ziemlich jeder bekommt Antworten zu den gestellten Fragen.

  • Sehr hoch wird der Kickstarter warscheinlich nicht gehen, vor aĺlem da er nicht in Dollar ist. Aber ich bin an Bord, Hauptsache die machen gute Minis und anständige Regeln, scheiß auf sinnlose Strechgoals.

  • Problem sehe ich etwas mit den Regeln. Laut Aussagen des Entwicklers wird man wohl die Advanced Rules nur ausschnittweise präsentiert bekommen vor Ende des Kickstarters. Auch haben sie wohl bisher noch kein einziges Testexemplar zum Probespielen verschickt. Da hätte man imo den KS noch länger vorbereiten sollen.

    Da es das erste Projekt eines 2 Mann Teams ist bin ich da schon etwas skeptisch. Das Artdesign der Figuren sagt mir dagegen sehr zu. Mal wirklich etwas einzigartiges und nicht so generisch langweilig wie bei Sword & Sorcery. Wobei S&S imo ein guter dungeon crawler wird.

    Ist mir zu riskant bei Darklight da Regelwerk numal das wichtigste ist, aber sobald es im Handel ist werde ich sicher mal danach schauen.

  • Die letzten Stunden des Kickstarters laufen.
    Mittlerweile konnte man anhand vieler ausführlicher Updates einen sehr guten Eindruck des Spiel-und Levelingsystems erkennen. Auch sind alle Bossmonster als Upgrade verfügbar.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.