von BK-Christian | 23.08.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Maelstrom’s Edge: Upgrade und Downloads

Für Maelstrom’s Edge gibt es einen Upgradegussrahmen.

Der Rahmen enthält Teile für beide Fraktionen und ermöglicht verschiedene neue Truppentypen:


It is with great pleasure that we can now offer the Faction Expansion Sprue for sale at the Maelstrom’s Edge webstore.

The faction expansion sprue is needed to build the following new units:

Epirian Contractor Suppression Teams

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Epirian Contractors (shock battons, as well as helmet and covered arm options)


Karist Praetorians

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and it adds new options for:

Karist Shadow Walkers (cybel mine)


Karist Troopers (cybel blades, new head)


The faction expansion sprue contains the following components (in no particular order):

1x small knife (faction independent but generally more appropriate for Karists)
1x EMP grenade
1x Choke grenade
1x Cybel Charge
1x Rad Grenade
1x Swarmer Grenade
3x different Epirian helmeted heads (usable on contractors and contractor suppression teams)
1x Karist pistol without attached hand
2x Karist cybel blades
1x Epirian shock baton
3x Karist new hand poses (grip, hold, clench)
1x Epirian shock mace
2x Karist pulse carbines without attached hands
2x Karist grenade launchers without attached hands
2x Karist radwave emitters without attached hands
5x Epirian clothed left arms
5x Epirian clothed right arms
1x Cybel mine
1x Karist shouting bald head
1x Karist trooper pointing arm
3x Karist praetorian loincloths (keyed to leg poses on the Karist Trooper sprue)
2x Karist cybel glaives

As part of our launch promotion, the sprue is being sold at a discounted rate until the 22nd Aug. Right now it is just £2.33 / $3.33 per sprue for a limited time, and sold in packs of 3. On the 22nd the price will go up to the normal price, increasing by £1/$1 per sprue.

We’ll then be bringing out bundles of sprues to allow individual units to be purchased with all necessary parts (The Epirian Contractor Suppression Team for instance needs an Epirian Contractor Sprue, 2-3 expansion sprues and 1-2 Scarecrow sprues!)

Außerdem gibt es für beide Fraktionen neue Armeebuch-PDFs:

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To help you build your forces up using the expansion sprue released on Monday, here is a completely free PDF faction book for The Epirian Foundation.

This book contains everything you’d expect from an army book, from the background and origins of the Epirian Foundation, to detailed, up-to-date force listings, abilities, equipment and points values and model stats, along with lots of lovely artwork.

If you have an Epirian army, you need this PDF, so grab it now, stick it on your phone or tablet, or just print a copy out as it is just 21 pages in all at time of writing, so fairly reasonable!

This book and the Karist one from yesterday will be going to print eventually, but not until we add a bunch more units next year, so it is digital only for the time being.

Enjoy 🙂

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To help you build your forces up using the expansion sprue released yesterday, here is a completely free PDF faction book for The Karist Enclave.

This book contains everything you’d expect from an army book, from the background and origins of the Karist Enclave, to detailed, up-to-date force listings, abilities, equipment and points values and model stats, not to mention lots of lovely artwork.

If you have a Karist army, you need this PDF, so grab it now, stick it on your phone or tablet, or just print a copy out as it is just 22 pages in all at time of writing, so fairly reasonable!

Enjoy 🙂

Und dann gibt es da noch den neuen Einsteigerleitfaden:

One thing that slipped a lot of people’s notice was that we now have a very detailed game walkthrough document up at the maelstrom’s edge website.

It is also available in PDF format for reading on a tablet or phone offline, or printing out.

The guide covers all major parts of the gameplay of Maelstrom’s Edge, from setting up, to the phases of a turn, suppression and beyond. Even if you are very familiar with Maelstrom’s Edge, we still recommend having a read through of the document as it could always give clarity on things that you want to know more about.

In other news, the Maelstrom’s Edge homepage has had an update. We will continue to update content on the website, but the homepage was very overdue for some tweaking. One fun thing of note on there is this video:

Quelle: The Comm Guild Maelstrom’s Edge


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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