Malifaux: Weitere Lineups
Wyrd zeigen weitere Preview-Artworks zu Malifaux.
- Today is a sneak peek at the Resurrectionist lineup from the upcoming Ripples of Fate! Including the new Master, Reva.
- Today is a sneak peek at the Ten Thunders lineup from the upcoming Ripples of Fate! Including the new Master, Asami.
- Today is a sneak peek at the Arcanist lineup from the upcoming Ripples of Fate! Including the new Master, Sandeep.
- Today is a sneak peek at the Outcast lineup from the upcoming Ripples of Fate! Including the new Master, Parker.
Malifaux ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasyladen erhältlich.
Quelle: Wyrd Games
Sandeep finde ich tatsächlich mal wieder ansprechend. Mit seinem Kali- Teil im Hintergrund könnte das echt witzig werden…
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